Sign The Petition: Blackout Uniforms Are Permanent Uniforms

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    elegantly and stylishly fashionable.
You do know that this is a football team as I previously said. I don't know how many players or fans that are truly interested in having the team ''elegantly and stylishly fashionable'' or even using those words regarding uniforms. Maybe you thought this was the Olympic Skating Forum.
You do know that this is a football team as I previously said. I don't know how many players or fans that are truly interested in having the team ''elegantly and stylishly fashionable'' or even using those words regarding uniforms. Maybe you thought this was the Olympic Skating Forum.

The younger kids and recruits love cool fashion forward unis. Our unis aren't bad, but that's just the reality
-------Never change the helmet.

The logo is way too round...ditch the ANF....ditch the stupid white leg stockings that run all the way up to the knee....look like 1978 Wig Wams that I wore to gym class. I really thought we "played up" to the the new unis against OSU...everyone I watched the game with said we actually appeared faster and more athletic....hey, you are how you feel...and look. Our current unis are very dated....and daddy long leg looking.