Simone Biles

I could get that if it was her first olympics, maybe. But it isn't. And yes a straw breaks a camels back. But, there are warning signs or problems long before that. She competes a month ago, but now an olympics with nobody in the stands, in the middle, is too much? Not when she landed? Not when she was on the team plane? But in the middle of the competition?
I don't doubt there were warning signs. I'd imagine she tried to "tough it out" and rely on her training and experience. She gets out there and suddenly nothing is working. She couldn't stick landings, she couldn't stay on the mat, and that vault was a disaster. She was getting worse - likely because she was trying harder. I can't imagine anyone being more desperate and disappointed in her decision than Biles (excepting our resident HROT psychiatrists).
Like you have any more Fing clue than the rest of us.

Get off your high horse, the fall is gonna hurt.

I have plenty of idea how pressure builds. So do a lot of medical experts. Every study says it just doesn't manifest itself, its not TV.
Lol - no high horse, just somewhat experienced at this type of pressure as well as the kind you're talking about. There is no comparison between work pressure and intense spotlight pressure.
I could get that if it was her first olympics, maybe. But it isn't. And yes a straw breaks a camels back. But, there are warning signs or problems long before that. She competes a month ago, but now an olympics with nobody in the stands, in the middle, is too much? Not when she landed? Not when she was on the team plane? But in the middle of the competition?
Yes, when the spotlight is brightest the pressure intensifies. That you can't seem to understand that is baffling to me.
and one less person had their dream come true.

(if she said two months ago, I can't do it an alternate would have gotten her spot and someone else the alernate spot).

And its like when guys sit out the bowl game. We crucify them around here. Whoever takes over for TJ cause he doesn't play so he can be drafted, sadly, by the Lions is less good. Same concept here.
BS - to suggest she knew 2 months ago that this would happen is absurd.
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try agian

April 14th, most definitely pulled himself out of the game. Never put on injury designation. Pulled himself from the game. You want to continue to defend and indefensible position. I'm waiting for you say yeah but they are both black.

April 14th, most definitely pulled himself out of the game. Never put on injury designation. Pulled himself from the game. You want to continue to defend and indefensible position. I'm waiting for you say yeah but they are both black.
So he said I'm injured after throwin 70 pitches with a physical injury (not just cause he was having a bad day -- 0 runs and 3 hits) and went on the injured list the next day with a lat strain.

Wanna try again?
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The cute-sounding term, well-known in the gymnastics community, describes a frightening predicament. When gymnasts have the “twisties,” they lose control of their bodies as they spin through the air. Sometimes they twist when they hadn’t planned to. Other times they stop midway through, as Biles did. And after experiencing the twisties once, it’s very difficult to forget. Instinct gets replaced by thought. Thought quickly leads to worry. Worry is difficult to escape.
So he said I'm injured after throwin 70 pitches with a physical injury (not just cause he was having a bad day -- 0 runs and 3 hits) and went on the injured list the next day with a lat strain.

Wanna try again?
Your saying she didn't tweak her ankle at all with the way she landed, try again. It was a grade 1 strain, essentially him being a wussy by any of the other commentators on here against Simone. I am sure she had at the minimum a grade 1 tweak of her ankle.

So here is my clear concise argument. He could have continued to pitch with a grade 1 strain. He didn't feel right, he thought he could injure himself further or his team, and pulled himself out and the team rested him for another 10 days. She didn't feel her mind or body was right, felt she could injure herself or the team and pulled herself out.

I will never be able to change your mind, but at least recognize the equivalency.
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She is the GOAT
She's also not a disgrace like you called her earlier in this thread
Bullcrap. She is a disgrace for buying into all the hype that people were throwing her way and even promoting it with the goat rhinestones.

All the people who idolized her and kept setting her on a higher and higher pedestal are a disgrace too.....and that includes the first pages of this thread.

Biles allowed herself to be set up for this fall. Too bad for her.

Next stop for her? Three fiddy and a half dozen kids.
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Bullcrap. She is a disgrace for buying into all the hype that people were throwing her way and even promoting it with the goat rhinestones.

All the people who idolized her and kept setting her on a higher and higher pedestal are a disgrace too.....and that includes the first pages of this thread.

Biles allowed herself to be set up for this fall. Too bad for her.

Next stop for her? Three fuddy and a half dozen kids.
So the heroin addiction really messed you up.....sorry you have a lot of hatred for people of a particular trait. I hope you continue to get the help you need.
Your saying she didn't tweak her ankle at all with the way she landed, try again. It was a grade 1 strain, essentially him being a wussy by any of the other commentators on here against Simone. I am sure she had at the minimum a grade 1 tweak of her ankle.

So here is my clear concise argument. He could have continued to pitch with a grade 1 strain. He didn't feel right, he thought he could injure himself further or his team, and pulled himself out and the team rested him for another 10 days. She didn't feel her mind or body was right, felt she could injure herself or the team and pulled herself out.

I will never be able to change your mind, but at least recognize the equivalency.
Try following the conversation. We were talking about someone pulling themselves cause of a bad day in said sport. Only for that reason. I and another poster pointe dout that you dont' see pitchers pulling themselves for bad days.

At no point was anyone, in this discussion I'm referencing, did anyone refer to a physical injury for Samone until your post that I've have quote above.

You jumped in and said Cueto. I provided his stats, you got smart, then I responded with actual facts that he wasn't having a bad day, had a physical injury and did go on the IL, which you said didn't happen.

Wanna keep trying or just admit you were wrong? That no pitchers don't pull themselves cause of a bad day.
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Bullcrap. She is a disgrace for buying into all the hype that people were throwing her way and even promoting it with the goat rhinestones.

All the people who idolized her and kept setting her on a higher and higher pedestal are a disgrace too.....and that includes the first pages of this thread.

Biles allowed herself to be set up for this fall. Too bad for her.

Next stop for her? Three fuddy and a half dozen kids.

Good lord. Why so mad?
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Try following the conversation. We were talking about someone pulling themselves cause of a bad day in said sport. Only for that reason. I and another poster pointe dout that you dont' see pitchers pulling themselves for bad days.

At no point was anyone, in this discussion I'm referencing, did anyone refer to a physical injury for Samone until your post that I've have quote above.

You jumped in and said Cueto. I provided his stats, you got smart, then I responded with actual facts that he wasn't having a bad day, had a physical injury and did go on the IL, which you said didn't happen.

Wanna keep trying or just admit you were wrong? That no pitchers don't pull themselves cause of a bad day.
He did pull himself. I will admit I didn't see the 10 day designation, at the same token, a grade 1 is nothing. See I can admit when I am wrong, can you? In both cases both pulled themselves because they didn't feel right.
Try following the conversation. We were talking about someone pulling themselves cause of a bad day in said sport. Only for that reason. I and another poster pointe dout that you dont' see pitchers pulling themselves for bad days.

At no point was anyone, in this discussion I'm referencing, did anyone refer to a physical injury for Samone until your post that I've have quote above.

You jumped in and said Cueto. I provided his stats, you got smart, then I responded with actual facts that he wasn't having a bad day, had a physical injury and did go on the IL, which you said didn't happen.

Wanna keep trying or just admit you were wrong? That no pitchers don't pull themselves cause of a bad day.
Keep up the good work.

Also, April 14th Reds/Giants game was the 12th game of a 162 game season. Even if he wasn't injured, which he very much was, it's not like he pulled himself from the World Series. He also earned the W in that game.
Not exactly related (same church, different pew) but Sandy Koufax was met with the same disdain and hatred for not pitching of the Sabbath
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She needs to go have a chat with the men's volleyball team, they were cool with knocking 20 serves into the net last night.
To much rah-rah after every point. Gets old. How about some f bombs and shoving the guy that screws up.
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I got no problem with her withdrawing. And it sounds like she did it for the right reasons.

I think doing so, however, takes her out of the GOAT conversation. GOATs might make mental mistakes, but they don't withdraw because their head isn't right. Not at the highest level of competition. Just my opinion.
Every sport is different. You can debate Goat in team sports like FB, BB, and Soccer. Pretty easy to claim goat in timed sports or sports with degree of difficulty. No one ever has been able to pull off moves like Simone. It's not really a debate among those in the gymnastics community that she's the best ever. Now random people who tune in once every 4 years, sure I suppose they'll argue it but they really don't know what they're took me a few years and I'm still asking my daughter how they score these moves.
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What high pressure
Situations have you been in that you can lend us losers your expert opinion on?
I always love these call outs when people ask randoms on the internet. Next time I'm trying to help stop someone who has gotten 20 units of blood from bleeding out in surgery, I 'll just take a day off because I don't like to be there. Then people can celebrate because I'm taking "me time."

Look, she is quitting because she may put herself at risk. Feel sympathy for her, respect her decision, and leave her alone, but this isn't a triumphant moment. The triumphant moment is not the decision to withdraw.
Bullcrap. She is a disgrace for buying into all the hype that people were throwing her way and even promoting it with the goat rhinestones.

All the people who idolized her and kept setting her on a higher and higher pedestal are a disgrace too.....and that includes the first pages of this thread.

Biles allowed herself to be set up for this fall. Too bad for her.

Next stop for her? Three fiddy and a half dozen kids.
You are an odd individual.
Not really, the point is great athletes often get to the breaking point. Jim Brown quit football at the height of his career. So did Barry Sanders. I think a going catcher who was doing very well quit recently as well.
Poor comparisons. Show me anywhere that Brown or Sanders quit because the stress was too much?
I always love these call outs when people ask randoms on the internet. Next time I'm trying to help stop someone who has gotten 20 units of blood from bleeding out in surgery, I 'll just take a day off because I don't like to be there. Then people can celebrate because I'm taking "me time."

Look, she is quitting because she may put herself at risk. Feel sympathy for her, respect her decision, and leave her alone, but this isn't a triumphant moment. The triumphant moment is not the decision to withdraw.
@RileyHawk knows high pressure situations. He pitched in relief in a JV HS baseball game once. No one should question his expertise on this topic.
Bullcrap. She is a disgrace for buying into all the hype that people were throwing her way and even promoting it with the goat rhinestones.

All the people who idolized her and kept setting her on a higher and higher pedestal are a disgrace too.....and that includes the first pages of this thread.

Biles allowed herself to be set up for this fall. Too bad for her.

Next stop for her? Three fiddy and a half dozen kids.
Maybe we should just be happy that this girl worked her ass off for thousands of hours, never asking for anything and gave us lots of great memories and gold medals. And maybe, we should return the favor by supporting her when she says she needs help.
Bullcrap. She is a disgrace for buying into all the hype that people were throwing her way and even promoting it with the goat rhinestones.

All the people who idolized her and kept setting her on a higher and higher pedestal are a disgrace too.....and that includes the first pages of this thread.

Biles allowed herself to be set up for this fall. Too bad for her.

Next stop for her? Three fiddy and a half dozen kids.
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Bullcrap. She is a disgrace for buying into all the hype that people were throwing her way and even promoting it with the goat rhinestones.

All the people who idolized her and kept setting her on a higher and higher pedestal are a disgrace too.....and that includes the first pages of this thread.

Biles allowed herself to be set up for this fall. Too bad for her.

Next stop for her? Three fiddy and a half dozen kids.
I don’t do this often but I’m going to say it, I think you’re a fvcking racist cvnt.
So your contention is....they retired because they we're bored?
So basically, everyone retired because of stress. Pain is stressful. Getting old is stressful. Family issues are stressful. Getting caught using roids is stressful. All reasons point to stress. So, she’s just like…everyone.
@RileyHawk knows high pressure situations. He pitched in relief in a JV HS baseball game once. No one should question his expertise on this topic.
Lol - a bit higher level than that but enough that I can empathize. How about you? Ever been in a pressure packed athletic endeavor where your nerves and anxiety were hard to handle?

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