Rick Santorum makes it official!

It's not even being forced on you as being "normal."

Religion and it's need for repression is one of the worst social dysfunctions ever made! I think it's great to have balance. It's actually vital to have balance. But, people take balance and throw it completely OFF-balance! Repression is not a way to deal with social issues. Shame, fear, guilt, calling things dirty or nasty, is all a by-product of religious repression. Religious people somehow managing to interpret Scripture to say "be ashamed of yourself for feeling pleasure" has really set the species back, big-time.
My favorite and most ridiculous quote from the bible "The meek shall inherit the earth",..yeah.....ummmmm....that's a lie and a one made to create followers.
The only reason meek will inherit anything is because the strong will have moved on to something better.
My favorite and most ridiculous quote from the bible "The meek shall inherit the earth",..yeah.....ummmmm....that's a lie and a one made to create followers.
The only reason meek will inherit anything is because the strong will have moved on to something better.

Don't get me wrong. I am a strong believer in Faith and Spiritual guidance and awareness. Even religions, in and of themselves, have incredible qualities. I just get a bit unnerved when the people who are self-appointed leaders of the religions start taking artistic license and creating false ideals and preferred behaviors based on their own insecurities and enjoying their ability to control others. People seem destined to always try to humanize God. I try to do the opposite.
Don't get me wrong. I am a strong believer in Faith and Spiritual guidance and awareness. Even religions, in and of themselves, have incredible qualities. I just get a bit unnerved when the people who are self-appointed leaders of the religions start taking artistic license and creating false ideals and preferred behaviors based on their own insecurities and enjoying their ability to control others. People seem destined to always try to humanize God. I try to do the opposite.
That's a great point actually. If God is really God, he ain't nothing like us.
Of course I did...and you throw around the insults well behind a computer don't you...LOL.I wouldn't be so loose with the insults if you travel through Tennessee...many of these ridge runners aren't as cordial as I am. Science is showing us...oh dear got it bad don't you Clarinda?
I'm straight with gay friends who struggle with their fellow Christians telling them they aren't worthy or normal. It's not how they want to be, it's how they are.
That's a great point actually. If God is really God, he ain't nothing like us.

That's another subtle way people humanize God... "He." He refers to a male. Males are males because they have a penis... so I'm told. So, using the term "He" when you consciously refer to God, over and over and over, creates a masculine image in your subconscious. Somehow, I think God probably doesn't have genitals.
Saying it is legal and actually being allowed to do it are 2 entirely different propositions. Do you think a teacher praying at the table should be fired? I had a Muslim student miss 1/3 of my economics class 2 years ago because it interfered with his "prayer time". I was told to give him a passing grade and it wasn't my choice...think a Christian kid would be allowed the same opportunity? Now as to the business issue I have mixed feelings. On one hand I don't think anyone should be forced to provide a service for something that goes against their personal beliefs...on the other hand that opens the door to those who would not want to provide a service to someone because of race...and that is something I would not stand for.
I bet you could...tell you what I'll invite you to my lake property to hunt wild turkey...might even let you get in on some of our trophy wild invite me to grouse and pheasant hunt...
I've got Turkey, deer, pheasant and boar...I'm interested.
Herman Cain on Rick Santorum:

The tweet linked to a blog post published by columnist Robert Laurie on the Cain TV website on Thursday, questioning “why every GOP throwback candidate feels they need to enter the race.”

“Does he bring anything to the table that hasn’t already been rejected? Nope,” the post said about Santorum. “Has he modified his message to appeal to a country that appears desperate for a true, small government, constitutionalist? Nope. Did he do anything in the years since 2008 that would give you a new reason to vote for him? Nope.”

“It’s simply a re-run.”
And Hilliary is simply a Obama 2.0 rerun version, so what's your point?
If I have to explain something this elementary to you, there really is no sense wasting my time.

It's pretty indicative how simple the mind is that thinks as long as Hillary Clinton isn't the next president, then the world is A-okay.
Much more control over politics and rights in America today as opposed to what time period? I think Christianity arguably has less control over rights now than at any previous point in American history. Same-sex marriage and recreational marijuana use will both be legal in most or all states very soon, much to the chagrin of the religious right.

Can you cite some examples of ways in which our rights are being controlled by Christians?
I grant the SSM point, but what does MJ use have to do with Christianity?
I don't think I ever once said anything about forcing my beliefs on fact I believe I stated I did not care one way or another. The point I am trying to make is things were much better when we were all on the same page as far as moral issues are concerned. You may not remember...I do...and things were much calmer and a heckuva lot more me.
I disagree that things were much better in the 1950's.
That's another subtle way people humanize God... "He." He refers to a male. Males are males because they have a penis... so I'm told. So, using the term "He" when you consciously refer to God, over and over and over, creates a masculine image in your subconscious. Somehow, I think God probably doesn't have genitals.
Then how could he be god? Hello people! I mean really do I need to spell this out?