Since Dems took charge: Gas: +55.5%; Groceries: +21.3%; Restaurants: +21.8%; Baby food: +30%; Pet food: +23.1%; Rent: +20.8%; electricity: +28.5%;

The joke there was you would be on your ass after you sold your vehicle because the cost of getting anything new or used would also be 20%, or more, higher.

It's the sharks and minnows idea.
So I gain 20% and it costs me 20% more...which means I'm in the exact same spot. C'mon man.

As asked by some above, what are the specific ideas that the potential new administration will implement to fix the inflation issues?
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So I gain 20% and it costs me 20% more...which means I'm in the exact same spot. C'mon man.

As asked by some above, what are the specific ideas that the potential new administration will implement to fix the inflation issues?
standard gop stuff...lower taxes for high incomes, nibbling around the meaningless edges of regulation (while not touching the stuff that actually matters), increasing energy exports...
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Yes, 1/6 and Hunter Biden's laptop are comparable. JFC. You are always capable of finding a new false equivalency that tops the last one. Holy shit. Storming the Capitol building, looking to hurt Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi is a nothing burger. That's what you're implying here. One of Ryan's multiple handles LOVED your post so that should tell you how effed up your thought process is on this.
What’s my thought process on this? That fvcking commission was a shit show and complete waste of time. What came out of it? What made it worth it that we didn’t already know about? All of the arrests are coming out of DOJ investigations. That only “fact finding” commission is the only one since McCarthy where the only people who got to bring up witnesses and ask the questions already had their opinions formulated. Just take a look at all of the evidence they withheld for crissakes.

And yes the Hunter Biden shot was nonsense as well.

I’m guessing you also think this current Trump trial would have also been happening if his name was Bob Smith and not Donald Trump.
What’s my thought process on this? That fvcking commission was a shit show and complete waste of time. What came out of it? What made it worth it that we didn’t already know about? All of the arrests are coming out of DOJ investigations. That only “fact finding” commission is the only one since McCarthy where the only people who got to bring up witnesses and ask the questions already had their opinions formulated. Just take a look at all of the evidence they withheld for crissakes.

And yes the Hunter Biden shot was nonsense as well.

I’m guessing you also think this current Trump trial would have also been happening if his name was Bob Smith and not Donald Trump.
i really hate the "if his name wasn't donald trump, he wouldn't be prosecuted" thing.

and i don't hate it because i think its inaccurate, but i hate it because thats one of the issues we have in our political system

a guy is on trial for using his business/wealth to hide illicit contributions he made in support of his political campaign. do we do see stuff like that prosecuted often? absolutely not

should we see stuff like that prosecuted more often? abso-f*cking-lutely
-I gave both my kids up for adoption to save on money.
-I sold my house and quit my job, applied for and got into low income housing.
-To save more $ I sent my animals up to SD and had Noem take them in
-I sold my pickup I worked OT for and bought a used 2013 Camry with 300,000 miles

If you guys would just swallow your pride and do these things you'd be fine.
What’s my thought process on this? That fvcking commission was a shit show and complete waste of time. What came out of it? What made it worth it that we didn’t already know about? All of the arrests are coming out of DOJ investigations. That only “fact finding” commission is the only one since McCarthy where the only people who got to bring up witnesses and ask the questions already had their opinions formulated. Just take a look at all of the evidence they withheld for crissakes.

And yes the Hunter Biden shot was nonsense as well.

I’m guessing you also think this current Trump trial would have also been happening if his name was Bob Smith and not Donald Trump.
Wow. What came out of it?? You didn't pay attention? I assume no since you think it is equal to Hunter's laptop. An attack on the US Capitol where people were looking to at minimum injure the Vice President and House Speaker is basically a nothingburger to you?? Read and learn because you sure as hell didn't know everything in their report. The only people who went before the committee were the ones willing to tell the truth UNDER OATH. Nobody who said Trump had nothing to do with anything would testify UNDER OATH. Why? Because they would have to lie to protect him.

Your last sentence is correct...if his name was Bob Smith he would have been prosecuted for it a long time ago...along with every other illegal act Bob Smith committed. Instead, Trump is still being protected though we all know he's a freaking criminal who belongs in prison. Yes, this is the weakest of his indictments. I WANT to know what he did with the files that he stole that are actually missing top secret documents, who has them now, and what they gave Trump for them.

Again, lets all unify to eliminate the worst stain in our nation's history and then we can all go back to fighting over policy. Like I said, one of the biggest lunatics on the board agrees with you. That means to reset what you're saying.
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Wow. What came out of it?? You didn't pay attention? I assume no since you think it is equal to Hunter's laptop. An attack on the US Capitol where people were looking to at minimum injure the Vice President and House Speaker is basically a nothingburger to you?? Read and learn because you sure as hell didn't know everything in their report. The only people who went before the committee were the ones willing to tell the truth UNDER OATH. Nobody who said Trump had nothing to do with anything would testify UNDER OATH. Why? Because they would have to lie to protect him.

Your last sentence is correct...if his name was Bob Smith he would have been prosecuted for it a long time ago...along with every other illegal act Bob Smith committed. Instead, Trump is still being protected though we all know he's a freaking criminal who belongs in prison. Yes, this is the weakest of his indictments. I WANT to know what he did with the files that he stole that are actually missing top secret documents, who has them now, and what they gave Trump for them.

Again, lets all unify to eliminate the worst stain in our nation's history and then we can all go back to fighting over policy. Like I said, one of the biggest lunatics on the board agrees with you. That means to reset what you're saying.
Why do you lie? Where did I say it was equal to anything? This fantasy world you create for yourself is quite something. One poster mentioned that congress didn’t pass a bill because they were doing something with Hunter. Then said they also did something with January 6th. A lot of wasted time.

And again, it wasn’t a fact finding mission. They weren’t interested in getting to the bottom of anything. They wanted to burn Trump and blame him for it on national tv for a few months and that’s what they did.

As for nutbags who like my posts, you should have some self awareness and take a peek at the same few losers you have in your fan club. Besides, the thousand of laughing emojis you have given me fill me with the knowledge that each post is right on the money.

As for Bob Smith being charged years ago. I agree. Because that’s when they were misdemeanors. Remember? They waited out the statutes of limitations to be able to up-charge them. And just before the election. What a coincidence!

I love your last bit about how everyone needs to come together to get rid of Trump, regardless of laws or procedures. While constantly decrying the possibilities of the “end of Democracy”. It’s obvious you just want democracy to die, but by your way of choosing. Not anyone else’s.

Now back to the 1/6 committee…
They didn’t even question the Chief of Capitol Police. Wonder why? Oh yeah… that’s why…

“If the intelligence had been accurately reported and the FBI and DHS had followed their policies and established practices, I wouldn’t be sitting here today,” he told the panel.

“This could have been preventable if we had gotten the intelligence they had,” he later told Virginia Republican Morgan Griffith.

Sund told the panel: “Significant intelligence existed that individuals were plotting to storm the Capitol building, target lawmakers and discussing shooting my officers. And yet, no intel agencies or units sounded the alarm. We were blindsided. Intelligence failed operations. The January 6 attack at the Capitol was preventable.”

Sund told the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight that besides intelligence failures, the U.S. National Guard had also been instructed not to assist Capitol Police out of concern for political “optics.”
Why do you lie? Where did I say it was equal to anything? This fantasy world you create for yourself is quite something. One poster mentioned that congress didn’t pass a bill because they were doing something with Hunter. Then said they also did something with January 6th. A lot of wasted time.

And again, it wasn’t a fact finding mission. They weren’t interested in getting to the bottom of anything. They wanted to burn Trump and blame him for it on national tv for a few months and that’s what they did.

As for nutbags who like my posts, you should have some self awareness and take a peek at the same few losers you have in your fan club. Besides, the thousand of laughing emojis you have given me fill me with the knowledge that each post is right on the money.

As for Bob Smith being charged years ago. I agree. Because that’s when they were misdemeanors. Remember? They waited out the statutes of limitations to be able to up-charge them. And just before the election. What a coincidence!

I love your last bit about how everyone needs to come together to get rid of Trump, regardless of laws or procedures. While constantly decrying the possibilities of the “end of Democracy”. It’s obvious you just want democracy to die, but by your way of choosing. Not anyone else’s.

Now back to the 1/6 committee…
They didn’t even question the Chief of Capitol Police. Wonder why? Oh yeah… that’s why…

“If the intelligence had been accurately reported and the FBI and DHS had followed their policies and established practices, I wouldn’t be sitting here today,” he told the panel.

“This could have been preventable if we had gotten the intelligence they had,” he later told Virginia Republican Morgan Griffith.

Sund told the panel: “Significant intelligence existed that individuals were plotting to storm the Capitol building, target lawmakers and discussing shooting my officers. And yet, no intel agencies or units sounded the alarm. We were blindsided. Intelligence failed operations. The January 6 attack at the Capitol was preventable.”

Sund told the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight that besides intelligence failures, the U.S. National Guard had also been instructed not to assist Capitol Police out of concern for political “optics.”

youtube name GIF
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Well. Fool. You insinuate we are where we are because of Rs. Then I would assume even and idiot like you could give any success Obama had to W. Easy enough soft brain?
Yeah because Obama had a cakewalk when he entered office. Obama inherited a ****ing mess and turned it around. What in the actual hell are you talking about? And I'm the soft brain 🤣🤣
Yeah because Obama had a cakewalk when he entered office. Obama inherited a ****ing mess and turned it around. What in the actual hell are you talking about? And I'm the soft brain 🤣🤣
So only dems take on shit shows? Right. Neat thinking idiot.
Sounds like some of our angriest posters here should quit wasting their time posting here and go and get a second job so when the GOP takes your SS and Medicare away you’ll at least have enough for snacks and TP.

Sorry you’re not planning well, but that’s all on you.
Its weird that the base of the GOP votes for millionaire politicians whose policies are really geared towards helping their billionaire friends and corporations on Wall St yet they complain that the little guy on Main Street is getting the shaft.

These politicians don't feel the pain of their constituents, and the only thing they know about the hardships are the stats they are given to measure the suffering of their voters.
Haha wtf?! The base of GOP votes are for millionaire politicians? Is Biden not a millionaire? Pelosi? Warner? Blumenthal? I can keep going. GTFOH
So I gain 20% and it costs me 20% more...which means I'm in the exact same spot. C'mon man.

As asked by some above, what are the specific ideas that the potential new administration will implement to fix the inflation issues?

Did you factor in the taxes that Joe wants from you since you car appreciated 20%? Biden is a total POS, along with the complete total administration. Lies from government are up about 10,000% since Joe became president. But I’m sure that is somehow Trumps fault.
  • Haha
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Since Democrats took control…
Love of Hamas +2000%
Nazi Democrats hatred for Israel +6000%
Your stupid ass avatar puts me in a shitty mood every time I see it. Congratulations.

Re: this thread. It may be because I’m older and in my prime earning years. But, we now eat out 3-5 times a week, simply because I’m too damn tired to fix dinner at the end of the day.
Timely bit of analysis on the topic:



Nothing they tell us is accurate. This last report they didn’t like the fact that coffee continues to get more and more expensive so what did they do? They excluded coffee from the official numbers.
Sorry ACA is a joke. And forgot dipshit Joe ruined the Middle East. Forgot the book end.
OMG. Some people are just plain stupid, or have fallen for all of the disinformation that has been pushed on social and over RW media over the last several decades.

How does this problem get resolved????

How did Joe ruin the ME? And why is the ACA a "joke", when it has helped people finally get some semblance of health care insurance which they could never before be able to obtain?

Granted, it's not perfect, but the Healthcare insurers and their lobbyists would never stand for that now, would they? How else would they be able to pay their grossly overpaid EO's, CFOs, and attorneys, or reward their shareholders? Maybe it's time we got rid of the middleman leaches who scrape the cream off the top of the Healthcare industry to enrich themselves while frustrating the masses who need Healthcare coverage to save their meager lives, even if it means repeated appeals to have a legitimate healthcare claim be finally approved due to it's actual legitimacy.

You people are heartless, and just plain greedy.
  • Like
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OMG. Some people are just plain stupid, or have fallen for all of the disinformation that has been pushed on social and over RW media over the last several decades.

How does this problem get resolved????

How did Joe ruin the ME? And why is the ACA a "joke", when it has helped people finally get some semblance of health care insurance which they could never before be able to obtain?

Granted, it's not perfect, but the Healthcare insurers and their lobbyists would never stand for that now, would they? How else would they be able to pay their grossly overpaid EO's, CFOs, and attorneys, or reward their shareholders? Maybe it's time we got rid of the middleman leaches who scrape the cream off the top of the Healthcare industry to enrich themselves while frustrating the masses who need Healthcare coverage to save their meager lives, even if it means repeated appeals to have a legitimate healthcare claim be finally approved due to it's actual legitimacy.

You people are heartless, and just plain greedy.
Ask or listen to anyone that served in the ME. Or don’t you clown. And ACA also a joke. Ask everyone in the industry or don’t. Which you won’t shit for brains.
  • Haha
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-I gave both my kids up for adoption to save on money.
-I sold my house and quit my job, applied for and got into low income housing.
-To save more $ I sent my animals up to SD and had Noem take them in
-I sold my pickup I worked OT for and bought a used 2013 Camry with 300,000 miles

If you guys would just swallow your pride and do these things you'd be fine.
Paint yourself brown and dress like a Mexican and the government will give you unlimited food and housing, cell phones, plane tickets, attorneys and whatever else you need. You can even vote despite claiming you're and illegal.
The inability of Rs to think critically is mind boggling. Here let me help you little buddy... what happened before Dems took office? And also please tell me... what magical policy Trump and Rs have that Biden and the Dems are unaware of? The Rs have the house why haven't they introduced anything that will fix it? If they have it they should be yelling and screaming that the Dems are preventing it from being passed. Instead we get Hunter Biden dong pics. Can't take this shit seriously
You can’t be serious? You sound as good as Jared Bernstein, Biden’s economic advisor trying to explain printing money and borrowing our currency.
The inflation came well after Trump left office, that’s a fact. It continues to this day. We’ve been over 3% inflation for almost 2 years, didn’t happen until Biden took over. His policies suck, and he continues to print money, hence the inflation. Show me any mainstream economist that says Trump policies are to blame. Stop blaming Trump, you sound uneducated.
Brian Wesburry, most respected economists, spells out how this mess became worse with Biden.
Ask or listen to anyone that served in the ME. Or don’t you clown. And ACA also a joke. Ask everyone in the industry or don’t. Which you won’t shit for brains.
So you asked EVERYONE in the medical industry about their thoughts on the ACA and they ALL think it’s a joke? Sounds legit
You can’t be serious? You sound as good as Jared Bernstein, Biden’s economic advisor trying to explain printing money and borrowing our currency.
The inflation came well after Trump left office, that’s a fact. It continues to this day. We’ve been over 3% inflation for almost 2 years, didn’t happen until Biden took over. His policies suck, and he continues to print money, hence the inflation. Show me any mainstream economist that says Trump policies are to blame. Stop blaming Trump, you sound uneducated.
Brian Wesburry, most respected economists, spells out how this mess became worse with Biden.
Show me where I blamed trump. Thanks.
Natural gas +22%
Used cars + 20.4%
Airfare +38.2%
Real average weekly earnings: DOWN 4.4%.
Credit card debt at an all-time high

Those democrat policies are the gifts that keep on giving. The economy is in chaos, border in chaos, middle east in chaos, mortgage rates in chaos, gas prices in chaos....just an absolute mess.
I love how the right oversimplifies everything. I can't figure out if they don't understand basic economic concepts or are just plain stupid.

Please highlight the specific policies that have caused this. I won't hold my breath.
Haha wtf?! The base of GOP votes are for millionaire politicians? Is Biden not a millionaire? Pelosi? Warner? Blumenthal? I can keep going. GTFOH
Reading the whole sentence is hard...

" for millionaire politicians whose policies are really geared towards helping their billionaire friends and corporations on Wall Street..."
You can’t be serious? You sound as good as Jared Bernstein, Biden’s economic advisor trying to explain printing money and borrowing our currency.
The inflation came well after Trump left office, that’s a fact. It continues to this day. We’ve been over 3% inflation for almost 2 years, didn’t happen until Biden took over. His policies suck, and he continues to print money, hence the inflation. Show me any mainstream economist that says Trump policies are to blame. Stop blaming Trump, you sound uneducated.
Brian Wesburry, most respected economists, spells out how this mess became worse with Biden.
Brian Wesburry hasn't written anything that blames Biden. If you are going to state something as a fact back it up with what he actually said. I knew when I went to research what Brian Wesbury and his economists at First Trust said that I wouldn't find anything remotely close to your claim.e
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