Screw them parks

So last week the liberals on this site were cheering an upside down flag at Yosemite. Acting like the park was shut down after 11 people were let go out of 1500. Now some deserted outhouse gets shut down and more outrage. Replace it with a qrid code. All the money Biden wasted has to be made up any way possible. The fake outrage is retarded. Get out of your car and hike. Boo how no piles of printed maps and guides to throw away. Outlaw printed anything at visitors centers.
“When President Theodore Roosevelt visited the Grand Canyon in 1908, industries wanted to mine it — but upon seeing the landscape’s unparalleled beauty, he announced in a speech, “leave it as it is… The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it. What you can do is to keep it for your children and your children’s children and for all who come after you, as one of the great sights which every American, if he can travel at all, should see.”

Sounds like Teddy would not be happy with the toll booths, blacktop roads, crappy prefab buildings, etc. Far from “leaving it as it is”.
So last week the liberals on this site were cheering an upside down flag at Yosemite. Acting like the park was shut down after 11 people were let go out of 1500. Now some deserted outhouse gets shut down and more outrage. Replace it with a qrid code. All the money Biden wasted has to be made up any way possible. The fake outrage is retarded. Get out of your car and hike. Boo how no piles of printed maps and guides to throw away. Outlaw printed anything at visitors centers.

False equivalency as hell.
“When President Theodore Roosevelt visited the Grand Canyon in 1908, industries wanted to mine it — but upon seeing the landscape’s unparalleled beauty, he announced in a speech, “leave it as it is… The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it. What you can do is to keep it for your children and your children’s children and for all who come after you, as one of the great sights which every American, if he can travel at all, should see.”

Sounds like Teddy would not be happy with the toll booths, blacktop roads, crappy prefab buildings, etc. Far from “leaving it as it is”.
You clearly didn’t think that one through. Let me know if you need help.
You have a mortgage? Shit. Phucking poor. You should be more like me and not have a mortgage. Then you could put money in other places. Like donating to NPS. Which I do each month. There’s your questioned answered you little bitch.
Yeah. Sure thing, Cameron. Regardless, I’m not the one bitching that we need to keep wasting money. If it’s so important for you to have an extra outhouse at Rocky Mountain national park, then maybe you need to share more of your “millions”. Hell, just pay your fAiR sHaRe.
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Yeah. Sure thing, Cameron. Regardless, I’m not the one bitching that we need to keep wasting money. If it’s so important for you to have an extra outhouse at Rocky Mountain national park, then maybe you need to share more of your “millions”. Hell, just pay your fAiR sHaRe.
Just pull off to the side of the road and piss. Who needs a stinky old out house, amirite?
Yeah. Sure thing, Cameron. Regardless, I’m not the one bitching that we need to keep wasting money. If it’s so important for you to have an extra outhouse at Rocky Mountain national park, then maybe you need to share more of your “millions”. Hell, just pay your fAiR sHaRe.

What part of I donate my own money (not “fair share” taxes) to the parks every month don’t you understand? Probably more than the mortgage you pay on your dump. You whined like a little bitch and I answered the question for you. I hope you asked jeebus for some sense this morning because you’re one dumb phucker.
What part of I donate my own money (not “fair share” taxes) to the parks every month don’t you understand? Probably more than the mortgage you pay on your dump. You whined like a little bitch and I answered the question for you. I hope you asked jeebus for some sense this morning because you’re one dumb phucker.
I didn’t whine like a bitch, the ones whining are the ones pissed about the funding cuts, and the ones who have resulted to personal insults. You rich guys want your parks? You rich guys can pay for them. Sounds like you need to start writing bigger checks, Cameron.
There are no decent Republicans. Not one. Don't tell me you're a Republican and expect me to believe you oppose Trump. If you oppose Trump - GET THE **** OUT OF THAT PARTY. Collins and Murkowski make all kinds of noise but they could end this today by leaving their party and caucusing with the Dems. Same in the House. They are ALL complicit.
I'd ask you to show us on the doll where the Republicans hurt you, but emotional damage can't be found on a doll.................
I didn’t whine like a bitch, the ones whining are the ones pissed about the funding cuts, and the ones who have resulted to personal insults. You rich guys want your parks? You rich guys can pay for them. Sounds like you need to start writing bigger checks, Cameron.
This is about much more than just “shutting down a few buildings” They want to cut the trees and eventually they’ll sell the land to the highest bidder. Damaging our national parks is a big deal.
This is about much more than just “shutting down a few buildings” They want to cut the trees and eventually they’ll sell the land to the highest bidder. Damaging our national parks is a big deal.
OP only mentions buildings. The “we know what you REALLY want to do” argument is the sort of things you find in those “crazy girlfriend” videos on YouTube.
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☝🏻 latest edition of “Deep Thoughts, with fivecarddud”
Latest attempt at stealing other people’s material with the ‘fivecarddud.’ Can’t wait to see what it looks like when you try to come up with your own bits. Maybe pray a little bit, pray that you can be original for the first time in your life.
Latest attempt at stealing other people’s material with the ‘fivecarddud.’ Can’t wait to see what it looks like when you try to come up with your own bits. Maybe pray a little bit, pray that you can be original for the first time in your life.
I never claimed to be the first person that sees you as a dud. Without a doubt, there were countless others before me. It’s one of those easily observable phenomena.
Maybe try entertaining us all with an explanation as to how these trivial cuts to the national parks are a threat to the republic. Pray tell?
I don’t expect you to understand the role of national parks and the visitors centers in cultural and ecological development in our country. You’re that much of a dumb f***.
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