Simone Biles

Anyone on a national stage who puts themselves over "us" is going to be criticized. But if you're criticizing Biles, remember that the next time you call in sick with a cold.
The appropriate analogy would be coming into work sick, exposing everybody, and leaving saying maybe you should not have come in
Horrible analogy.

it would be like the best Lawyer in the law firm, who has argued and won several cases in front of the Supreme court, is once again working on a huge case that is set to go in-front of the SCOTUS. The day of the hearing the lawyer calls his boss and says "sorry, I need a mental health day".

In my little meaningless work scenario, if my sales rep was set to handle a huge presentation for the branch and decided they couldnt handle it the day of the presentation, that would be the end of that person's reputation.
Actually, it's a perfect analogy. If your lawyer has screwed up multiple pretrial motions due to mental health issues and was certain that his or her continued involvement could significantly impact the case and their long term health...I'm sure you'd be telling your lawyer to "rub a little dirt on it" and continue with your case.

Would your reputation be ended were you struggling with pneumonia and had to miss the presentation? Maybe it's time we started regarding mental issues in the same light as physical ailments. Whatcha think?
I would assume that the level of competition at the Olympics would weed out the folks that are not mentally strong enough to handle the pressure. If an athlete is experiencing those issues they should not be taking the spot on the Olympic team that another athlete will fill.
Ummm...that's why they have alternates, you know.
I really do hope she can get things right for the individual events. Her decisions and choices to this point (which as is stated earlier I fully support and believe it was the right call) will haunt her for the rest of her life. If she has to pull out completely, she’s going to have a whole different psychological challenge to deal with post-olympics. Getting things back together and competing in the individual events will give her something - a redemption story if you will - to anchor back to. She’ll likely still massively regret what happened to her team and the loss of the all around, but at least she’ll have something positive to look back to.
She could even become an outspoken advocate for treating mental health issues as real and serious HEALTH issues.
Sheep is where it is at but understand in this case why you chose GOAT.

It is best that Biles pulled out of the individual athlete who has lost their confidence is nothing. At least it is good that an alternate can take her place. The true shame would have been if her spot was wasted.

One only has to go to the top of this thread and read all the hype and idolization people dumped on her leading up to this shitshow. Congrats all had a hand in this epic failure that will effectively end her career and place a skidmark on her legacy. Hopefully there will be no more talk of calling people the GREATEST OF ALL TIME while they are still competing. Better to wait for them to finish so they don't start believing the hype and add more pressure onto themselves. Also prematurely calling someone the GOAT doesn't allow for their full career and actions to be taken into consideration. Gotta take the good along with the bad and this turd will be very much remembered... e$pecially when it comes to her marketing value.
She didn't have to do the commercials and the promos and wear the GOAT leotard. She participated in the hype and then she quit. I don't feel sorry for her. I don't think she should be praised for being "brave". She quit. She doesn't want the pressure. Everybody just leave her alone. Somebody else will take her place and will do her best to win a medal.

I'm fine with Biles decision as it's her life and her decision. But don't tell me she's brave or this should be celebrated.
She didn't have to do the commercials and the promos and wear the GOAT leotard. She participated in the hype and then she quit. I don't feel sorry for her. I don't think she should be praised for being "brave". She quit. She doesn't want the pressure. Everybody just leave her alone. Somebody else will take her place and will do her best to win a medal.

I'm fine with Biles decision as it's her life and her decision. But don't tell me she's brave or this should be celebrated.

She quit for her safety.
She walked away from it all, knowing morons like yourself would ridicule her for days/months/years.

She took care of herself.

That's being brave.
That should be celebrated.
She quit for her safety.
She walked away from it all, knowing morons like yourself would ridicule her for days/months/years.

She took care of herself.

That's being brave.
That should be celebrated.
Sure but should she be more celebrated than the three teammates who were put in a tough situation and performed under the immense pressure of losing your best athlete in the middle of the competition?
Sure but should she be more celebrated than the three teammates who were put in a tough situation and performed under the immense pressure of losing your best athlete in the middle of the competition?

Again, moron.

YOU keep posting threads about Simone, but not one about her team mates.
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Some of this just doesn't sit right. I'm sorry.

Healthy poeple don't have mental breakdowns randomly (assuming she's healthy and not a mental patient as she has yet to remove herself from any other competition ever). I know you don't agree, but it just doesn't sit right to do it in the middle of the competition. This wasn't a problem that just sprung up overnight. It was building. But, instead she took someone else's spot and then, possibly, cost her team. Sorry it just doesn't sit right for me.

I mean the Nassar stuff jsut seems odd. Yes she was abused. But he was charged years ago, sentenced years ago. Now, the issues related to it just completetly overwhelm her in the middle of this olympics? Why not a previous one. Its not a new issue. If COVID was problem and making it worse, she still could compete in the all the qualifying and other events, but not this one. It was just too much?

I'm all for metnal health discussions, I'm all for protecting mental health. But, the ole just be done in the middle of a two week event that is held every four years when you've shown no past issues, I'm sorry just doesn't sit right with me.
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She didn't have to do the commercials and the promos and wear the GOAT leotard. She participated in the hype and then she quit. I don't feel sorry for her. I don't think she should be praised for being "brave". She quit. She doesn't want the pressure. Everybody just leave her alone. Somebody else will take her place and will do her best to win a medal.

I'm fine with Biles decision as it's her life and her decision. But don't tell me she's brave or this should be celebrated.
Strug didn't "quit" and it ended her career at 18.

I was orginally very opposed to Biles quitting at the highest level and thought she displayed very poor mental toughness. But after seeing that vault I am glad she did. That vault was scary to watch. She was a danger to herself that night. And she absolutely made the right decision not just for her own safety but the medal chances of her teammates.

So now I applaud her quitting. It took more mental toughness to quit than to succumb to the pressure to perform that night.
Wore GOAT leotard. Put up highest scores in history.
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Some of this just doesn't sit right. I'm sorry.

Healthy poeple don't have mental breakdowns randomly (assuming she's healthy and not a mental patient as she has yet to remove herself from any other competition ever). I know you don't agree, but it just doesn't sit right to do it in the middle of the competition. This wasn't a problem that just sprung up overnight. It was building. But, instead she took someone else's spot and then, possibly, cost her team. Sorry it just doesn't sit right for me.

I mean the Nassar stuff jsut seems odd. Yes she was abused. But he was charged years ago, sentenced years ago. Now, the issues related to it just completetly overwhelm her in the middle of this olympics? Why not a previous one. Its not a new issue. If COVID was problem and making it worse, she still could compete in the all the qualifying and other events, but not this one. It was just too much?

I'm all for metnal health discussions, I'm all for protecting mental health. But, the ole just be done in the middle of a two week event that is held every four years when you've shown no past issues, I'm sorry just doesn't sit right with me.

Did you see the follow up post I posted?

You said it doesn't sit right with you 3x, I get it. It doesn't have to sit right with any of us.
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Some of this just doesn't sit right. I'm sorry.

Healthy poeple don't have mental breakdowns randomly (assuming she's healthy and not a mental patient as she has yet to remove herself from any other competition ever). I know you don't agree, but it just doesn't sit right to do it in the middle of the competition. This wasn't a problem that just sprung up overnight. It was building. But, instead she took someone else's spot and then, possibly, cost her team. Sorry it just doesn't sit right for me.

I mean the Nassar stuff jsut seems odd. Yes she was abused. But he was charged years ago, sentenced years ago. Now, the issues related to it just completetly overwhelm her in the middle of this olympics? Why not a previous one. Its not a new issue. If COVID was problem and making it worse, she still could compete in the all the qualifying and other events, but not this one. It was just too much?

I'm all for metnal health discussions, I'm all for protecting mental health. But, the ole just be done in the middle of a two week event that is held every four years when you've shown no past issues, I'm sorry just doesn't sit right with me.
Her performances were significantly affected. If you watched that last fault, she could have injured herself. I suspect she sucked it up—as everyone wants her to now—through the trials. But it created at the Olympics.
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She quit for her safety.
She walked away from it all, knowing morons like yourself would ridicule her for days/months/years.

She took care of herself.

That's being brave.
That should be celebrated.
I'm not ridiculing her. I said I don't care. It's her decision to pull out.

That said. We don't need to celebrate her either.
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Strug didn't "quit" and it ended her career at 18.

I was orginally very opposed to Biles quitting at the highest level and thought she displayed very poor mental toughness. But after seeing that vault I am glad she did. That vault was scary to watch. She was a danger to herself that night. And she absolutely made the right decision not just for her own safety but the medal chances of her teammates.

So now I applaud her quitting. It took more mental toughness to quit than to succumb to the pressure to perform that night.

Yeah, i watched her last vault in slow motion last night. She looked panicked during her rotation and relieved that she actually landed it. It was scary. While I am still disappointed she has dropped out due to my own selfish reasons, I am coming around and get it.

I feel terrible for her. To work as hard as she has for most of her life only for it to end like this has to be brutal for her.
Did you see the follow up post I posted?

You said it doesn't sit right with you 3x, I get it. It doesn't have to sit right with any of us.
That she stayed on cheered? Great. Who cares? She did what any injured person should/would do.

As I said something doesn't pass the smell test here. I know you disagree and are just gonna rip people who think differently. That's fine. But, sorry I just don't buy everything was building and then magically all comes together on the biggest stage that happens every four years. There are few documented cases like that.

(and you say the same phrase 3x for emphasis. Called reptition for effect. A common literary device)
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Her performances were significantly affected. If you watched that last fault, she could have injured herself. I suspect she sucked it up—as everyone wants her to now—through the trials. But it created at the Olympics.
As I understand that may be the case, but it just seems odd. Like she was able to suck it all up for months and years and then Kablam-o in the middle of the olympics is like "nope." It just rubs me the wrong way, maybe its the tennis person and the fear that this will become more common the whole, I need a break cause its stressful thing.
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That she stayed on cheered? Great. Who cares? She did what any injured person should/would do.

As I said something doesn't pass the smell test here. I know you disagree and are just gonna rip people who think differently. That's fine. But, sorry I just don't buy everything was building and then magically all comes together on the biggest stage that happens every four years. There are few documented cases like that.

(and you say the same phrase 3x for emphasis. Called reptition for effect. A common literary device)

No, the twitter thread that explained what was going on with her mentally, which was very dangerous.
FWIW the biggest criticizers of Biles that I have seen have come from my wife (no pic) and my friend's wife (no pic). Both were college athletes and were VERY critical of her and the timing of her decision. If anything, the guys I have talked to about it are less critical of Biles because she is a woman. csb.

My biggest question is how do you not have your head on right going into the Olympics? She's making a lot of money and this will likely cost her a lot of money. How do you not have a therapist and/or a sports psychologist on hand to make sure your head is on right prior to the biggest event in 5 years?
I got no problem with her withdrawing. And it sounds like she did it for the right reasons.

I think doing so, however, takes her out of the GOAT conversation. GOATs might make mental mistakes, but they don't withdraw because their head isn't right. Not at the highest level of competition. Just my opinion.
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I'm not exactly following this. If Biles is injured, why didn't she just bow out and leave it at that.
I'm not exactly following this. If Biles is injured, why didn't she just bow out and leave it at that.
She’s not physically injured. She essentially got Chuck Knoblach syndrome or Rick Ankiel syndrome in the middle of the competition.
As I understand that may be the case, but it just seems odd. Like she was able to suck it all up for months and years and then Kablam-o in the middle of the olympics is like "nope." It just rubs me the wrong way, maybe its the tennis person and the fear that this will become more common the whole, I need a break cause its stressful thing.
It's odd solely for the reason that it is not a regular occurrence. I tend to avoid doing a deep dive into someone's mental focus or lack thereof. She was extremely successful before and this Olympics the pressure caused her to lose her focus and make some very bad mistakes in her routines. Maybe it's age--no she is more self-aware of the pressures (pressure to win, to earn money for her and her family) when, before, she was just a kid and was just happy to be there. Maybe add in the strangeness of Covid protocols, isolation, etc. It all just crested as she was trying to perform an extremely difficult sport and she decided to withdraw.
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It's odd solely for the reason that it is not a regular occurrence. I tend to avoid doing a deep dive into someone's mental focus or lack thereof. She was extremely successful before and this Olympics the pressure caused her to lose her focus and make some very bad mistakes in her routines. Maybe it's age--no she is more self-aware of the pressures (pressure to win, to earn money for her and her family) when, before, she was just a kid and was just happy to be there. Maybe add in the strangeness of Covid protocols, isolation, etc. It all just crested as she was trying to perform an extremely difficult sport and she decided to withdraw.
I wonder how much the Covid delay affected a number of sports. A lot of these people take significant time off and then start building on a schedule to peak at the right time. Pushing that back a whole year has to have some impact. Some of the winning swimming times are very mediocre.
I wonder how much the Covid delay affected a number of sports. A lot of these people take significant time off and then start building on a schedule to peak at the right time. Pushing that back a whole year has to have some impact.
I wonder how much Covid protocol is affecting the athletes. The Olympic village--for good and for bad--is a giant orgy/party to blow off steam, make friends, let your mind break from the extreme focus. It's my understanding that is not what is going on in Tokyo --

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