Session II Thread

Nice job out of Meyer!
Please tell me Stoll is injury defaulting and not gonna try it. Does anyone know?
Please help me out here guys, as I have not been able to watch most of the night, but Tim Johnson keeps saying Iowa only has 4 guys left in the Quarters. I thought they had 5 left in Gilman, Clark, Sorenson, Brooks and Burak. Did I miss something along the way?
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Nice job Alex but damn even that had me yelling over some of the stuff he was doing. Alex is smart as a whip off the mat and will probably end up doing something great in life but sheeit, he's killing me.

Cutch is out too.
Billy Baldwin doing a helluva job

Please help me out here guys, as I have not been able to watch most of the night, but Tim Johnson keeps saying Iowa only has 4 guys left in the Quarters. I thought they had 5 left in Gilman, Clark, Sorenson, Brooks and Burak. Did I miss something along the way?
No, you're right. Iowa went 5-1 on the championship side tonight with those 5 winning and Cooper being the lone loss.
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Realbuto, #2 seed, about to go 0-2

Edit: he got takedown at end to win 7-6

Double edit: Track showed that Realbuto got 2 at the end, but now the score is changed to him losing 6-5. Anyone know if there was a challenge?
Nope. Realbuto's done. Unbelievable move by Realbuto to score there, though -- from neutral with about :01 left to a TD just barely beyond :00, so close that they gave him 2 before the review. And on 1 leg. Kid showed some serious heart.
Brands must be upset with meyer...didn't shake his hand after the win over Ramos or give him a pat on the back. He might have said something encouraging but just going off of body language there looks like some tension, and maybe it's bc meyer is going through some burnout or something? Just my observations...maybe I'm just reading into things.
Not at all surprised that Courts is out. Of course, however, he wrestled out of his head last year to give tOSU the team title. Another bit of horrible luck we've had in recent years.

Yes, you make your own luck, but we've had flat-out crappy luck with injuries, things like Courts going bonkers at just the wrong time, etc., in recent years.
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Brands must be upset with meyer...didn't shake his hand after the win over Ramos or give him a pat on the back. He might have said something encouraging but just going off of body language there looks like some tension, and maybe it's bc meyer is going through some burnout or something? Just my observations...maybe I'm just reading into things.
Did Tom spit on Alex's shoes and sarcastically thank him for wasting his weekend while Terry is on the other side of Alex telling him he (Alex) should kick the shit out of his head coach (Tom) for spitting on his shoes? Oh wait, that was someone else a few years ago.
You know, to complain about specific wrestlers you don't have to extrapolate that complaint to every single one.
Clearly you didn't read the exchange between Azchief32 and me. He said we didn't major him last time, and I matter-of-factly stated that we did major him last time (Big Tens), which is true. I was incorrect on the score, but I was correct on the major decision. It was a simple response (although not completely correct). Please point out which part of it was a complaint.

Exact same score
You are correct. It was the exact same score. For some reason I had it confused with the Youtsey match (14-4). My mistake. But we did get the major... both times.:)