I love these threads. Always nice to see the folks who are the most racist calmly explain that I'd better get on board with trans bigotry, and that, "You just don't get it"!! It's always the most racist, sexist, anti-Muslim... folks who claim to so clearly see that trans citizens have less value to society, and are underserving of the same rights and protections. Nice to see that the usual folks who are most willing to discriminate against one small, marginalized group of citizens can never point out just how they have been impacted, but, you know, they are different. I like to notice that the same people who are the most agitated are only concerned with male to female trans citizens. I also like to notice that the people who claim that it's simply common sense abut bathrooms and a sport like women's volleyball that they care so deeply about, are unwilling to state that it ends with bathrooms and women's volleyball. I feel sad when I see a poster here who is fairly well known and liked get likes and what nots, but a group of you are very eager to marginalize and discriminate against that same poster because, well, you know, different... Tough break. like you, but you gotta go.