Senators Peter Welch (D-VT) & Michael Bennet (D-CO) want Joe to Drop Out. Trump “is on track to win this election & take w/ him the Senate &the House"


HB King
Nov 3, 2012
Heaven, Iowa
Michael Bennet (D-CO) is the first US Senator to publicly voice his concern.

Is he right?

The story from the AP:

One Democrat, Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado, said publicly what he told his colleagues in private — that he believes Trump “is on track to win this election — and maybe win it by a landslide and take with him the Senate and the House."

Stopping short of calling for Biden to drop out, Bennet spoke forcefully on CNN about the danger of a second Trump presidency and said it’s up to the president “to consider” the options. He said he did not hear any other Senate Democrat call for Biden to leave the race.

There were also a handful of senators who defended Biden. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York repeated, “I’ve said before, I’m with Joe.”

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I don't Trump can win in a "landslide" having that hard ceiling.

He can win though and his best chance is Joe staying in the race.
The polls still have them close. Any landslide talk very likely isn't supported by reality. That said, agreed the rapist probably takes it.
By "landslide," I assume he means the electoral vote. Not a landslide, but if all the swing states go Trump's way, it could be a decent margin. Or notl.
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And do the D's really have a chance of losing the House AND the Senate?
Yes, but I think we're looking at slim R majority's in both in a worst case scenario for D's. (The shit show R house doesn't get erased because of Joe's decline) Wouldn't be surprised if D's take back the House even with a Joe loss. The Senate is favorable for R's this cycle.

D's will suddenly be big fans of the filibuster in the senate :)
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The polls still have them close. Any landslide talk very likely isn't supported by reality. That said, agreed the rapist probably takes it.

Landslide maybe in terms of the Electoral College?

It still boggles my mind that Trump will be the Republican nominee, will probably get over 70 million votes in November (that's one big frickin' cult, as many would call it) and has a good chance to be the next president of the United States.

I still think independents are gonna remember the chaos of the Trump years, hold their nose, and vote for Biden or whomever replaces him. Will that allow the Democrat to win the presidency? We'll see.
Landslide maybe in terms of the Electoral College?

It still boggles my mind that Trump will be the Republican nominee, will probably get over 70 million votes in November (that's one big frickin' cult, as many would call it) and has a good chance to be the next president of the United States.

I still think independents are gonna remember the chaos of the Trump years, hold their nose, and vote for Biden or whomever replaces him. Will that allow the Democrat to win the presidency? We'll see.
Honestly I have a hard time believing even an electoral landslide happens. Joe's old. But Trump has the insurrection, rape, felonies, and abortion this time around. He had none of that in 2020.
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Honestly I have a hard time believing even an electoral landslide happens. Joe's old. But Trump has the insurrection, rape, felonies, and abortion this time around. He had none of that in 2020.

And, by the way, I have no doubt Donald Trump and Bill Clinton had sex with minors with the help of their friend, Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump is not presidential. He's not fit for office. Nevertheless, he's the Republican choice and he has a great chance at winning in November. Again, this all boggles my mind. And when 2 friends of mine, who are Democrats, recently told me that they think Trump will win, that, too, boggled my mind.
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Biden is currently losing in every swing state, but dems in Wisconsin want unmonitored drop boxes back so you know the fraudbis going to be through the roof again. Wonder how many states stop counting votes at the same time in the middle of the night this election.
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And, by the way, I have no doubt Donald Trump and Bill Clinton had sex with minors with the help of their friend, Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump is not presidential. He's not fit for office. Nevertheless, he's the Republican choice and he has a great chance at winning in November. Again, this all boggles my mind. And when 2 friends of mine, who are Democrats, recently told me that they think Trump will win, that, too, boggled my mind.
It's also anecdotal but my fb page is littered with 2025 worries. Granted my friends are leftists but it's post after post of 25 stuff. Dems may not like Joe but we seem petrified of Trump.
It's also anecdotal but my fb page is littered with 2025 worries. Granted my friends are leftists but it's post after post of 25 stuff. Dems may not like Joe but we seem petrified of Trump.

And think of the people Trump will put in his administration. They will all have to be "yes" men/women. And most will not be qualified for the job.
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And think of the people Trump will put in his administration. They will all have to be "yes" men/women. And most will not be qualified for the job.
I have Bernie bro friends who have been heavily bashing Biden since the debate. Now they're talking about 2025. Biden has unprecedented problems. But Trump seems to have even more problems. I just don't see how a felon and rapist runs away with an election even against a nursing home candidate.
It's also anecdotal but my fb page is littered with 2025 worries. Granted my friends are leftists but it's post after post of 25 stuff. Dems may not like Joe but we seem petrified of Trump.
Imagine my surprise to learn that your social circle is equally as unhinged lol everyone really running around like chickens with their heads cut off? Funny stuff 🤣 scary boogeyman is so scary!!!
It's also anecdotal but my fb page is littered with 2025 worries. Granted my friends are leftists but it's post after post of 25 stuff. Dems may not like Joe but we seem petrified of Trump.
Will project 2025 take away my ability to watch my football, baseball, hockey and basketball.
Can I still play golf 3 times a week, do my volunteer work to help the less fortunate and underprivileged, coach girls softball, help kids and most importantly give thanks to my lord and savior wherever I want.
If so, I’m fine
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Biden is currently losing in every swing state, but dems in Wisconsin want unmonitored drop boxes back so you know the fraudbis going to be through the roof again. Wonder how many states stop counting votes at the same time in the middle of the night this election.
The dems stole Wisconsin last time with the nursing home and dead vote.
Just sayin.
Even if Trump wins all battleground states, including Democrat-leaning battleground states like Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Maine, his electoral vote would top out at around 330. That's probably his best-case scenario.

The crazy thing is, he might be able to rack up a big electoral margin while still losing the popular vote.
If things continue as they are now, I predict Trump wins with an electoral map similar to 2016.

Democrats need to hit the eject button and move on from Biden.
He appears to be winning. Hard to see any free and fair election in the modern day being a landslide.

Senate map is favorable to the R's so I feel like it's almost a given that they will win the senate comfortably. I'm guessing they have about 53 seats in the senate when the election is over.

House it's always harder to tell but historically speaking it seems like when the presidency switches parties the house tends to go the same direction. So it would be out of character for the R's to win the presidency but lose control of the house.
Yes,.. you do seem petrified of Trump.

I think it's with good reason. He attempted a coup when he lost and has created a spirit within the Republican party that any election in which they lose is illegitimate. Which of course gives them moral cause to attempt a coup every time they lose.

he has talked of eliminating socialists and communists from the country. Given that the Republican party considers even the most moderate of proposals from the Democrats to be "socialism" that's a lot of freaking people. He also wants to give himself more power to fire employees further down the totem pole who should be staffed by experts and replace them with cronies and political appointments.

Joe Biden gaveled Trump into office on Jan 6, 2017. Donald Trump asked his vice president to throw out electoral votes on Jan 6, 2021. He is now vetting VP's on the very basis of if they are willing to overturn an election or not. Probably because after he's done he's gonna make one of his sons president and have his VP throw out electoral votes that they don't like.

So I think it's right to worry about if the election in 2028 is going to even be meaningful. Because Trump has pushed the R's to try to game the system to give themselves power no matter how the votes come out. If the votes come out against you, just get people in power who will throw them out and declare them illegitimate.
The funny thing with predictions this far out....

They are often wrong.

4 months is an eternity.

Buckle up...or just live your life and don't get consumed with this made-for-TV drama.
You'll never see a landslide like you use to back in the 80s, but as far as a very comfortable electoral college's looking like that to me.

The reason I'm thinking that is that the last few weeks of Trump's campaign have arguably been the most rational, self-interested, and effective since he came down the escalator before 2016. After a relatively un-unhinged debate performance, by his standards, he has shut the eff up and let this Biden thing play out without doing or saying anything to put the focus back on his craven behavior and idiocy.

Does that mean he's actually listening to advisors now? Does he just have actually good campaign staff now? If Trump is actually part of, or at least benefiting from, a competent campaign, he not only will win, he will cruise.

So many of you have so overestimated how much people dislike Biden, despite the polls being clear for years. How terrible a president he has been, and have been surfing on the idea that Trump is electable. And it's just not true. It's hilarious to me to hear my friend from Ecuador, who came here as an immigrant as a teenager, tell me "He's so racist against us, but I'm definitely voting for him. He's so much better than Biden." What animates the political class vs normal people is just not the same.
The fact is Biden could win the election but the GOP could gain control both Houses of Congress. Also…..IF Biden drops out……where is the guarantee that the Dems win in November? There are no guarantees here boyz and girls…..
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This country is so ****ed up.

The fact that DJT is allowed to even be in the race, let alone being a real contender, is horrifying. For multitudes of countless reasons.

But because of Biden's inability to publicly recognize his own mental & physical decline due to age, his family+staff+entourage doing nothing to convince him to drop out of the race, and the lack of spine by his political party, I'll be left to vote for a guy who's months/couple years away from fully belonging in an assisted living home.

'Merica. 👎
This country is so ****ed up.

The fact that DJT is allowed to even be in the race, let alone being a real contender, is horrifying. For multitudes of countless reasons.

But because of Biden's inability to publicly recognize his own mental & physical decline due to age, his family+staff+entourage doing nothing to convince him to drop out of the race, and the lack of spine by his political party, I'll be left to vote for a guy who's months/couple years away from fully belonging in an assisted living home.

'Merica. 👎
Add in a completely ****ed Supreme Court, a dysfunctional Congress, and it ain't good Bob!
This country is so ****ed up.

The fact that DJT is allowed to even be in the race, let alone being a real contender, is horrifying. For multitudes of countless reasons.

But because of Biden's inability to publicly recognize his own mental & physical decline due to age, his family+staff+entourage doing nothing to convince him to drop out of the race, and the lack of spine by his political party, I'll be left to vote for a guy who's months/couple years away from fully belonging in an assisted living home.

'Merica. 👎

Yep. We may have to choose between a candidate who should be in assisted living or a candidate who should be in prison.
And Trump is playing this exactly like he should be, quietly. He can just sit back and let everyone else, including other Democrats, do the dirty work.
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