Say something nice about a Trump voter

How many of those signs are up in your neighborhood? Because that’s the first one I’ve seen in my life and there are about a dozen Trump signs within a 12 square block area of my house.

No one said there aren’t moron lunatics on the left - there are. They just don’t run the party or make up the vast majority of its base like Trump morons.
I live in a small town that is probably 80% republican and I've seen less than 5 Trump signs/flags in the whole town. What kind of shit hole neighborhood you live in?

Oh, and this thread is full of LOL. Some posters need to project how bad other might be to feel a little better about themselves today.
live in a small town that is probably 80% republican and I've seen less than 5 Trump signs/flags in the whole town. What kind of shit hole neighborhood you live in?

Oh, and this thread is full of LOL. Some posters need to project how bad other might be to feel a little better about themselves today.
Wow I have seen ZERO yard signs for either one, I have no doubt some might go up around September.
I did see a banner on an oceanfront house in New Smyrna Beach about three weeks ago. Huge house probably $7-8 million so they’re obviously in favor of Trump Tax cuts benefiting the wealthy.
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Most I've met are nice people. Come to think of it I'm not sure I've personally met or talked a full blown unhinged MAGA voter in person. I don't know I said on here last week if you take politics(and religion) away you can get along with about 95% of people and still stand by it.
I live in a small town that is probably 80% republican and I've seen less than 5 Trump signs/flags in the whole town. What kind of shit hole neighborhood you live in?

Oh, and this thread is full of LOL. Some posters need to project how bad other might be to feel a little better about themselves today.

Don’t blame me, I started it as a feel good thread.
Makes for a great Thanksgiving. :rolleyes:
We tend to have a very strict no politics policy. I adhere to it and will leave the room if it's brought up. My father.....tends to think that everyone agrees with him and will occasionally say something stupid. It typically begins with 'what you kids don't understand is...." The youngest of us turned 53 today.
On my way to Waterloo today, I saw farm that had a huge Let's Go Brandon. I'll compliment that MAGA. It was purdy
They do an excellent job notifying the public that they are stupid and dangerous by wearing hats and deploying bumper stickers and flags. Basically like putting up a “slow children at play” sign up in a neighborhood.
They believe in a secure border. They believe in supporting law enforcement and criminals getting punishment for criminal behavior.
****. 4 pages already.

Talking to the people I talk to? We agree on about 90-95% of everything. Hell! I get trumps idiots to agree on universal health care. I tell them flat out I’m a Bernie guy.

Why can’t we decide to take care, universally, of our citizens. If not that than our veterans. They all agree. No more $10k ambulance rides. No more bankrupting families because of a broken bone.

****ed up thing is, they think it’s a Republican that’s going to make it happen.

I feel like it’s so close to them realizing.

But there is some kind of hatred, a repulsiveness, that they associate with the Democratic Party.

Oh! You got relatives on insulin. Then maybe it’s awesome that for some of them their rates have been capped. Not having to pay…what…$400 a month just to live?

Hell. It’s extremely hard getting through to these folks.
They do an excellent job notifying the public that they are stupid and dangerous by wearing hats and deploying bumper stickers and flags. Basically like putting up a “slow children at play” sign up in a neighborhood.
Trump supporters ARE different in that regard…can’t say I’ve ever seen any Biden hats.

Or flags.

Or tee-shirts.

Maybe one or two bumper stickers.

Trump supporters ARE different in that regard…can’t say I’ve ever seen any Biden hats.

Or flags.

Or tee-shirts.

Maybe one or two bumper stickers.

Thats because understanding minds of reality don’t feel the need to project their ideals upon everyone else.
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*Now use my preferred pronouns or I'll write a manifesto and kill all your children......
Sure. That’s absolutely why kids are killing each other these days.

Not abject parenting. Not nothing. Just pronouns?

I know what my 15 year old identifies as. Do you?

Do you think that your own kid, when he turns 15…16…will feel safe identifying themself to you?

I hope so. Based on your posts on this forum I honestly don’t know.
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Sure. That’s absolutely why kids are killing each other these days.

Not abject parenting. Not nothing. Just pronouns?

I know what my 15 year old identifies as. Do you?

Do you think that your own kid, when he turns 15…16…will feel safe identifying themself to you?

I hope so. Based on your posts on this forum I honestly don’t know.
I get a kick when people attempt to paint liberals as super inclusive.

I don't know your child.

If you can't figure out I'm unabashedly proud of who I am and am not going to apologize for that to anyone, and will pass that on, you don't read my post.
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I get a kick when people attempt to paint liberals as super inclusive.

I don't know your child.

If you can't figure out I'm unabashedly proud of who I am and am not going to apologize for that to anyone, and will pass that on, you don't read my post.
Oh no. I read your bullshit. The problem is “unabashedly”.

You view the world in black and white.

You don’t seem to understand that to others, it’s not a problem of understanding.

It’s a problem of people only viewing life as unabashedly black. And white.
The higher the tax bracket, the more willing they are to hold their nose and accept the gross parts (most of it) of Trumpism for the perceived personal economic benefit, in my experience.
Interesting you say that, as many of the people that I know who are big-time Biden supporters are quite wealthy. For instance, they are the ones that can afford EVs, inflation doesn’t bother them, and they live in gated communities so crime isn’t an issue.
Trump supporters ARE different in that regard…can’t say I’ve ever seen any Biden hats.

Or flags.

Or tee-shirts.

Maybe one or two bumper stickers.

It’s kind of ironic when you think about it in terms of a sports fan of a team…for instance, an Iowa fan likely flies an Iowa flag on game day, wears an Iowa hat, and an Iowa tee-shirt. Yet, nobody generally thinks that is strange. 🤔
Sure. That’s absolutely why kids are killing each other these days.

Not abject parenting. Not nothing. Just pronouns?

I know what my 15 year old identifies as. Do you?

Do you think that your own kid, when he turns 15…16…will feel safe identifying themself to you?

I hope so. Based on your posts on this forum I honestly don’t know.
What does your child pretend to be? A dog? A cat? A Christmas Tree?
Interesting you say that, as many of the people that I know who are big-time Biden supporters are quite wealthy. For instance, they are the ones that can afford EVs, inflation doesn’t bother them, and they live in gated communities so crime isn’t an issue.
Wait so many Biden supporters, like guarded walls around their homes and neighborhoods? Has anyone told them walls don't work?
Wait so many Biden supporters, like guarded walls around their homes and neighborhoods? Has anyone told them walls don't work?

OK, Simple Jack. Maybe, just maybe, a gated community works slightly better to keep people with obviously ill intentions out than a "wall" thousands of miles long intended to keep out hundrds of thousands of people fleeing their homes for a better life.
In light of Nikki’s announcement, I thought it would be nice to look at the good in these people. There’s a guy down the street who’s a Trumper. He keeps his lawn nicely manicured. Edges the walks and everything. He also does not hang balls from the hitch of his truck.

Watcha got?
In regards to the theme of the thread. You don't have to worry too much about pronoun usage with them.