School vouchers scam update

Is it your belief that there isn’t waste, fraud and abuse in the voucher system?
Public Schools in Iowa are nothing but a slot machine, the state keeps throwing big money into the system and those pulling the handle (students/parents) get no return.

Public Schools in Iowa waste money like it grows on trees.
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I'm just saying I don't have an issue with this bill. BTW, all those things you mentioned are don with private contractors and only maintained by the state.
Schools are built woth private contractors as well. No difference. Owned by the state.
Certainly less than in public schools. Private schools have had to self fund for decades and have plenty of experience with having to be good stewards of tuition funds.
It would be cool if you could actually prove this through state reports and external audits. But of course you can't do that so I guess we'll take your word for it.
“Proper service”?
They are offering an education… the same as the private school! That is the “service” being offered. “Proper” is your word to justification the theft that is occurring to the majority of Iowa tax payers.
If you're providing a service for the taxpayers, start doing what they ask you to do, and educate their kids properly and at a high level.
The libs on this board are all in 100% on transferring college student loan debt to the rest of us. Yet they squirm like worms at the thought of a parent having school choice.
ANYONE....and I mean ANYONE who feels the way I do about the voucher program and yet feels that someone should be allowed to get THEIR college debt transfered to other taxpayers is an freaking if's, and's or buts. Good Lord. :rolleyes:
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ANYONE....and I mean ANYONE who feels the way I do about the voucher program and yet feels that someone should be allowed to get THEIR college debt transfered to other taxpayers is an freaking if's, and's or buts. Good Lord. :rolleyes:
Based on what you wrote above, about 99.9% of the liberals on this board are hypocrites.

MItchLL is at the top of that list
I agree with what she's doing wrong, but these ads are stupid. If she was so unpopular she wouldn't win repeatedly. We're a red state...I can't see her losing. She could take away everyone's first born and most of the state would vote for her because libs are scary.
Everyone is free to move to the state of their choice. We moved from lefty MN to conservative Iowa.
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A private school based on the tenets of “woke” opening in Ioway taking this money would just blow religious phuck’s minds - and it would be glorious.
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isn't this basically what a lot of people say caused (or at least contributed to) the dramatic increases in college costs....

that once guaranteed public dollars we're available, there's no incentive for the institutions to control costs or keep fees down?
This is an intentional gutting of public education to pay to private people.
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Your post was a "whataboutism".

I just attempted to help you understand why Iowa Republicans pick and choose who to support.

Not my fault you have the attention span of a gnat.
I don’t really “have a dog in this hunt” anymore as my kids are all out of school and have graduated from college, However, I think it’s one of the primary roles of state govt to educate our kids K thru 12. Whereas, it’s the parent’s / kids responsibility to pay for education above the high school level. My kids all attended public schools…it would have been too expensive to send them to private schools, especially with college costs looming afterwards. Regardless of which route parents/students go (public or private schools) it’s important at an early age to be involved parents (helping with homework, quizzing kids, etc). Fortunately, my wife was a school teacher, so that helped our kids get an early educational foundation.
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I don’t really “have a dog in this hunt” anymore as my kids are all out of school and have graduated from college, However, I think it’s one of the primary roles of state govt to educate our kids K thru 12. Whereas, it’s the parent’s / kids responsibility to pay for education above the high school level. My kids all attended public schools…it would have been too expensive to send them to private schools, especially with college costs looming afterwards. Regardless of which route parents/students go (public or private schools) it’s important at an early age to be involved parents (helping with homework, quizzing kids, etc). Fortunately, my wife was a school teacher, so that helped our kids get an early educational foundation.
Delete your account
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Every private school that was educating a child for less than $7100 was doing it for much cheaper than public schools were.
And, they had to make sacrifices to do so. It should not be a surprise to see schools move to accept the full funding per student.
Don't herniate yourself moving the goalposts. Any reasons off the top of your head as to why some private schools might have been educating kids for less money per pupil?
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Certainly less than in public schools. Private schools have had to self fund for decades and have plenty of experience with having to be good stewards of tuition funds.
Okay, let's see the books. I'm happy to take. a few lessons from private schools
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Chishawk - You’re a prime example of many Dems that I know…unhappy, anguished, complainer, haggard, and just basically disgruntled individuals. That’s no way to go through life. I actually feel sorry for you.
Chishawk - You’re a prime example of most Dems that I know…unhappy, anguished, complainer, haggard, and just basically disgruntled. That’s no way to go through life. I actually feel sorry for you.
I'm not a Democrat but a I need to vote for Biden before the country implodes kinda guy. The GOP is now the big government attacks on people, pro crime and Russia domestic terrorist organization. You have no clue. Get educated.
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Don't herniate yourself moving the goalposts. Any reasons off the top of your head as to why some private schools might have been educating kids for less money per pupil?
Because they weren’t receiving enough revenue to offer all of the services, pay and benefits that public schools were able to afford.
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Because they weren’t receiving enough revenue to offer all of the services, pay and benefits that public schools were able to afford.
Don’t forget rejecting any kid that is a drain on finances, and sponging off of the public schools when it’s convenient.
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