Say something nice about a Trump voter

7am and our boy was already wired for sound. He's going to have quite the manic episode rage posting all day. You know what they say though, you can't be a little bitch boy all day if you don't start in the morning!

I've made him my little bitch though and I love him. See, I stuck to the rules of the thread and said something nice.
my contribution to the thread: Trump voters have very good imaginations.
He’s been doing a great job coaching the Iowa football program all these years.


He hired this guy.

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When you live in an area as red as I do, people will vote for the R behind the name without much thought. They are mostly good people who have been convinced that, despite Trump’s amoral character, he is better than anyone the democrats would offer. The mental gymnastics they go through to defend that thought process amazes me.
You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers.

These are people of the land.

The common clay of the new West.

In light of Nikki’s announcement, I thought it would be nice to look at the good in these people. There’s a guy down the street who’s a Trumper. He keeps his lawn nicely manicured. Edges the walks and everything. He also does not hang balls from the hitch of his truck.

Watcha got?
The ones in my personal circle are idiots. I will say they do keep a nice lawn.
Many Trump voters are veterans, police officers, lawyers, doctors, well spoken people. Some are even people of color who are articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking. I mean, that's a storybook, man
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They don’t call me a bigoted transphobe when I gender their obvious female or male child without asking them. Refreshing actually.
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They don’t call me a bigoted transphobe when I gender their obvious female or male child without asking them. Refreshing actually.

From my experience around many of them, you can take it to the next level and drop about any negative connotation about a human you want and not a record scratch to be heard. Up to the individual if that's refreshing I suppose.
They do an excellent job notifying the public that they are stupid and dangerous by wearing hats and deploying bumper stickers and flags. Basically like putting up a “slow children at play” sign up in a neighborhood.
That's awful mean calling some kids slow... they're handicapable you bigot.
I think the thing is on this board and on social media we tend to vilify the other side. "Those people are scum and we're good".

It's more nuanced than that.

We have a two party system....not exactly a plethora of choices. I think the majority of folks are left with a "lesser of two evils" choice. Peoples priority "hierarchy" is different.

80M? people voted for Trump in 2020. Asserting that they're all brainwashed MAGA Trumptards is asinine IMO.
The smarter of those people I know are going to vote for Trump actually know he’s a piece of shit human being, racist and a low IQ bully. But they like low taxes.

So this makes them just greedy, which is - well - better than brainwashed maybe? 🤷‍♂️
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The smarter of those people I know are going to vote for Trump actually know he’s a piece of shit human being, racist and a low IQ bully. But they like low taxes.

So this makes them just greedy, which is - well - better than brainwashed maybe? 🤷‍♂️
As opposed to those ungreedy brainwashed people who need to be bribed with student loan exemptions to overlook “Israeli genocide”.
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Yup. Although to be fair I think these folks are still undecided.
How many of those signs are up in your neighborhood? Because that’s the first one I’ve seen in my life and there are about a dozen Trump signs within a 12 square block area of my house.

No one said there aren’t moron lunatics on the left - there are. They just don’t run the party or make up the vast majority of its base like Trump morons.
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From my experience around many of them, you can take it to the next level and drop about any negative connotation about a human you want and not a record scratch to be heard. Up to the individual if that's refreshing I suppose.
Online experience of course, because you wouldn't say shit, face to face, would you, scarecrow?
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