Simone Biles

Every sport is different. You can debate Goat in team sports like FB, BB, and Soccer. Pretty easy to claim goat in timed sports or sports with degree of difficulty. No one ever has been able to pull off moves like Simone. It's not really a debate among those in the gymnastics community that she's the best ever. Now random people who tune in once every 4 years, sure I suppose they'll argue it but they really don't know what they're took me a few years and I'm still asking my daughter how they score these moves.
Fair enough. I'll have to take your word for it.
So basically, everyone retired because of stress. Pain is stressful. Getting old is stressful. Family issues are stressful. Getting caught using roids is stressful. All reasons point to stress. So, she’s just like…everyone.
Except that she's the best to ever do her discipline.
While I think it's ridiculous to chastise Biles, I also don't understand people who insist on calling her "brave" and an "inspiration."

There shouldn't be shame in not being able to overcome adversity - it happens, and it happened to Briles. But it isn't "mean" or out-of-bounds to say out loud that she failed to overcome adversity. Because she did.

THIS dude, is brave and inspiring:

Lol - a bit higher level than that but enough that I can empathize. How about you? Ever been in a pressure packed athletic endeavor where your nerves and anxiety were hard to handle?
No but I didn’t make the claim like you did.
While I think it's ridiculous to chastise Biles, I also don't understand people who insist on calling her "brave" and an "inspiration."

There shouldn't be shame in not being able to overcome adversity - it happens, and it happened to Briles. But it isn't "mean" or out-of-bounds to say out loud that she failed to overcome adversity. Because she did.

THIS dude, is brave and inspiring:

I believe the difference is we talk and talk as a society about about trying to be more cognizant and respectful of those with mental health issues. We all have dealt with suicide and addciction in our circles in life and always say the same thing, "Why won't/didn't they reach out for help?". Why? You're seeing why. She did and is getting blasted by people who couldn't run a mile, without stopping for $1M.

I believe many are hoping this is a major turn in the shaming of individuals with mental health struggles.
I believe the difference is we talk and talk as a society about about trying to be more cognizant and respectful of those with mental health issues. We all have dealt with suicide and addciction in our circles in life and always say the same thing, "Why won't/didn't they reach out for help?". Why? You're seeing why. She did and is getting blasted by people who couldn't run a mile, without stopping for $1M.

I believe many are hoping this is a major turn in the shaming of individuals with mental health struggles.
Unfortunately, in today's social media world, the grifters like Charlie Kirk and Matt Walsh seize these opportunities to expand their followers and make more money....regardless of who it hurts or if they actually believe it.
I made the claim because I've been in those situations. It's clear you lack perspective.
You have not been in the same
situation or anything remotely close to what Simone Biles was in. If so would love to hear about it.
she decides she's not in the right place to compete for one event and yahoos on the internet call her soft. It's comical
i wonder how many people calling her soft whined like a bitch last summer about masks because “i CaNt BrEeThE”

I can only imagine what some of YOU would be saying if Simone would have kept this to herself and then went out and missed one of her multiple twists and flips and landed wrong and been paralyzed for life.
She's 10x stronger than you will ever be.
Relative to peers she pussed out but that is the new norm for America. I have far more respect for all the less capable Americans who don't quit, perform to the best of their ability, and tough it out.

I hope she never represents the USA again in anything and any business signing her to a marketing campaign regrets it.
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Relative to peers she pussed out but that is the new norm for America. I have far more respect for all the less capable Americans who don't quit, perform to the best of their ability, and tough it out.

I hope she never represents the USA again in anything and any business signing her to a marketing campaign regrets it.
It's fun having others see you for the unhinged freak that you are.
Relative to peers she pussed out but that is the new norm for America. I have far more respect for all the less capable Americans who don't quit, perform to the best of their ability, and tough it out.

I hope she never represents the USA again in anything and any business signing her to a marketing campaign regrets it.

Are you trolling?
I don't think you are.
Haven't been following this but after reading a little I must say it seems Biles' decision is well justified.

Just not sure why mental health and stress had to be brought in to this. Doesn't serve her well. The "twisties" - a lack of physical orientation and well known in gymnastic circles - is what caused her withdrawal. True, stress can be a factor, but to my understanding no one knows for sure. Wish her well.
You have not been in the same
situation or anything remotely close to what Simone Biles was in. If so would love to hear about it.
Never claimed to be. But I've been in situations far closer to what she has been in than you.

When you're flipping or twisting (or both!) it is very disorienting to the human brain. When training new flips and twists, you need external cues to learn how it feels to complete the trick correctly. (In diving, a coach yells "OUT" and you kick your body straight and pray).

Once you've practiced a trick enough, you develop the neural pathways that create kinesthesia which leads to muscle memory. Your brain remembers how your body feels doing the trick and you gain air awareness.

Think about something that took you a while to learn and required a lot of concentration at the time to get it right, but now is second nature. Driving a car is a good example (especially stick!)

Suddenly, in the middle of driving on the freeway, right as you need to complete a tricky merge, you have totally lost your muscle memory of how to drive a car. You have to focus on making you foot press the pedal at the right angle, turn the steering wheel just so, shift gears..
It's terrifying. You're moving way too fast, you're totally lost, you're trying to THINK but you know you don't usually have to think to do these maneuvers, you just feel them and do them.

The twisties are like this, and often happen under pressure. You're working so hard to get it right that you stop trusting your muscle memory. You're getting lost in the air, second guessing your instincts, overthinking every movement.

It's not only scary and unnerving, it's incredibly dangerous even if you're doing basic gymnastics. The level of skills Simone throws combined with the height and power she gets can lead to catastrophic injury if you're not confident and connected to your kinesthesia.

This isn't as easy to fix as just sleeping it off and hoping for a better day tomorrow. It can look like retraining entire routines and tricks. I never mastered my front 1.5 with a full twist because I'd get the twisties and it would mess with my other twisting dives.

So. When Simone says she's taking it day by day, this is why. She's not soft. She didn't choke. She isn't giving up. It's a phenomenon every gymnast and diver has experienced and she happens to be experiencing it at the Olympics. Can you imagine the frustration? The heartbreak?

I'll also add that @Simone_Biles choosing to bow out pushes back against a dark narrative in gymnastics that you sacrifice yourself for the sake of the sport; you are the product of your coaches and you owe them wins, no matter the personal cost.

No. You owe nobody anything, and you especially don't owe them your body, your health, or your autonomy. I hope every single tiny baby gymnast got that message on self advocacy and setting boundaries loud and clear. Thank you, @Simone_Biles.
Calling you a "pussy" gives you far too much credit. I, for one, am a big fan of "pussy".

You're just a gigantic pile of steaming horseshit.
I was thinking more on the lines of a 5 gallon bucket of dumpster juice. Nasty, stinky, and extremely unwanted in life.
Republicans after a mass shooting:
ItZ a MeNtUl HeLtH PrOBlUM nOt A GuN PrObLuM

Also republicans when someone steps back to take care of their mental health:

ThEy R SoFt
Republicans after a mass shooting:
ItZ a MeNtUl HeLtH PrOBlUM nOt A GuN PrObLuM

Also republicans when someone steps back to take care of their mental health:

ThEy R SoFt
The entire Republican Party has called Simone Biles soft? Would love to see the source on that.
You guys do not understand how shitty the Olympic experience is right now. These athletes have been sequestered in hotel rooms for the last year. You train, you go to your room, your food is delivered to your room, you wake up, wash and repeat. You feel isolated and you are pulled away from your support groups. Many of these people are putting real life on hold to train. They go into debt, put off their careers. Fight through pain and injuries and often eschew intimate relationships because they are just too focused to keep them going. It sucks. My daughter could have been training with the U.S. Team this year and she noped out because of the shitty environment, she just said it is mentally not healthy.
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She hasn't shied away from social media or interviews. That makes it hard for me to believe her and others say she's be honest and brave. I would argue if true about her mental health she's done nothing but put more pressure on herself with the social media posts and her claims of being the GOAT. She's adding fuel to that fire. As another poster said this is self-diagnosed which is a big problem for me. I don't like that these athletes crave all the attention when times are good but play the victim when they hit a little bit of adversity.
You guys do not understand how shitty the Olympic experience is right now. These athletes have been sequestered in hotel rooms for the last year. You train, you go to your room, your food is delivered to your room, you wake up, wash and repeat. You feel isolated and you are pulled away from your support groups. Many of these people are putting real life on hold to train. They go into debt, put off their careers. Fight through pain and injuries and often eschew intimate relationships because they are just too focused to keep them going. It sucks. My daughter could have been training with the U.S. Team this year and she noped out because of the shitty environment, she just said it is mentally not healthy.
That's a whole different thread that could be 9 pages as well.
She hasn't shied away from social media or interviews. That makes it hard for me to believe her and others say she's be honest and brave. I would argue if true about her mental health she's done nothing but put more pressure on herself with the social media posts and her claims of being the GOAT. She's adding fuel to that fire. As another poster said this is self-diagnosed which is a big problem for me. I don't like that these athletes crave all the attention when times are good but play the victim when they hit a little bit of adversity.

It has been posted in here many times what she has going on with her, and it sounds very dangerous to do what she does, when she doesn't have it all together.

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