You are still so incredibly uninformed on this topic. Canadian tar sands oil is MAYBE profitable for them at $60-70 a barrel; probably higher. This is why TransCanada tried to 'shelve' their pipeline proposal - until they can GUARANTEE $80-100/barrel, they will LOSE MONEY recovering those oil resources.
The Saudis can pump oil out of their fields for <$20 a barrel, probably more like $10 or 15 a barrel. The Canadian resource (and many of the US resources CANNOT compete against that. The Saudis jacked up their prices FOR YEARS because they COULD. It didn't matter that they were making 4x or 5x margins on their oil - NO ONE ELSE had recoverable resources of any significance.
NOW, there are other options; those options, in Venezuela, the Gulf, the US, Canada, Nigeria, Norway, etc. etc. etc. can ALL produce oil, but the costs for offshore rigs, fracking, tar sands, etc. cost MORE to recover than what the Middle East is able to produce. You have to drill in water, drill deeper, drill and frack or heat up the tar sands to get recoverable and usable oil. Many of those processes WILL NEVER be profitable at <$60-70/barrel oil.
The fact that basic elements of economics escape you implies you are so ideologically focused and so otherwise mentally challenged here, that nothing anyone says is going to sway your opinion.