Depends on who is voting for the award. If twitter is voting, Clark doesn't have a shot. If players and coaches vote, I don't think she has a shot either. If basketball experts vote, then Clark should win. I think in any other year Reese winning ROY would be a given, but this year there's just someone who is better than her.

All of this assumes that both players continue to play like they have been for the rest of the season, of course.
Averaging a double-double as a rookie is impressive. Except just a shade under 2 of her rebounds per game are off her own misses, which would drop her below 10 rb/g. Her shooting percentage is getting better lately, but still horrendous for a post player. She has 2 total blocks in her career of 17 games. And being a big is the easiest transition from college to the WNBA.

When looking at the whole picture CC is putting up pretty much historic numbers for a rookie, doing it at the hardest position for a rookie to play, while doing it against the most dedicated defenses a rookie has ever faced. She's averaging 7 assists/game, but that really should be 9 or 10 if her teammates could finish layups and hit wide open shots that she sets them up for. She's one of, if not the best, rebounding guard in the entire league already. She's averaging 16 ppg while not exactly shooting well yet, and she has 17 blocks with 27 steals so far this season in 20 games. The turnovers aren't great, but if her teammates helped her and she was at 9 or 10 assists per game like I mentioned, then her a/to ratio would be 1.6-1.8 which isn't that horrible.

Any basketball mind that can take bias out of a decision should look at that and say it is a no brainer.
Whichever team ends up with the better record, will likely sway the ROY vote---because the stats alone are probably too muddy to parse.
"Too muddy to parse." Not really. A guard who rebounds, scores, and assists is far beyond any big player who rebounds (many of her own misses) and shoots layups.

One person is a super talented athlete. The other one is a tall girl who, throughout college and now the pros, proves over and over and over again that she's a self-indulgent thug.

Watch both AR and CC play, and tell me who is the better athlete. You don't even need stats. Just use your damn eyes.

AR is a legend in her own mind, and that's as far as it goes. Hell, in her last game CC was ONE rebound short of the FIRST triple double for a rookie in WNBA history. In fact, CC had NINE rebounds while the opposing team's center, the fabulous Brittney Griner--all 6-9 of her--grabbed SIX rebounds.

There's no way any objective selection would choose anyone but CC.

BTW: How many national POY awards did AR win in college? How many Honda Cups? How many anything? AR ain't good enough to carry CC's skims.
Reese is a very good rebounder but that's really about it. She's pretty one dimensional. Doesn't score a ton of points. Has a horrible FG% for someone who shoots nearly all of her shots from within 3 feet of the basket. She's not a great defender, only has 2 blocked shots on the entire season.

CC obviously the much more well-rounded player. Shouldn't be close.
"Too muddy to parse." Not really. A guard who rebounds, scores, and assists is far beyond any big player who rebounds (many of her own misses) and shoots layups.

One person is a super talented athlete. The other one is a tall girl who, throughout college and now the pros, proves over and over and over again that she's a self-indulgent thug.

Watch both AR and CC play, and tell me who is the better athlete. You don't even need stats. Just use your damn eyes.

AR is a legend in her own mind, and that's as far as it goes. Hell, in her last game CC was ONE rebound short of the FIRST triple double for a rookie in WNBA history. In fact, CC had NINE rebounds while the opposing team's center, the fabulous Brittney Griner--all 6-9 of her--grabbed SIX rebounds.

There's no way any objective selection would choose anyone but CC.

BTW: How many national POY awards did AR win in college? How many Honda Cups? How many anything? AR ain't good enough to carry CC's skims.
Calm down. The question is "who will win," not who do you/or I think should win. Looking at it from that open perspective you know damn well the stats are argued as "muddy" from the different biases in play. There was an ESPN segment just this week that all pretty much landed in Reese's favor. Pretty easy to see that it would be no surprise if AR were to win if the award was handed out after 1/3 of the season.

Would i vote for her? Not a chance.
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BTW: How many national POY awards did AR win in college? How many Honda Cups? How many anything?

2023 Women’s Final Four Most Outstanding Player when she won the title.

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The problem is the WNBA folks have fallen in love with the double double (mainly because outside of Clark, no one in the league really has a chance to hit a triple double). But a double double in points and rebounds for a big in the WNBA is not that impressive especially when you’re talking 10 points and 10 rebounds. A big getting 10 points and 10 rebounds is not nearly as impressive as a PG getting 16 points, 8 assists and 7 rebounds (for example)…but it’s treated like it is. Take the double double discussion out of it and the disparity of the overall stats makes Clark the choice easily.
We have heard countless times that a WNBA rookie has never had a triple-double. When Clark finishes the season with 2 to 4, there is no way (barring injury) she can finish behind Reese.
Yeah I don't know where the narrative that Caitlin is the only one who can get a triple double came from. Especially since Alyssa Thomas had a triple double this year against Indiana.

The narrative is limited in scope and to the extent it exists it’s probably because she’s from Iowa, went to school at Iowa, this is an Iowa fan website, and except for some dolts from Nebraska, people who post on this site are huge Iowa fans. That’s my guess. Or were you being rhetorical?
Averaging a double-double as a rookie is impressive. Except just a shade under 2 of her rebounds per game are off her own misses, which would drop her below 10 rb/g. Her shooting percentage is getting better lately, but still horrendous for a post player. She has 2 total blocks in her career of 17 games. And being a big is the easiest transition from college to the WNBA.

When looking at the whole picture CC is putting up pretty much historic numbers for a rookie, doing it at the hardest position for a rookie to play, while doing it against the most dedicated defenses a rookie has ever faced. She's averaging 7 assists/game, but that really should be 9 or 10 if her teammates could finish layups and hit wide open shots that she sets them up for. She's one of, if not the best, rebounding guard in the entire league already. She's averaging 16 ppg while not exactly shooting well yet, and she has 17 blocks with 27 steals so far this season in 20 games. The turnovers aren't great, but if her teammates helped her and she was at 9 or 10 assists per game like I mentioned, then her a/to ratio would be 1.6-1.8 which isn't that horrible.

Any basketball mind that can take bias out of a decision should look at that and say it is a no brainer.
Pfffpt....Statistic schmatistics. Don't you know AR has lifted the league in terms of popularity and viewership and attendance?

Kidding aside, AR has been a double double machine of late and that matters in the eyes of.....I doubt team records will matter as CC22 is playing with last years ROY, a W all star, and another #2 pick, so those things will be used AGAINST her. Just think if Angel was playing with those types of players.

At this point it is a toss up, but thats JMO.
HawkMachine starts by calling the ex-LSU player a "Skank." I wasn't familiar with the term; it must be a cultural thing with HawkMachine. So I looked it up. "Skank: A sleazy woman who has many casual sexual encounters." Oh, My God! Not only should she not be POY...she should be deported to a Russian gulag.
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HawkMachine starts by calling the ex-LSU player a "Skank." I wasn't familiar with the term; it must be a cultural thing with HawkMachine. So I looked it up. "Skank: A sleazy woman who has many casual sexual encounters." Oh, My God! Not only should she not be POY...she should be deported to a Russian gulag.
Maybe she can have Brittney Griner’s old room.
I think before the end of the year CC will have a few triple doubles and maybe a 40 piece. I also think they are playing much much better right now as a team and I think they make the playoffs and the Sky do not. For that CC wins it big.
CC should get the award, but it doesn't help that she is probably the biggest whiner in the league.
Maybe they'll decide it by who dresses better on the way to games...that seems very important in the W.
Season 4 Model GIF by NETFLIX
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CC should get the award, but it doesn't help that she is probably the biggest whiner in the league.
Maybe they'll decide it by who dresses better on the way to games...that seems very important in the W.
Season 4 Model GIF by NETFLIX
"Biggest whiner in the league"? Have you watched these games? My gawd. Nearly every call, someone is in the ref's face or ear nonstop. Hell, Boston complains constantly, just to name one of CC's Fever teammates. And the rest of the league . . . if they weren't whining, they weren't playing.

"Biggest whiner in the league." LOL

BTW: Is it officially "whining" when you are, literally, legally, the victim of assault and battery and you, well, don't ignore it? Asking for a friend . . . no, just an acquaintance.
I think before the end of the year CC will have a few triple doubles and maybe a 40 piece. I also think they are playing much much better right now as a team and I think they make the playoffs and the Sky do not. For that CC wins it big.
CC has played the first half of the season under some of the worst imaginable conditions:
* Unprecedented scrutiny -- everyone in the country has an opinon on CC and ain't afraid to share it
* Incredibly difficult and relentless schedule with virtually no time for the team to practice
* Weak coaching and, if you can believe it, even more pathetic "officiating"
* Teammates who don't know how to run the floor, catch a professional pass, or make a lay-up. Hell, if her teammates could do those things CC would have half as many TOs and at least a third more assists. Maybe you're right that those things are improving.
* CC just finished playing a grueling college season of about 40 games that began last November. The few weeks between the national title game and the Fever's first game were filled with travel all over the country to appear on TV and to accept her voluminous number of awards, which, BTW, keep on coming
* As a result, CC has been exhausted since her first WNBA game, both mentally and physically. Who wouldn't be? So once CC gets a month off for the Olympic break, watch out. If her team helps her a little more, with fresh legs and a clear mind, CC is gonna shoot the lights out like she did at Iowa. I think you nailed it with your prediction of some triple doubles and some 40-point games.

A rested Caitlin Clark who knows exactly what the league is all about is going to explode in the second half of the season. The WNBA ain't seen nothin' yet.

BTW: Babe Ruth was NOT a unanimous selection for the MLB Hall of Fame, but Todd Lickliter was named the National Basketball Coach of the Year at Butler. That's all you need to know about awards and the people who vote to determine the winners.
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Yeah I don't know where the narrative that Caitlin is the only one who can get a triple double came from. Especially since Alyssa Thomas had a triple double this year against Indiana.

The point was not to nitpick over the few players who might be able to get one, it was to discuss why they overemphasize the value of a double double in the WNBA…because pretty much nobody is capable of getting a triple double.
Pfffpt....Statistic schmatistics. Don't you know AR has lifted the league in terms of popularity and viewership and attendance?

Kidding aside, AR has been a double double machine of late and that matters in the eyes of.....I doubt team records will matter as CC22 is playing with last years ROY, a W all star, and another #2 pick, so those things will be used AGAINST her. Just think if Angel was playing with those types of players.

At this point it is a toss up, but thats JMO.
Anyone notice that in the first six games, Reese had one double double and now she gets them all the time. What happened in game 7? Oh yeah, Cardosa came back…kind of opens things up for Reese when Cardosa is boxing out the other teams biggest player and sometimes two players.

The powers to be will not allow Caitlin to NOT be the rookie of the year.

In the same way Caitlin was left off the Olympic Team for fear of reprisal from her fans when she saw minimal minutes, they will make her ROY out of this very same fear.

Easy peasy.
We have heard countless times that a WNBA rookie has never had a triple-double. When Clark finishes the season with 2 to 4, there is no way (barring injury) she can finish behind Reese.

I agree that if Clark gets even one triple double, she will win ROY. Without one, I think Reese gets it for all the wrong reasons. Reese is having a great season, but CC is top 20 in points (16), rebounds (19), assists (3), steals (16), blocks (14), free throw % (9) and 3PM (2). Reese is top 20 in rebounds (1) and steals (12). Clark's rookie season compares well with some of the best rookie seasons ever. The decision shouldn't be a close one.

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