Replacements for Tom…

Nelson is back? I thought he was done.

Can confirm, news articles say he is done. He lost the appeal. Unless something changes going forward, Nelson won't be back. So we have 2 returning AA and will not be close to competing for 1st and certainly not a lock to finish 2nd or 3rd.
Not quite accurate. Iowa will have Brands as well. Also, after watching 174 are you legitimately going to ignore how Arnold is a likely top contender?

Now, I do agree that Grip is over the top if he thinks Iowa will truly challenge PSU, but he is correct in saying Iowa should be clearly ahead of the rest….
I would think Ohio State would be
Not quite accurate. Iowa will have Brands as well. Also, after watching 174 are you legitimately going to ignore how Arnold is a likely top contender?

Now, I do agree that Grip is over the top if he thinks Iowa will truly challenge PSU, but he is correct in saying Iowa should be clearly ahead of the rest….
I would have a hard time saying Iowa is clearly above the rest of the field. Ohio State had a ton of young guys in their lineup and barely finished behind Iowa as one example.
Can confirm, news articles say he is done. He lost the appeal. Unless something changes going forward, Nelson won't be back. So we have 2 returning AA and will not be close to competing for 1st and certainly not a lock to finish 2nd or 3rd.
He is eligible for a medical and couldn’t apply until the season is over.
Casey is 48 this year. If he had wanted to be a head coach, he'd be one already. Besides, he has a sweet setup at PSU. I would certainly kick the tires if I'm Iowa but you better have a Plan B because I don't think he would say yes.
He's basically Phil Parker.
He did not participate in senior day and all indications are that he is coming back…
His pinned tweet indicates and implies that he’s done and not planning on coming back.
Honestly I don't. His overall skill set is more limited than them. Well scouted overused slide by and lefty swing single. Very limited mat game. He has gotten a bit better at scrambles. This year was a golden opportunity missed.
And any of those other 3 showed more than this? Davis has a double leg, sits back and stays on his knees. Solid on top but not overly dangerous to score from top. Stanich is sound but where does he stand out over Drake? Figs is crafty on his feet, but again sits back and lets action come to him. Most offense comes off the other guys attacks. Not much mat wrestling. So, where exactly would Drake be “more limited?”
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Why does something you don't believe in bother you so much? It's creepy actually and I'm not even particularly religious. I don't give a rat's behind what anyone's beliefs are. They are welcome to them as long as they don't infringe on my rights.

I find the cult like religious interview responses creepy.

You do give a rats ass what others believe as evident by the fact that you took issue with me mocking the thanking a hypothetical man in the clouds after winning a wrestling match.

I don't believe that their right to have the freedom of speech to say whatever they want in an interview should be taken away. But just as they have their freedom of speech, I have my right to mock the cult like interview responses.

If you don't like that, that's your pregrotative but don't claim that you don't care about what other's believe or welcome hearing their beliefs.
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I am by no means an “insider” but plenty much closer than me are pretty confident he is coming back. I guess we can only wait and see…

That's great to hear. Really hope that happens! Thanks for that info.
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I would think Ohio State would be

I would have a hard time saying Iowa is clearly above the rest of the field. Ohio State had a ton of young guys in their lineup and barely finished behind Iowa as one example.
Sasso coming back as well.
Albeit a rather dismal performance during the most recent face-off (!); and despite the regularly scheduled and persistent clammer by the many wordsmiths contributing to this forum, I believe that TNT (and company) will continue to be some of the finest horses down at the local glue factory. Finis. Exitus.
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Looks like Casey Cunningham has a young family. Would need the Brinks truck, but absolutely worth taking that shot. If he's looking to establish his own legacy as a head coach.

It's be sweet to seen the man behind the man step forward and knock down Cael.
Talked to his dad recently, gotten plenty of calls for jobs but doesn’t want to leave psu.
I don't think anyone is replacing brands. It's a traditional program that doesn't really break from the norm. Penn State was at the floor. A lot easier to make drastic changes from that point. I don't think anyone would make an immediate impact results wise. Philosophy wise, sure, but would take a few years to get the change everyone wants to see.

I understand both coaches were coming out of the tournament with different results, but just hearing post tournament interviews makes you aware that their approaches couldn't be further apart.
Honestly I don't. His overall skill set is more limited than them. Well scouted overused slide by and lefty swing single. Very limited mat game. He has gotten a bit better at scrambles. This year was a golden opportunity missed.

Gotta disagree here. Drake can get to the legs with anyone and he’s longer than the field. Thus, he has tremendous potential for improvement on his finishes and in the top position.

The issue with the coaching performance at Iowa isn’t that PSU is better. It’s that they are THIS much better and the rest of the field has caught up.

Iowa has the 2nd most resources in the NCAA. This isn’t acceptable.
I don't think anyone is replacing brands. It's a traditional program that doesn't really break from the norm. Penn State was at the floor. A lot easier to make drastic changes from that point. I don't think anyone would make an immediate impact results wise. Philosophy wise, sure, but would take a few years to get the change everyone wants to see.

I understand both coaches were coming out of the tournament with different results, but just hearing post tournament interviews makes you aware that their approaches couldn't be further apart.
Exactly. The clash of philosophies will keep Brands from pulling anyone anyway from psu.

Intensity. Center of the wrestling universe. Us against the world. All about getting your hand raised. Chasing results. Getting your name on the wall. The next best thing. Nail the basics. Carrying a big stick. All in all a freaking pressure cooker.
- VS -
It’s only a game. Don’t worry or focus on status. Preparing for bigger things outside of sport. All about getting better. Chase the process. Trying new things. Evolve. Gratitude.

No way Nolf, Taylor or insert any other psu alum could co-exist with Brands.
Kueter obviously has some great potential but he would probably struggle with another young guy like Feldman. As you said he needs the weight and one thing I noticed in his matches this year, is he didn't really have much in the way of his own shot. It was mostly counters or mat reversals. If he jumps right back into football and is mostly off the mat making progressions will be hard.
With the bowel game, and time to heal from football, he probably wrestles closer to a third of the season. There are two other heavyweights coming into college that are going to do both? We will see if any of them succeed.
Exactly. The clash of philosophies will keep Brands from pulling anyone anyway from psu.

Intensity. Center of the wrestling universe. Us against the world. All about getting your hand raised. Chasing results. Getting your name on the wall. The next best thing. Nail the basics. Carrying a big stick. All in all a freaking pressure cooker.
- VS -
It’s only a game. Don’t worry or focus on status. Preparing for bigger things outside of sport. All about getting better. Chase the process. Trying new things. Evolve. Gratitude.

No way Nolf, Taylor or insert any other psu alum could co-exist with Brands.
Sounds like you were listening to the PSU infomercials from the announcers at nationals. It’s like they are paid employees of PSU marketing department
I find the cult like religious interview responses creepy.

You do give a rats ass what others believe as evident by the fact that you took issue with me mocking the thanking a hypothetical man in the clouds after winning a wrestling match.

I don't believe that their right to have the freedom of speech to say whatever they want in an interview should be taken away. But just as they have their freedom of speech, I have my right to mock the cult like interview responses.

If you don't like that, that's your pregrotative but don't claim that you don't care about what other's believe or welcome hearing their beliefs.
Bash it all you want, but it's clearly working for them. You can claim hypotheticals all you want, so then you should also consider the hypothetical that there's something to it when nearly every single champ (for the past several seasons) believes in a higher power.

Go watch O'Toole's post-match interviews and how he uses his faith to keep perspective, how his faith makes him realize there's more to life than just wrestling and allows him to keep it loose and free and fun.

You can think it's a cult all you want, but it's clearly working for those guys and they all seem to be decent human beings. So why shit on it?

What they believe and how strong their faith is has zero impact on your life. You spend considerable more time watching their matches than the 30 second interviews into their mental fortitude - which at this point is far stronger than Iowa's as a whole. Again, there must be something to it.

Personally, I find it more troubling that you have to hop on here to vent about it.
Sounds like you were listening to the PSU infomercials from the announcers at nationals. It’s like they are paid employees of PSU marketing department
Actually just words uttered from Brands himself over the years and words uttered during post match interviews from many psu wrestlers after ncaa championship matches.
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Is there anyone on here that thinks drake A will develop and improve at greater pace than dsvis psu, stanich LH and fig asu in off season to run table next yr? I see getting same while the pack makes gains…..especially davis
Someone, I think Willie, said they expect Stanich to redshirt and then come back at 141
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This morning, I watched the Cael post tournament interview and was struck most when he said now is not the time to think about next year because they started thinking about next year four years ago. (I’ve heard him say basically everything else he said 100x.)

A little while ago I watched the Brands interview someone posted on Intermat. The one where he seems pretty choked up, presumably after Ayala’s loss. While moved by his emotion, I was struck by the contrast with Cael’s words/philosophy when he said it’s too early to start thinking about next year.
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This morning, I watched the Cael post tournament interview and was struck most when he said now is not the time to think about next year because they started thinking about next year four years ago. (I’ve heard him say basically everything else he said 100x.)

A little while ago I watched the Brands interview someone posted on Intermat. The one where he seems pretty choked up, presumably after Ayala’s loss. While moved by his emotion, I was struck by the contrast with Cael’s words/philosophy when he said it’s too early to start thinking about next year.
Since you said Cael already has things wrapped up 4 years in advance, shouldn’t he be saying it’s way too late to be thinking about next year
I would be interested in seeing how Mike Grey would do at Iowa. Young coach, promotes an exciting style of wrestling, and has the relationships out east where all the talent is.

Do I think Brands will be replaced? No way.

Don’t see that ever happening, but Mike is a excellent coach.
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my ideal scenario would be this: after the olympics/trials, bring in jordan burroughs or david taylor as an assistant with the 1-3 year plan to transition to hc if all goes well. it’s hard to bring some straight from senior level to a head coaching job no matter who they are. i think jb is more realistic.

i like ramos being thrown around for head assistant but not sure head coach makes sense.

now if i’m tom and want to stay coaching for a few more years then bringing on j’den cox to replace an assistant is my top priority. mark hall is a great assistant option too and i think it would be hard for anyone to argue that those two wouldn’t be a huge upgrade over telford and morningstar. nothing against those guys personally but we need some fresh perspectives and name recognition for recruiting.
Setting aside the specific names you mention, that structure is a disaster in waiting.

Washington Capitals Fan

PS - As I think about it more broadly, it occurs to me that, unlike pretty much every other endeavor, in the context of high-level competitive sports, the whole concept of "succession planning" really doesn't exist.
Bash it all you want, but it's clearly working for them. You can claim hypotheticals all you want, so then you should also consider the hypothetical that there's something to it when nearly every single champ (for the past several seasons) believes in a higher power.

Go watch O'Toole's post-match interviews and how he uses his faith to keep perspective, how his faith makes him realize there's more to life than just wrestling and allows him to keep it loose and free and fun.

You can think it's a cult all you want, but it's clearly working for those guys and they all seem to be decent human beings. So why shit on it?

What they believe and how strong their faith is has zero impact on your life. You spend considerable more time watching their matches than the 30 second interviews into their mental fortitude - which at this point is far stronger than Iowa's as a whole. Again, there must be something to it.

Personally, I find it more troubling that you have to hop on here to vent about it.
He uses the word "cult" bc its the new popular buzzword all the political obsessed morons use towards anyone they disagree with. It makes him feel superior as if his political party of choice is somehow less cultish lol.
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I don't think anyone is replacing brands. It's a traditional program that doesn't really break from the norm. Penn State was at the floor. A lot easier to make drastic changes from that point. I don't think anyone would make an immediate impact results wise. Philosophy wise, sure, but would take a few years to get the change everyone wants to see.

I understand both coaches were coming out of the tournament with different results, but just hearing post tournament interviews makes you aware that their approaches couldn't be further apart.
It doesn't take that long to make drastic changes in wrestling. Add a few stud high schoolers and transfers with a new staff and drill completely different stuff than the old staff and big changes can happen in a short amount of time.
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I don't want Coach Brands fired. I just want him to wise up and get a great upper/middle weight technician. "Maul and brawl" only go so far. Improvment/adjuctments is the real concern. I am aboard "The Dake Train".

We finished 5.5 points out of 2nd place. The 3 suspended starters would've made up those points. We wrestled 4 spots higher than our seedings. We have 2 studs that have 4 years to wrestle in Arnold and Keuter. I believe the Ferrari brothers will wrestle for us. And we WILL HAVE Nelson back next year. The Sky is not falling..

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