"Although the regulatory agencies have clearly stated the acceptable levels of Al salts in vaccines for human use, there are no general indications for preclinical research." Yeah it'd be nice to see how they came to those acceptable levels.Meanwhile, 2012 called:
Aluminum Adjuvant Dose Guidelines in Vaccine Formulation for Preclinical Evaluations
"Flarend et al.15 demonstrated that 0.85 mg of Al3+ in the form of Al oxyhydroxide or Al phosphate injected intramuscularly in rabbits lead neither to a significant Al systemic exposure nor to an acute toxic effect."
"Flarend et al.15" is the your 2nd linked study. From that study: "The distribution profile of aluminium to tissues was the same for both adjuvants (kidney > spleen > liver > heart > lymph node > brain)." And how are we determining that that's okay? This sounds a lot like Gherardi's findings. Too bad we only have limited access to these publications.
"However, no significant toxicity has been observed by several researchers with a scaled down human dose of Al-based vaccine in preclinical species." Where are the citations here? Could that be because it hasn't been well researched, as many papers written about aluminum have stated, including the one that Joe linked earlier, and its citations? If the quoted is indeed the truth, why didn't the CDC and the NIH include either one of these studies as their evidence for the safety of aluminum?

CDC and NIH Unable to Provide a Single Study to Support the Safety of Injecting Aluminum Adjuvants Despite its Widespread Use in Childhood Vaccines - ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network
A series of ICAN FOIA's has revealed CDC and NIH do not have a single study to support the safety of aluminum adjuvant in childhood vaccines.

NIH Concedes it has No Studies Assessing the Safety of Injecting Aluminum Adjuvants - ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network
Vaccines given routinely during the first 6 months of life contain over 3500mg of aluminum. ICAN submitted a FOIA request to the NIH requested studies showing the safety of injecting aluminum - their search came back empty.

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