Religion of peace--seriously?

Well, no, Mormonism holds it attractiveness also, then you find out they banned blacks from being members until fairly recently. As JC said, beware false prophets, you will know them by what they do.
A lot of American institutions banned blacks until fairly recently. Blacks weren't allowed in white churches of most all Christian denominations!

There are details of Mormonism are just as far-fetched, if not farther-fetched, than traditional Christianity. They add a new prophet- Joseph Smith. Mormons seem to be fairly peaceful, however. They don't seem to have a history of murdering other people. But, that Joseph Smith story is pretty wacky.

One thing about Mormonism that makes some sense to me is; You always hear God referred to as "He." Well, in Mormonism, that's absolute truth. God IS a MALE for them! Not figuratively, but literally. When I say it "makes sense", I mean, using the term "He" to refer to God is only necessary if you believe God to be a male. I never refer to God with any gender-specific reference. It's been pretty awesome because, now, for me, "God" is so much more than it was when I was restricted to western religious liturgy and terminology.

By the way; If you asked a Pharisee, or Sadducee in Judea in the time of Christ, Jesus was also a false prophet. For all I know, there are still a great many Jews that view Jesus as a false prophet. It doesn't matter to me what they think. But, I offered it to you as an example of how other religions don't view Christ like you do. Are they "wrong?"