Prominent University of Iowa graduate and big donor to Iowa athletics has passed away. May he rest in peace.
Naturally, the DM Register's report is by Mr. Cyclone, Randy Peterson, who places premium emphasis on his gifting to ISU. Story begins with ISU football reference, quotes Pollard ahead of Barta, mentions his gifts to ISU ($6.5 million) ahead of the $10 million he gave to Iowa, mentions virtually nothing about how the UI grad's donations benefited his alma mater, and (naturally) flourishes his ending with an ISU football reference.
What a lop-sided hack job! It's easy to picture Peterson sitting at the computer, gently adjusting his Cyclone cheerleading skirt while rubbing the leg he broke while storming the court after ISU's improbable comeback BB against Iowa, then searching for a beginning, a middle, and an end to a news story that glorifies ISU athletics. Read for yourself:
Naturally, the DM Register's report is by Mr. Cyclone, Randy Peterson, who places premium emphasis on his gifting to ISU. Story begins with ISU football reference, quotes Pollard ahead of Barta, mentions his gifts to ISU ($6.5 million) ahead of the $10 million he gave to Iowa, mentions virtually nothing about how the UI grad's donations benefited his alma mater, and (naturally) flourishes his ending with an ISU football reference.
What a lop-sided hack job! It's easy to picture Peterson sitting at the computer, gently adjusting his Cyclone cheerleading skirt while rubbing the leg he broke while storming the court after ISU's improbable comeback BB against Iowa, then searching for a beginning, a middle, and an end to a news story that glorifies ISU athletics. Read for yourself: