School vouchers scam update

How much public covid money did you get without accountability? I would put homeschoolers in my community on average are higher than the local school. What standards? No cursive? He/she bathrooms? Common core?

I'd be more OK if schools were held more accountable. The officials at Mid Prairie should be in jail. School bullying (the elevated stuff) should either be misdemeanor or felony levels based on what happened but they don't. Just get off the high horse. Why are you so threatened?
WTF are you jabbering about now. The answer is none.

You would do that because you're biased and not very bright.

Progress standards. Testing standards. Reporting standards. To name a few.

Threatened? By you? BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHA. The question is why are you so insecure?

No need to answer, it's obvious.
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Plenty of laws I disagree with. But, that doesn’t really matter much in the end.
So, I don’t complain about them every day.
Of course - you're one of those who would have told the Civil Rights protesters to shut up because it doesn't really matter much.

Also, $250M+ is "not much" in your view. Figures.
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Because it’s the law.
Oh look at you dodging the question. This isn't about the law, it's about what's right. Do YOU think it's right that someone who has absolutely nothing to do with YOUR private school should be forced to pay for YOUR kids to go there with no control? Yes or no? Answer the question...and understand, refusing to answer is an answer.
Pinehawek….Unfortunately, “religion” can serve as a self-dillusional elixer for too many folks.
“Religion” is often used as a band-aid by many to hide behind prejudices, fears and personal preferences.
Again….if you want to send your child to a private/parochial school…or even “home school”….more power to you. Just do it on your own dime. Not mine.
How much do you get involved in stupid spending under govt monitored programs? I suppose the Iraq War was about "fighting for your freedom?"

No one wants to discuss what should happen when a public money administrator took on a known convicted abuser? How does that even happen? You'd be better off spending time seeing where schools are falling short on abuse, special needs support and so forth. That is the real issue. More money will help? Yoder was a volunteer period.

Clean up public schools and most of this goes away anyway.

I don't want my money going to support schools that allow convicted abusers around children, yours or mine.

Are you "upset" that former rep Heaten tried to hold up victim restitution?

You have some sort of skin in this argument and you are afraid it is going to cost you something bigger than this amount of money.
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How much do you get involved in stupid spending under govt monitored programs? I suppose the Iraq War was about "fighting for your freedom?"

No one wants to discuss what should happen when a public money administrator took on a known convicted abuser? How does that even happen? You'd be better off spending time seeing where schools are falling short on abuse, special needs support and so forth. That is the real issue. More money will help? Yoder was a volunteer period.

Clean up public schools and most of this goes away anyway.

I don't want my money going to support schools that allow convicted abusers around children, yours or mine.

Are you "upset" that former rep Heaten tried to hold up victim restitution?

You have some sort of skin in this argument and you are afraid it is going to cost you something bigger than this amount of money.
I just want to make sure I’m understanding you…you’re advocating for pouring public money into a black hole where there is zero oversight because there’s abuse where there IS oversight.

And you don’t recognize how dumb that sounds. But I’m sure I misunderstood you…..again.
How much do you get involved in stupid spending under govt monitored programs? I suppose the Iraq War was about "fighting for your freedom?"

No one wants to discuss what should happen when a public money administrator took on a known convicted abuser? How does that even happen? You'd be better off spending time seeing where schools are falling short on abuse, special needs support and so forth. That is the real issue. More money will help? Yoder was a volunteer period.

Clean up public schools and most of this goes away anyway.

I don't want my money going to support schools that allow convicted abusers around children, yours or mine.

Are you "upset" that former rep Heaten tried to hold up victim restitution?

You have some sort of skin in this argument and you are afraid it is going to cost you something bigger than this amount of money.
WTF are you talking about?
Public schools are where they are because of law suits and judicial decisions….private schools are where they are because they make their own rules……THAT IS WHY THEY ARE PRIVATE….AND NO TAX MONEY SHOULD EVER BE GIFTED TO THEM……If you wanna send your kid to private school…GREAT! Just use your own dime….not mine.
Mental; health is a huge issue in thes country….and altho politicians pay it lip service….they refuse to finance programs to deal with it. Schools are not excepted here. If “privates” get government (tax) money, they need to work under the same perameters as public schools…take on ALL comers, not be able to say “no” to anyone and agree to have their boards publicly elected from their population…..
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I'm not a Democrat but a I need to vote for Biden before the country implodes kinda guy. The GOP is now the big government attacks on people, pro crime and Russia domestic terrorist organization. You have no clue. Get educated.
Your world is turned upside down…the Democrats are now the party of big government and attacks on people…i.e., FBI attacks on normal citizens speaking up at school board meetings….and crime…have you noticed most of the big cities with crime issues are in states and cities led by Dems. Good god man…you’re the one that needs to get educated.