Religion of peace--seriously?

True, but as a dad I look at those pictures and I see some damn good motivation to kill Americans. If it were me, I would certainly consider it.
Of course. That's my point. It matters not which Americans you kill so long as they ARE Americans...or Christians...or Muslims (and sometimes Sikhs because - you know - who can tell the difference)...or Jews...or....
And they have demagogue leaders telling them incessantly that their enemy is "the other" and lumping people with widely disparate beliefs and values into one group. That sounds familiar.
Did you just compare radical Muslims to republicans? Good ****ing grief
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Well...their prophet was a war lord and much of the teachings in the Koran is of violence towards outsiders.

However we should expect violence to be embedded in most religions as religion is a man made construct and man is inherently riddled w violence.

He was also a pedophile.

That’s right. The biggest delta between Christianity and Islam seems to be the central figure...Jesus v Mohammad.

One was a pacifist (plus claimed son of Christians) and the other was a war lord pedo.

I like how we have some people here who will absolutely rip Christians and then defend Muslims for their beliefs. Why, bc they are for the most part brown m and the orange man hates them (it is total wounded pet syndrome behavior).

The simple fact that this type of irrational thought process has played out in large percentages of our political followers may be showing us that politics is even more dumb than religion.
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Religion was the first stab at big govt before there was big govt. It is simply a tool to accumulate wealth, authority and control over large groups of people.

It’s why I think big religion and big govt are bad for humanity. Put another way; individuals are typically ok and in general most are cool but large organized groups of people can be very dangerous as they can be mobilized and convinced to commit horrific acts against others.

It’s why we should opt towards a more decentralized govt structure that leans more heavily on municipal and state govts for the well being of the citizenry and less on the blow stuff up arm war machine layer (federal govt).

You consolidate power up and atrocities and cover ups happen and gross levels. Hell then you might even get a stable genius psycho like Trump that gets the keys to that very entity you consolidated all your power too.

Big Religion, Big Govt = two sides of the same coin.
True, but as a dad I look at those pictures and I see some damn good motivation to kill Americans. If it were me, I would certainly consider it.

And if those were my three kids, I'm not joking it could very easily drive both my wife and I to visiting America and strapping some bombs on ourselves. The only thing that might stop me is knowing that the people I would be blowing up probably were not directly involved in it. But that sort of thought doesn't exactly cross one's mind when you are emotional.
Wtf? The only thing that might stop you is blowing up those not directly involved? Yeah no shit that should be a major thing that stops you. How is going into my church and killing me and my family accomplishing anything in your mind? I didn't drop the bomb from a drone onto your terrorist camp.
Any leader of any faction who tries to blame problems on an entire group. Have you not been paying attention?
Well no because you used the word demagogue.. so you weren’t talking about any leader of any faction you were talking about a political leader. Nice try on the cover up though.
Wtf? The only thing that might stop you is blowing up those not directly involved? Yeah no shit that should be a major thing that stops you. How is going into my church and killing me and my family accomplishing anything in your mind? I didn't drop the bomb from a drone onto your terrorist camp.

Ever delt with someone who's extremely emotional? They don't tend to operate on logic.

There is likely no more extreme emotion out there than having your children killed in a violent way.

If your kids are killed by a drone with an American flag on the wing it's pretty darn easy to simply hold that against all Americans. The fact that it might not be logical is meaningless because you are not dealing with a person that is realistically capable of logical thought.
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Well no because you used the word demagogue.. so you weren’t talking about any leader of any faction you were talking about a political leader. Nice try on the cover up though.
Anyone trying to effect political change can be a demagogue...they don't have to be a "political leader", you know. Why don't you go back and read the post that so triggered you. I would have put OBL in that group as a "demagogue leader" and I don't think you could call him a politician. I suppose you're going to claim there aren't any politicians of any stripe who use this tactic?
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There may be SOME? There are about 1.8 BILLION Muslims in the world. If they were all violent we’d be in real trouble. Try not to get tied up in the right wing hysteria- you’re more likely to be killed by a right wing terrorist in this country than a Muslim one.

Yeah I know right? The left wing defense has been "Only 10 percent are crazy radicals!" Then they kinda fade out when you mention that it equates to 180,000,000 of them. I mean...a hundred and eighty million is more than two and a half times the size of New York, California and Texas combined.

And since the radical mulim apologists like you always count stats that start just after, 9/11, the Boston Marathon and the Pulse Night Club, they fail to tell us the truth...that collectively, radical Muslims present the most logical terrorist threat than just about any other group.
In this thread one group of religious zealots points the finger at another group of religious zealots.

Meanwhile the rest of us try to avoid getting killed by religious zealots of any variety.

According to your logic, Bill Maher is a religious zealot because he points to Islam as having the more dangerous people acting out on its behalf. He made a movie making fun of Christians.

Sometimes it's OK to just point out things that are correct.
Wtf? The only thing that might stop you is blowing up those not directly involved? Yeah no shit that should be a major thing that stops you. How is going into my church and killing me and my family accomplishing anything in your mind? I didn't drop the bomb from a drone onto your terrorist camp.
Well, it's the kind of thinking that got us into Iraq when the 9/11 attack was perpetrated by Saudis following the rantings of a Saudi ensconced in Afghanistan.
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Yeah I know right? The left wing defense has been "Only 10 percent are crazy radicals!" Then they kinda fade out when you mention that it equates to 180,000,000 of them. I mean...a hundred and eighty million is more than two and a half times the size of New York, California and Texas combined.

And since the radical mulim apologists like you always count stats that start just after, 9/11, the Boston Marathon and the Pulse Night Club, they fail to tell us the truth...that collectively, radical Muslims present the most logical terrorist threat than just about any other group.
Do you honestly believe there are 180M radical Islamic terrorists in the world?
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Most Muslims believe in Sharia law and jihadi, if you're talking about the fundamentalists. People may identify with a religion but that doesn't mean they are serious or practice it. True adherents to Islam are not peaceful.

My understanding is just fine.
Just read the start of the Koran and you can see it is a religion of peace, right? Wait, it gets violent towards the end. Wait, Muhammed said that you have to read the Koran using abrogation. What is first if last, what is last is first. Definitely not a religion of peace. Jews and Christians are OK, so long as they understand they are chattel, can be taxed extra and can never build another church or synagog. If you are not of the book (OT based religion)? Oh you can just go ahead and kill those.

Read up on how they take over countries like a virus. Then the Sharia police come in and shame liberals into submission and how the society then radicalizes. Literally, Islam means submission.

From Wikopedia,

In a religious context it means "voluntary submission to God". Islām is the verbal noun of Form IV of the root, and means "submission to God" or "surrender". Muslim, the word for an adherent of Islam, is the active participle of the same verb form, andmeans "submitter to God" or "one who surrenders".

That religion is like a virus, and it kills it's host as you even have groups within Muslim dominant countries that fight each other because you are not Muslim enough.

Oh, and if you try to leave this religion of peace, you are an apostate. In an Islamic country, they will kill you unless you repent.
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Not that I'm defending what they did but I also have an understanding the violence begets violence.

You see Americans being blown up on TV and they see this. They don't show those pictures on American TV.

All I'm saying is there are some darn good reasons that people in the middle east don't exactly see us as the good guys or "innocent victims".

The war on terrorism will never end because we keep creating more terrorists.

Listen I'll be honest, if those were my three kids, taking a visit to America and strapping a bomb on myself wouldn't seem like such a terrible idea. I would hope I would avoid that temptation, but you don't exactly think straight when your kids are murdered by a drone with an American flag on the wing.

So...what's the excuse of the Boston Marathon Bombers or Pulse Nightclub shooters? All from here. Nothing to do with those kids. Just radicalized American Muslims hell bent on killing "infidels".
I'm a liberal Democrat but check out this terrorist organization list. Can we truly say Islam isn't a violent religion?

1.Al-Shabab (Africa),
2.Al Murabitun (Africa),
3.Al-Qeada (Afghanistan),
4.Al-Qaeda (Islamic Maghreb),
5.Al-Qaeda (Indian Subcontinent),
6.Al-Qaeda (Arabian Peninsula),
7.Hamas (Palestine),
8.Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestine),
9.Popular Front for the Liberation of (Palestine),
10.Hezbola (Lebanon),
11.Ansar al-Sharia-Benghazi (Lebanon),
12.Asbat Al-Ansar (Lebanon),
13.ISIS (Iraq),
14.ISIS (Syria),
15.ISIS (Cauacus)
16.ISIS (Libya)
17.ISIS (Yemen)
18.ISIS (Algeria),
19.ISIS (Philippines)
20.Jund al-Sham (Afganistan),
21.Al-Mourabitoun (Lebanon),
22.Abdullah Azzam Brigades (Lebanon),
23.Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (Somalia),
24.Al-Haramain Foundation (Saudi Arabia),
25.Ansar-Al-Sharia (Moroccon),
26.Moroccon Mudjadine (Morocco),
27.Salafia Jihadia (Morocco),
28.Boko Haram (Afrika),
29.Islamic movement of (Uzbekistan),
30.Islamic Jihad Union (Uzbekistan),
31.Islamic Jihad Union (Germany),
32.DRW True-Religion (Germany)
33.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Germany)
34.DIK Hildesheim (Germany)
35.Jaish-e-Mohammed (Kashmir),
36.Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (Syria),
37.Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Syria),
38.Jamaat al Dawa al Quran (Afghanistan),
39.Jundallah (Iran)
40.Quds Force (Iran)
41.Kata'ib Hezbollah (Iraq),
42.Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (Somalia),
43.Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Egypt),
44.Jund al-Sham (Jordan)
45.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Australia)
46.Society of the Revival of Islamic 47.Heritage (Terror funding, WorldWide offices)
48.Taliban (Afghanistan),
49.Taliban (Pakistan),
50.Tehrik-i-Taliban (Pakistan),
51.Army of Islam (Syria),
52.Islamic Movement (Israel)
53.Ansar Al Sharia (Tunisia),
54.Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of (Jerusalem),
55.Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (Libya),
Movement for Oneness and Jihad in (West Africa),
56.Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestine)
57.Tevhid-Selam (Al-Quds Army)
58.Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (Morroco),
59.Caucasus Emirate (Russia),
60.Dukhtaran-e-Millat Feminist Islamists (India),
61.Indian Mujahideen (India),
62.Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen (India)
63.Ansar al-Islam (India)
64.Students Islamic Movement of (India),
65.Harakat Mujahideen (India),
66.Hizbul Mujhaideen(India)
67.Lashkar e Islam(India)
68.Jund al-Khilafah (Algeria),
69.Turkistan Islamic Party,
70.Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Egypt),
71.Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front (Turkey),
72.Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (Pakistan),
73.Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (Pakistan),
74.Lashkar e Toyiba(Pakistan)
75.Lashkar e Jhangvi(Pakistan)
Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (Pakistan),
76.Jamaat ul-Ahrar (Pakistan),
77.Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (Pakistan),
78.Jamaat Ul-Furquan (Pakistan),
79.Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (Syria),
80.Ansar al-Din Front (Syria),
81.Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (Syria),
82.Jamaah Anshorut Daulah (Syria),
83.Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement (Syria),
84.Liwa al-Haqq (Syria),
85.Al-Tawhid Brigade (Syria),
86.Jund al-Aqsa (Syria),
87.Al-Tawhid Brigade (Syria),
88.Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade (Syria),
89.Khalid ibn al-Walid Army (Syria),
90.Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (Afganistan),
91.Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (Afganistan)
92.Hizb ut-Tahrir (Worldwide Caliphate),
93.Hizbul Mujahideen (Kasmir),
94.Ansar Allah (Yemen),
95.Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (USA),
96.Jamaat Mujahideen (India),
97.Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (Indonesia),
98.Hizbut Tahrir (Indonesia),
99.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Indonesia),
100.Jemaah Islamiyah (Indonesia),
101.Jemaah Islamiyah (Philippines),
102.Jemaah Islamiyah (Singapore),
103.Jemaah Islamiyah (Thailand),
104.Jemaah Islamiyah (Malaysia),
105.Ansar Dine (Africa),
106.Osbat al-Ansar (Palestine),
107.Hizb ut-Tahrir (Group connecting 108.Islamic Caliphates across the world into one world Islamic Caliphate)
109.Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order (Iraq)
110.Al Nusra Front (Syria),
111.Al-Badr (Pakistan),
112.Islam4UK (UK),
113.Al Ghurabaa (UK),
114.Call to Submission (UK),
115.Islamic Path (UK),
116.London School of Sharia (UK),
117.Muslims Against Crusades (UK),
118.Need4Khilafah (UK),
119.The Shariah Project (UK),
120.The Islamic Dawah Association (UK),
121.The Saviour Sect (UK),
123.Jamaat Ul-Furquan (UK),
124.Minbar Ansar Deen (UK),
125.Al-Muhajiroun (UK) (Lee Rigby, London 2017 members),
126.Islamic Council of Britain (UK) (Not to be confused with Offical Muslim Council of Britain),
127.Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (UK),
128.Al-Gama'a (Egypt),
129.Al-Islamiyya (Egypt),
130.Armed Islamic men of (Algeria),
131Salafist Group for Call and Combat (Algeria),
132.Ansaru (Algeria),
133.Ansar-Al-Sharia (Libya),
134.Al Ittihad Al Islamia (Somalia),
135.Ansar al-Sharia (Tunisia),
136.Al-Shabab (Africa), Foundation (Germany) Martyrs' Brigades (Palestine),
139.Abu Sayyaf (Philippines),
140.Aden-Abyan Islamic Army (Yemen),
141.Ajnad Misr (Egypt),
142Abu Nidal Organization (Palestine),
143.Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (Indonesia)
maybe you have not been on here much but many of our resident libs feel Christians are the bigger problem
Do you honestly believe there are 180M radical Islamic terrorists in the world?

I know that saying "10% (or 8 or whatever) are radical Muslims" is a horrible argument for explaining away how Islam overall isn't a real problem.

What number makes it not a real problem then? 150 million? 100 million? That's still an awful lot.
Ever delt with someone who's extremely emotional? They don't tend to operate on logic.

There is likely no more extreme emotion out there than having your children killed in a violent way.

If your kids are killed by a drone with an American flag on the wing it's pretty darn easy to simply hold that against all Americans. The fact that it might not be logical is meaningless because you are not dealing with a person that is realistically capable of logical thought.
I seriously cannot believe we have people on here justifying killing innocent civilians bc of American military action.
Not just that but do you really believe all these terrorists are only that way because some American drone killed their kids?
Get your bleeping head out of the sand man.
I'm a liberal Democrat but check out this terrorist organization list. Can we truly say Islam isn't a violent religion?

1.Al-Shabab (Africa),
2.Al Murabitun (Africa),
3.Al-Qeada (Afghanistan),
4.Al-Qaeda (Islamic Maghreb),
5.Al-Qaeda (Indian Subcontinent),
6.Al-Qaeda (Arabian Peninsula),
7.Hamas (Palestine),
8.Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestine),
9.Popular Front for the Liberation of (Palestine),
10.Hezbola (Lebanon),
11.Ansar al-Sharia-Benghazi (Lebanon),
12.Asbat Al-Ansar (Lebanon),
13.ISIS (Iraq),
14.ISIS (Syria),
15.ISIS (Cauacus)
16.ISIS (Libya)
17.ISIS (Yemen)
18.ISIS (Algeria),
19.ISIS (Philippines)
20.Jund al-Sham (Afganistan),
21.Al-Mourabitoun (Lebanon),
22.Abdullah Azzam Brigades (Lebanon),
23.Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (Somalia),
24.Al-Haramain Foundation (Saudi Arabia),
25.Ansar-Al-Sharia (Moroccon),
26.Moroccon Mudjadine (Morocco),
27.Salafia Jihadia (Morocco),
28.Boko Haram (Afrika),
29.Islamic movement of (Uzbekistan),
30.Islamic Jihad Union (Uzbekistan),
31.Islamic Jihad Union (Germany),
32.DRW True-Religion (Germany)
33.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Germany)
34.DIK Hildesheim (Germany)
35.Jaish-e-Mohammed (Kashmir),
36.Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (Syria),
37.Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Syria),
38.Jamaat al Dawa al Quran (Afghanistan),
39.Jundallah (Iran)
40.Quds Force (Iran)
41.Kata'ib Hezbollah (Iraq),
42.Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (Somalia),
43.Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Egypt),
44.Jund al-Sham (Jordan)
45.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Australia)
46.Society of the Revival of Islamic 47.Heritage (Terror funding, WorldWide offices)
48.Taliban (Afghanistan),
49.Taliban (Pakistan),
50.Tehrik-i-Taliban (Pakistan),
51.Army of Islam (Syria),
52.Islamic Movement (Israel)
53.Ansar Al Sharia (Tunisia),
54.Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of (Jerusalem),
55.Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (Libya),
Movement for Oneness and Jihad in (West Africa),
56.Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestine)
57.Tevhid-Selam (Al-Quds Army)
58.Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (Morroco),
59.Caucasus Emirate (Russia),
60.Dukhtaran-e-Millat Feminist Islamists (India),
61.Indian Mujahideen (India),
62.Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen (India)
63.Ansar al-Islam (India)
64.Students Islamic Movement of (India),
65.Harakat Mujahideen (India),
66.Hizbul Mujhaideen(India)
67.Lashkar e Islam(India)
68.Jund al-Khilafah (Algeria),
69.Turkistan Islamic Party,
70.Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Egypt),
71.Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front (Turkey),
72.Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (Pakistan),
73.Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (Pakistan),
74.Lashkar e Toyiba(Pakistan)
75.Lashkar e Jhangvi(Pakistan)
Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (Pakistan),
76.Jamaat ul-Ahrar (Pakistan),
77.Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (Pakistan),
78.Jamaat Ul-Furquan (Pakistan),
79.Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (Syria),
80.Ansar al-Din Front (Syria),
81.Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (Syria),
82.Jamaah Anshorut Daulah (Syria),
83.Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement (Syria),
84.Liwa al-Haqq (Syria),
85.Al-Tawhid Brigade (Syria),
86.Jund al-Aqsa (Syria),
87.Al-Tawhid Brigade (Syria),
88.Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade (Syria),
89.Khalid ibn al-Walid Army (Syria),
90.Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (Afganistan),
91.Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (Afganistan)
92.Hizb ut-Tahrir (Worldwide Caliphate),
93.Hizbul Mujahideen (Kasmir),
94.Ansar Allah (Yemen),
95.Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (USA),
96.Jamaat Mujahideen (India),
97.Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (Indonesia),
98.Hizbut Tahrir (Indonesia),
99.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Indonesia),
100.Jemaah Islamiyah (Indonesia),
101.Jemaah Islamiyah (Philippines),
102.Jemaah Islamiyah (Singapore),
103.Jemaah Islamiyah (Thailand),
104.Jemaah Islamiyah (Malaysia),
105.Ansar Dine (Africa),
106.Osbat al-Ansar (Palestine),
107.Hizb ut-Tahrir (Group connecting 108.Islamic Caliphates across the world into one world Islamic Caliphate)
109.Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order (Iraq)
110.Al Nusra Front (Syria),
111.Al-Badr (Pakistan),
112.Islam4UK (UK),
113.Al Ghurabaa (UK),
114.Call to Submission (UK),
115.Islamic Path (UK),
116.London School of Sharia (UK),
117.Muslims Against Crusades (UK),
118.Need4Khilafah (UK),
119.The Shariah Project (UK),
120.The Islamic Dawah Association (UK),
121.The Saviour Sect (UK),
123.Jamaat Ul-Furquan (UK),
124.Minbar Ansar Deen (UK),
125.Al-Muhajiroun (UK) (Lee Rigby, London 2017 members),
126.Islamic Council of Britain (UK) (Not to be confused with Offical Muslim Council of Britain),
127.Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (UK),
128.Al-Gama'a (Egypt),
129.Al-Islamiyya (Egypt),
130.Armed Islamic men of (Algeria),
131Salafist Group for Call and Combat (Algeria),
132.Ansaru (Algeria),
133.Ansar-Al-Sharia (Libya),
134.Al Ittihad Al Islamia (Somalia),
135.Ansar al-Sharia (Tunisia),
136.Al-Shabab (Africa), Foundation (Germany) Martyrs' Brigades (Palestine),
139.Abu Sayyaf (Philippines),
140.Aden-Abyan Islamic Army (Yemen),
141.Ajnad Misr (Egypt),
142Abu Nidal Organization (Palestine),
143.Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (Indonesia)
Any idea where this list originated?

I see it being reposted all over the place but none of the links I followed acknowledges where they got it.

Not that it matters if it turns out to be a correct list, but when I checked the one USA group, I learned that it is defunct.
I know that saying "10% (or 8 or whatever) are radical Muslims" is a horrible argument for explaining away how Islam overall isn't a real problem.

What number makes it not a real problem then? 150 million? 100 million? That's still an awful lot.
That you think Islam is the problem is the problem. Let's say Islam doesn't exist. These folks will be practicing some religious belief. Now, let's assume that other than this change in religious belief, their conditions and life experiences are exactly the same. You're going to tell me that such a difference would prevent their radicalization? Can you claim that the Bible can't be used to inspire terrible acts?
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So...what's the excuse of the Boston Marathon Bombers or Pulse Nightclub shooters? All from here. Nothing to do with those kids. Just radicalized American Muslims hell bent on killing "infidels".

I seriously cannot believe we have people on here justifying killing innocent civilians bc of American military action.
Not just that but do you really believe all these terrorists are only that way because some American drone killed their kids?
Get your bleeping head out of the sand man.

I'm not saying they have excuse and I'm not saying it's justified. I'm only saying that I understand what is happening.

I'm also saying that drone bombings because they have a high risk of civilian death are also unjustified.

You simply can not expect that when we are blowing up civilians over there on "accident" that the people there should just accept that and be cool with it.

Violence begets violence. Somewhere it starts and than it just never stops. We do a violent act over there, someone tries to do it over here. The cycle repeats over and over.
  • Like
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I seriously cannot believe we have people on here justifying killing innocent civilians bc of American military action.
Not just that but do you really believe all these terrorists are only that way because some American drone killed their kids?
Get your bleeping head out of the sand man.

Hoosier didn't justify anything. He simply said he understands how it happens. You do something terrible to people and some of them are going to react in a violent a visceral manner. That doesn't make it right -- it's simply inevitable.

How many Americans have a "Kill Them All; Let God Sort Them Out" t-shirts? How many times have you heard someone, even here on HROT, suggest we turn the whole Middle East into a parking lot? People don't always react logically.
I seriously cannot believe we have people on here justifying killing innocent civilians bc of American military action.
Not just that but do you really believe all these terrorists are only that way because some American drone killed their kids?
Get your bleeping head out of the sand man.
Why do you think the more eastern European countries want no Muslim immigrants? Read up on the "Bloody Borders of Islam."

Gays and Atheists should be protesting Muslim immigration.
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I'm a liberal Democrat but check out this terrorist organization list. Can we truly say Islam isn't a violent religion?

1.Al-Shabab (Africa),
2.Al Murabitun (Africa),
3.Al-Qeada (Afghanistan),
4.Al-Qaeda (Islamic Maghreb),
5.Al-Qaeda (Indian Subcontinent),
6.Al-Qaeda (Arabian Peninsula),
7.Hamas (Palestine),
8.Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestine),
9.Popular Front for the Liberation of (Palestine),
10.Hezbola (Lebanon),
11.Ansar al-Sharia-Benghazi (Lebanon),
12.Asbat Al-Ansar (Lebanon),
13.ISIS (Iraq),
14.ISIS (Syria),
15.ISIS (Cauacus)
16.ISIS (Libya)
17.ISIS (Yemen)
18.ISIS (Algeria),
19.ISIS (Philippines)
20.Jund al-Sham (Afganistan),
21.Al-Mourabitoun (Lebanon),
22.Abdullah Azzam Brigades (Lebanon),
23.Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (Somalia),
24.Al-Haramain Foundation (Saudi Arabia),
25.Ansar-Al-Sharia (Moroccon),
26.Moroccon Mudjadine (Morocco),
27.Salafia Jihadia (Morocco),
28.Boko Haram (Afrika),
29.Islamic movement of (Uzbekistan),
30.Islamic Jihad Union (Uzbekistan),
31.Islamic Jihad Union (Germany),
32.DRW True-Religion (Germany)
33.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Germany)
34.DIK Hildesheim (Germany)
35.Jaish-e-Mohammed (Kashmir),
36.Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (Syria),
37.Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Syria),
38.Jamaat al Dawa al Quran (Afghanistan),
39.Jundallah (Iran)
40.Quds Force (Iran)
41.Kata'ib Hezbollah (Iraq),
42.Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (Somalia),
43.Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Egypt),
44.Jund al-Sham (Jordan)
45.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Australia)
46.Society of the Revival of Islamic 47.Heritage (Terror funding, WorldWide offices)
48.Taliban (Afghanistan),
49.Taliban (Pakistan),
50.Tehrik-i-Taliban (Pakistan),
51.Army of Islam (Syria),
52.Islamic Movement (Israel)
53.Ansar Al Sharia (Tunisia),
54.Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of (Jerusalem),
55.Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (Libya),
Movement for Oneness and Jihad in (West Africa),
56.Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestine)
57.Tevhid-Selam (Al-Quds Army)
58.Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (Morroco),
59.Caucasus Emirate (Russia),
60.Dukhtaran-e-Millat Feminist Islamists (India),
61.Indian Mujahideen (India),
62.Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen (India)
63.Ansar al-Islam (India)
64.Students Islamic Movement of (India),
65.Harakat Mujahideen (India),
66.Hizbul Mujhaideen(India)
67.Lashkar e Islam(India)
68.Jund al-Khilafah (Algeria),
69.Turkistan Islamic Party,
70.Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Egypt),
71.Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front (Turkey),
72.Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (Pakistan),
73.Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (Pakistan),
74.Lashkar e Toyiba(Pakistan)
75.Lashkar e Jhangvi(Pakistan)
Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (Pakistan),
76.Jamaat ul-Ahrar (Pakistan),
77.Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (Pakistan),
78.Jamaat Ul-Furquan (Pakistan),
79.Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (Syria),
80.Ansar al-Din Front (Syria),
81.Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (Syria),
82.Jamaah Anshorut Daulah (Syria),
83.Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement (Syria),
84.Liwa al-Haqq (Syria),
85.Al-Tawhid Brigade (Syria),
86.Jund al-Aqsa (Syria),
87.Al-Tawhid Brigade (Syria),
88.Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade (Syria),
89.Khalid ibn al-Walid Army (Syria),
90.Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (Afganistan),
91.Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (Afganistan)
92.Hizb ut-Tahrir (Worldwide Caliphate),
93.Hizbul Mujahideen (Kasmir),
94.Ansar Allah (Yemen),
95.Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (USA),
96.Jamaat Mujahideen (India),
97.Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (Indonesia),
98.Hizbut Tahrir (Indonesia),
99.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Indonesia),
100.Jemaah Islamiyah (Indonesia),
101.Jemaah Islamiyah (Philippines),
102.Jemaah Islamiyah (Singapore),
103.Jemaah Islamiyah (Thailand),
104.Jemaah Islamiyah (Malaysia),
105.Ansar Dine (Africa),
106.Osbat al-Ansar (Palestine),
107.Hizb ut-Tahrir (Group connecting 108.Islamic Caliphates across the world into one world Islamic Caliphate)
109.Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order (Iraq)
110.Al Nusra Front (Syria),
111.Al-Badr (Pakistan),
112.Islam4UK (UK),
113.Al Ghurabaa (UK),
114.Call to Submission (UK),
115.Islamic Path (UK),
116.London School of Sharia (UK),
117.Muslims Against Crusades (UK),
118.Need4Khilafah (UK),
119.The Shariah Project (UK),
120.The Islamic Dawah Association (UK),
121.The Saviour Sect (UK),
123.Jamaat Ul-Furquan (UK),
124.Minbar Ansar Deen (UK),
125.Al-Muhajiroun (UK) (Lee Rigby, London 2017 members),
126.Islamic Council of Britain (UK) (Not to be confused with Offical Muslim Council of Britain),
127.Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (UK),
128.Al-Gama'a (Egypt),
129.Al-Islamiyya (Egypt),
130.Armed Islamic men of (Algeria),
131Salafist Group for Call and Combat (Algeria),
132.Ansaru (Algeria),
133.Ansar-Al-Sharia (Libya),
134.Al Ittihad Al Islamia (Somalia),
135.Ansar al-Sharia (Tunisia),
136.Al-Shabab (Africa), Foundation (Germany) Martyrs' Brigades (Palestine),
139.Abu Sayyaf (Philippines),
140.Aden-Abyan Islamic Army (Yemen),
141.Ajnad Misr (Egypt),
142Abu Nidal Organization (Palestine),
143.Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (Indonesia)
84 of those are funded by Saudi Arabia, 36 by Iran, 17 are CIA cover groups, and 4 are run by Mossad.

OK, OK, I made up those numbers. But would it surprise anyone if they were close to the truth?
Well, it's the kind of thinking that got us into Iraq when the 9/11 attack was perpetrated by Saudis following the rantings of a Saudi ensconced in Afghanistan.
The whole, "they were Saudi's" line is such a red herring. There's a reason they were training in Afghanistan and that bin Laden had been expelled from Saudi Arabia for years. He was diametrically opposed to the government's policies on dealing with the west among other things and was kicked out of the country.
Hoosier didn't justify anything. He simply said he understands how it happens. You do something terrible to people and some of them are going to react in a violent a visceral manner. That doesn't make it right -- it's simply inevitable.

How many Americans have a "Kill Them All; Let God Sort Them Out" t-shirts? How many times have you heard someone, even here on HROT, suggest we turn the whole Middle East into a parking lot? People don't always react logically.


And you don't even have to lose someone. I didn't know anyone who died on 9/11 but we all felt like we were attacked.

When a drone bomb falls on some your countrymen, you don't necessarily even have to know them to feel like you are being attacked.
The whole, "they were Saudi's" line is such a red herring. There's a reason they were training in Afghanistan and that bin Laden had been expelled from Saudi Arabia for years. He was diametrically opposed to the government's policies on dealing with the west among other things and was kicked out of the country.
Saudi Wahabi sponsored, none the less. The money poured in from Saudi Arabia.

Why do you think the USA is not calling for Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to step down after the assassination in Turkey. He is the current best hope at moderating that country and has been a huge reformer.
I'm not saying they have excuse and I'm not saying it's justified. I'm only saying that I understand what is happening.

I'm also saying that drone bombings because they have a high risk of civilian death are also unjustified.

You simply can not expect that when we are blowing up civilians over there on "accident" that the people there should just accept that and be cool with it.

Violence begets violence. Somewhere it starts and than it just never stops. We do a violent act over there, someone tries to do it over here. The cycle repeats over and over.
You still are justifying it by acting like if there weren't drone bombings there wouldn't be terrorists.
How many of the 9/11 hijackers had kids killed by American bombings?
Hoosier didn't justify anything. He simply said he understands how it happens. You do something terrible to people and some of them are going to react in a violent a visceral manner. That doesn't make it right -- it's simply inevitable.

How many Americans have a "Kill Them All; Let God Sort Them Out" t-shirts? How many times have you heard someone, even here on HROT, suggest we turn the whole Middle East into a parking lot? People don't always react logically.
Wearing a tshirt and making a stupid message board post is a long way from walking into a church daycare and detonating a bomb killing innocent kids bc they practice a different religion than you. The Christians in Sri Lanka aren't bombing anyone's kids.
But welcome to the idiot club that thinks any action perpetrated by radicals must be the fault of the us military.
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84 of those are funded by Saudi Arabia, 36 by Iran, 17 are CIA cover groups, and 4 are run by Mossad.

OK, OK, I made up those numbers. But would it surprise anyone if they were close to the truth?
Not gonna bother to document it but many of those groups - if not all - owe their ideology directly to Saudi Arabia and it's support for Wahhabism.

But...they have oil so....
Here's an interesting list. It shows which countries consider which organizations to be terrorist groups.

Pretty interesting to see which countries agree on which groups. For example, Israel and Iran both label al Qaeda as a terrorist organization.

Which might make you wonder who doesn't consider al Qaeda to be a terrorist organization. Saudi Arabia and Egypt for starters.
This has been discussed before. To act as though islam is the same as the other monotheistic religions is just as crazy as sharia law.
Is everyone that believes in sharia law a bomb strapping terrorist. No, but really what's the difference? both are policies based on fear.
What people do not know, is that the country that is consistently held up as the most moderate of all Islamist States, Turkey, no new Church has been allowed to be built for over 100 years. How is that for your religion of peace and tolerance?