I'm no expert nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, but it looked like he may have hyperextended going OOB on the original flurry. I though ankle at first when he was hopping around but didn't see anything roll. Looking again they both had all momentum going OOB with his left leg planted back, therefore my very amateur guess. It could be a simple two week sprain or it could be an ACL tear, we'll probably never know but I bet we see him in a big brace in 2 weeks.I watched it twice. The "injury" happens like 20 seconds before. He's limping around before he comes back to center. He was in on a leg earlier. I only watched his knees. Nothing went the wrong direction, zero improper stress. Whatever happened, happened with zero input from the Minny 197.
Oh, I'm thinking it's going to be like Starocci or Nolf. Hopefully he'll be back at nationals with a vengeance.
Also, just as with Teemer's injury against ISU, why send him back out there after suffering a potential severe injury? In a dual I can see trying to preserve the team points (not in Teemer's case as he was obviously injured) but in a qualifying tournament, take the injury default and don't put that knee at any additional risk.