RFK JR is on Rogan today if you want to check out his brand of crazy

None of the original vaccines were never tested against inert placebos either, meaning a true inert placebo baseline was never established.

Their poorly designed, short duration, low power, no inert placebo clinical trials were just as bad as the newer ones, leaving the true safety unknown. Then you go adding vaccine after vaccine after vaccine, of course never tested for possible synergistic issues. What a scam. No wonder why the experts at the WHO were calling for better safety science because they were losing the front line doctors who themselves are questioning their safety.
Yeah, but pfizer made tens of billions, they spent piles of it buying more media and lobbying politicians, and round and round we go. Saps like @joesplace probably didn't even get a cut lol!
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So crazy to be posting mainstream medical opinions, ain't it?
For example, if the mainstream medical opinion is the rate of autism has remained constant throughout history or that it's no big deal that inert placebos are excluded in the clinical trials for the entire childhood vaccine schedule, then I think it's reasonable to think it's crazy.
For example, if the mainstream medical opinion is the rate of autism has remained constant throughout history

Autism can be triggered by childhood infections; bacterial or viral.

That is now well-established.

Ergo, vaccines will PREVENT autism when they are given BEFORE a child gets those infections.
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Autism can be triggered by childhood infections; bacterial or viral.

That is now well-established.
Autism. Rate. Constant. Throughout history.

You're forcing yourself to believe (or lie) about something because it's the only way you can fit your narrative. Despite what the science says, and despite common sense. That is cognitive dissonance.

And most in the medical world I would guess knows the importance of inert placebo controlled clinical trials. It's not OK that vaccines got a free pass.
As you know of course I'm not disputing that. My point still remains uncontested.
If you argue with some clowns long enough they'll always refute themselves eventually.

How can one make the claim that vaccines actually PREVENT autism? Like 95% of kids in America are vaccinated yet the autism rates continue to climb, year after year after year.

If Joe or the CDC or the pharmaceutical companies actually believed this garbage they would be clamoring for a study of vaxxed v. unvaxxed kids and there are tens (or hundreds) of thousands of parents in this country that would LOVE for this to happen. Lets see the effects that vaccines have on autoimmune rates, SIDS, autism, etc.

But they know for a fact what an honest study would show.

So they keep spewing garbage. 🤡🤡🤡's
Because they can PREVENT severe viral infections.

Which are NOW KNOWN to be likely triggers for autism - they are HIGHLY associated with autism development.

Did your YouTube videos not inform you of this?
I didn't post any youtube videos, 🤡. And what you present as fact seems to be more like speculation as far as the science is concerned.

Autism is a group of heterogeneous, multi-factorial, neurodevelopmental disorders. Several factors play together to increase the risk of development of autism, including genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors, together with antenatal and early-life infections. Viral infection during critical periods of early in-utero neurodevelopment may lead to an increased risk of autism. Maternal infection by DNA or RNA viruses that can cross the maternal-fetal interface may induce neurodevelopmental problems in the developing fetus. Viral infection induces neuroinflammation that affects many neurological processes, including neural development, brain structures, synapse plasticity, cognition, and behaviour; therefore, it may end in the development of autism. There are many shreds of evidence that rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, influenza viruses, SARS-CoV-2 viruses, and zika virus infections during pregnancy and early life can trigger autism development. Conversely, children with autism are at increased risk of infections, including viruses. Every effort should be made to prevent maternal and early-life infections and reduce the risk of autism. Vaccination against common viral agents may help to reduce the prevalence of autism. Immune modulation of children with autism should be considered to reduce the risk of infection.

Deykin and MacMahon[55] suggested that antenatal or early postnatal exposure to chickenpox, mumps, measles, or rubella did not increase the likelihood of developing autism.

If Joe or the CDC or the pharmaceutical companies actually believed this garbage they would be clamoring for a study of vaxxed v. unvaxxed kids and there are tens (or hundreds) of thousands of parents in this country that would LOVE for this to happen. Lets see the effects that vaccines have on autoimmune rates, SIDS, autism, etc.

But they know for a fact what an honest study would show.
100% correct.
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You also didn't read your own link:

Infection is a significant trigger of autism, especially during the critical developmental period. There is a strong interplay between the viral infection as a trigger and a result of ASD.
The rate of autism was probably around 1 in 10,000 in the mid part of the last century. Around 1 in 36 post schedule ramp-up.
No, it just rarely existed.
Are we sure he doesn't have it?

Now he's resorted to quoting from the abstract of the study I linked in an attempt to prove that autism is caused by viral infection, even though the NIH (the world's foremost authority on medicine) states that "...we don't know..." what causes it.

They don't know...but apparently he does. 🤡

And we didn't call it autism back then? You sure about that???
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They don't know...but apparently he does. 🤡
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For example, if the mainstream medical opinion is the rate of autism has remained constant throughout history or that it's no big deal that inert placebos are excluded in the clinical trials for the entire childhood vaccine schedule, then I think it's reasonable to think it's crazy.
Nothing about what you sayid in agreement with 99.95% of the medical community.
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