Smalls gone as well?

yes. i'm fat. which would be a very hurtful comment if...

• i was in 7th grade
• i wasn't the greatest mind in wrestling
• i wasn't living my best life
• it wasn't the only true barb listed in this entire thread that is nothing more than a crybaby fest
I think we call this the Dunning-Kruger effect lol.
Some people in this board don’t like you. Some on here give you shit constantly. Yet you go on Twitter and criticize the entire fan base and program because of what some people said on this board.

Make no mistake, that’s why this thread exist. For some reason you can’t see that so you’ve doubled down, because that’s what you do. Your narrow minded approach and harsh criticism over comments made on a ****ing message board made you toss out the Iowa program on your social media. If you can’t see why 95% of Iowa fans are agitated by you right now, then idk what the f to tell you. Full stop.

Exactly. Willie conflates Iowa and the entire Iowa fanbase with individual posters on a message board.

I was in agreement of his initial criticism of Iowa/Bob recruiting Ferraris and that outcome leading to Chittum leaving.

He lost me when he got into a poo slinging match and then goes on Twitter and says "I'm officially all the way out on @Hawks_Wrestling. What do you stand for." And tags the official Iowa wrestling page.

@smalls103 for being "the greatest mind in wrestling" (narcissistic much?) you are pretty naive thinking Tom and Terry are going to put out a statement and kick a $7M donor to the curb because he bad mouthed a parent (after that parent's kid specifically called out another family publicly).

Also it's absolutely hilarious seeing you preach from your moral high ground while tweeting in support of Trump. You drew the line for Iowa Wrestling (the program) at Bob Nicolls making comments about the Chittum dad, but draw no lines at any of Trump's transgressions. 😂
no. make no mistake. my 'i'm out on iowa' tweet had nothing to do with this message board.

'i'm out on iowa' = i don't think they're building right for the future going The Ferrari route.

and i 100% stand by that.

if that's not what you thought i meant, what the hell did you think?

Trump's crimes are far worse than Ferrari's.
There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of smalls without resorting to attacks on appearance. Makes us look silly.
I’m suppose to respect him and his lack of his own personal abilities to take care of himself. Publicly denounces a program he is supposed to be unbiased about based upon a message board talk. I 100% disagree with the way she was talked about but his ass
where am i Arrogant, smug, condescending, rude, obnoxious...?

on my show? in person?

or you mean on here? i wonder why i would be those things on here.
im guessing because
Riiiight. Nice backtrack there sport.
as Chris Berman once said. Bbbbaaaabbbbaaaabbbbaaaack gone. This is the fakest backtrack I’ve ever seen.
Exactly. Willie conflates Iowa and the entire Iowa fanbase with individual posters on a message board.

I was in agreement of his initial criticism of Iowa/Bob recruiting Ferraris and that outcome leading to Chittum leaving.

He lost me when he got into a poo slinging match and then goes on Twitter and says "I'm officially all the way out on @Hawks_Wrestling. What do you stand for." And tags the official Iowa wrestling page.

@smalls103 for being "the greatest mind in wrestling" (narcissistic much?) you are pretty naive thinking Tom and Terry are going to put out a statement and kick a $7M donor to the curb because he bad mouthed a parent (after that parent's kid specifically called out another family publicly).

Also it's absolutely hilarious seeing you preach from your moral high ground while tweeting in support of Trump. You drew the line for Iowa Wrestling (the program) at Bob Nicolls making comments about the Chittum dad, but draw no lines at any of Trump's transgressions. 😂
You were making great points and responding well then you had to go and bring politics into it. Regardless of my thoughts, I think we all can agree is the last thing this thread needs in political discussion.
It’s impossible not to cringe at just about everything on here these days. Unfortunately, the Hawkeye fans do a pretty good job of embarrassing themselves. Smalls is usually right there with them and he doesn’t even know it.
The never ending back and forth efforts to roast each other is beyond awful and hard not to wonder the age group of so many of the posters. Sadly we do know the ages of a few and I just don’t get it.

While just message boards, it still plays a small part in the image that’s put out there of our program. If the majority of these posters are actually adults then do your best to act like one. Maybe try thinking before you type once in a while. Before hitting the post reply button… ask yourself if it’s really useful info or is it more cringy, useless words.
Says the guy with blusballz as his screen name…..lmfao
I’m suppose to respect him and his lack of his own personal abilities to take care of himself. Publicly denounces a program he is supposed to be unbiased about based upon a message board talk. I 100% disagree with the way she was talked about but his ass
No, you don't have to respect him. And you don't have to agree with me either. It's simply my position that attacking someone's appearance, and/or name calling is a sign of a weak argument. Not just here on the wrestling board, but in all walks of life.
Yes, I'm out of my lane, but perhaps, just perhaps it's not the "handful" of posters that are the problem, but instead the hundreds if not thousands that through their silence encouraged the show to continue.
The "hundreds or thousands" don't read this forum or even know it exists. Most normal people also realize that the internet is just a bunch of 1s and 0s.
You were making great points and responding well then you had to go and bring politics into it. Regardless of my thoughts, I think we all can agree is the last thing this thread needs in political discussion.

Politics isn't the point. Idgaf about anyone's beliefs in regards to policy.

I'm referring to Trump's character and pointing out the hypocrisy and absurdity of @smalls103 being ok with Trump's words and actions (included sexual assault) but not ok with the Ferrari family.
No, you don't have to respect him. And you don't have to agree with me either. It's simply my position that attacking someone's appearance, and/or name calling is a sign of a weak argument. Not just here on the wrestling board, but in all walks of life.
Actually didn’t mean to post that. Lol. You are right I thought I deleted that part
you're a good poster, 98. level headed, tactful, and write well.
Nichols knew exactly what he was doing/saying. there's no way he looked at the context and thought it was benign.
Nobody can know what is in the mind of another. If one asks, or they voluntarily offer (which Bob did), then one has the choice to believe them or not. I give people the benefit of the doubt until they demonstrate something that removes it. I realize this approach may be considered naive.

My limited experience with and observing exchanges with Bob are that he will push back when pushed, no holds barred. But when that dynamic is not present, he is measured and chooses his words more 'thoughtfully' (for lack of a better word).

I also try to make a conscious life choice not to assume the worst intention. It's conceivable Bob did not even read the 'skank' post when he replied to the one preceding it.

Could Bob have realized it could be taken the wrong way, and intentionally posted it, regardless of that possibility? I guess so. But if he did, maybe he simply saw the trolling value of the misinterpretation without considering any potential harm from others making this misinterpretation.

Could he have edited his post to make clear his intention? Sure, but even then it might not have been believed. Could he have effectively replaced it with an explanation? Again sure, but the screen had been captured, and so claims of covering his tracks could ensue. These possibilities nevertheless remain.

Someone else suggested some kind of 'apology,' so I am not going to rehash that possibility. But that possibility too remains.

So it seems the die has been somewhat cast. Bob is Bob. I don't expect him to be someone else.
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this is exactly the type of tired crap that does nothing to foster a rational discussion but that you idiots spew regularly. then get butt hurt if i use mean words in response.

you also know absolutely nothing about the situation. but hey, do stuff to make your fellow dorks chuckle.
Your M.O. every freaking time. You go as low as you can go and then try to retake the moral high ground. Just sad. You tweeted out a screenshot making it look like Bob called AR a skank, deleted it only to share it with Mineo so he could tweet it.

Maybe you don’t realize it but there are thousands of Iowa fans that have supported you over the years despite what some on here (including me sometimes) have said. You went too far this time. I’m out
deleted it only to share it with Mineo so he could tweet it
I don't think it happened this way.

More likely.

Willie Tweeted with screenshot. Mineo follows Willie's Twitter. Mineo saves the screenshot from Willie's Tweet. Mineo creates his own Tweet using Willie's screenshot. Willie deletes his Tweet in deference to DSJ and Allie. Eventually Allie engages Mineo's Twitter account. Mineo continues to monitor the thread and creates more content using another screenshot.

And more likely

Willie doesn't feed or control Mineo. Mineo follows Willie's Twitter feed. Willie may also follow Mineos Twitter feed. Networks of Twitter accounts who re-Tweet one another is how one increases traffic on their own Twitter feed.
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oh, i 100% think that Bob is a creep and a scumbag. i also think it's insane he has any affiliation w/ the program and that he posts what he posts. if he didn't have money, it wouldn't be tolerated for a second.

I haven't heard Rutgers is looking at all three. and i know for sure Tech is not. additionally, there biggest donor didn't trash a family five seconds after anointing him a title contender nor smear (and don't f'in spin it) a former hawk champ, a current college coach, and a women's world medalist.

to be abundantly clear - my tweet had nothing to do the posters on here and their constant bashing of me - no one cares about that including myself. i have enough self awareness (and humbleness, contrary to what you all believe) that i wouldn't whine on twitter (or think anyone gave a rip) about someone picking on me.

i do, however, lump Bob in with the current poor choices being made by the program.
High praise being considered a creep and scumbag by you, Jimmy Small D.

I am relieved though hearing that you come here to "Speak the Truth". Thank God I can count on you for that.

The original Gonzo journalist had many quotes, one of my favorites is, "History is hard to know because of all the hired bullshit". I guess you won't go away and I'll have to see you here. No problem, I love seeing you hit new lows
no. make no mistake. my 'i'm out on iowa' tweet had nothing to do with this message board.

'i'm out on iowa' = i don't think they're building right for the future going The Ferrari route.

and i 100% stand by that.

if that's not what you thought i meant, what the hell did you think?
This is BS. Your original tweet that you deleted was all about Alli Ragan and this message board. Deleting a tweet doesn’t change history. Are you sure you aren’t a ”journalist” for CNN?
This is BS. Your original tweet that you deleted was all about Alli Ragan and this message board. Deleting a tweet doesn’t change history. Are you sure you aren’t a ”journalist” for CNN?
My first tweet is still up. My second tweet, was about Bob's post, correct. I did not mention Alli by name. but i pulled it down anyway. the intent was not to dunk on this message board (which no one cares about). it was about Bob, the biggest hawkeye donor, calling a damn world medalist some abhorrent terms.

but yes, be mad at the messenger, not the author of the disguisting post.

that precisely shows the character and focus of many on this board. don't worry about values, or lack thereof, be more concerned that it's public.

if you didn't think Bob's message was gross, why do you care that i tweeted it?
I am relieved though hearing that you come here to "Speak the Truth". Thank God I can count on you for that.
thanks, Bob.

when i get impassioned about speaking truth in wrestling i call it 'popping the clutch'. think of it like this:

the right handle is the power supply. the left handle is the clutch, which is the power delivery.

isn't that how you described your rent hikes to needy families after a pandemic?

thanks, Bob.

when i get impassioned about speaking truth in wrestling i call it 'popping the clutch'. think of it like this:

the right handle is the power supply. the left handle is the clutch, which is the power delivery.

isn't that how you described your rent hikes to needy families after a pandemic?

Are you bitter cause your mommy raised your rent?
"Franks and Beans. Franks and Beans."

nyuck nyuck nyuck whoop whoop whoop
My first tweet is still up. My second tweet, was about Bob's post, correct. I did not mention Alli by name. but i pulled it down anyway. the intent was not to dunk on this message board (which no one cares about). it was about Bob, the biggest hawkeye donor, calling a damn world medalist some abhorrent terms.

but yes, be mad at the messenger, not the author of the disguisting post.

that precisely shows the character and focus of many on this board. don't worry about values, or lack thereof, be more concerned that it's public.

if you didn't think Bob's message was gross, why do you care that i tweeted it
What abhorrent terms did Bob call Alli?
I tell you what…. whether you want to hear it or not

I’ve been a Hawkeye wrestling fan for 50 years and have had tickets for 30…… Somehow I’ve managed to enjoy my Hawks and the sport all this time without this smug little pricks input……. just another talking head…….. more noise
thanks, Bob.

when i get impassioned about speaking truth in wrestling i call it 'popping the clutch'. think of it like this:

the right handle is the power supply. the left handle is the clutch, which is the power delivery.

isn't that how you described your rent hikes to needy families after a pandemic?

Wow…what a good human being. How does he sleep at night?
no. make no mistake. my 'i'm out on iowa' tweet had nothing to do with this message board.

'i'm out on iowa' = i don't think they're building right for the future going The Ferrari route.

and i 100% stand by that.

if that's not what you thought i meant, what the hell did you think?
Then use context, junior. When you post over-simplified messages, what do you expect? You get criticized then backpedal here on the board, but say nothing and give no explanation on Twitter.

Your communication skills are lacking, massively.

Use that "big" brain of yours and actually learn from your weaknesses.
thanks, Bob.

when i get impassioned about speaking truth in wrestling i call it 'popping the clutch'. think of it like this:

the right handle is the power supply. the left handle is the clutch, which is the power delivery.

isn't that how you described your rent hikes to needy families after a pandemic?

Yes, exactly.

You're on the same level as these activists. Be careful Jimmy Small D, you're in the deep end now. Best you dog paddle back to where you can stand up and breathe. Is that 3 ft depth?
Yes, exactly.

You're on the same level as these activists. Be careful Jimmy Small D, you're in the deep end now. Best you dog paddle back to where you can stand up and breathe. Is that 3 ft depth?
I really wish, as a large donor, that you would have thicker skin. You are setting yourself up for ridicule. Is it that hard just to stay quiet and walk away? You don't make Iowa wrestling look good with your comments.
What abhorrent terms did Bob call Alli?
Since you didn’t answer this question smalls103, I‘ll ask it a different way.

I‘ll concede calling someone a skank is abhorrent. But Bob didn’t do that nor did he reply to or like the skank comment. His comment 20 years ago would have been called guys talk, today it could be called politically incorrect or mildly offensive but in what world would it be called abhorrent.
You been up there?
I've never been to Presque Isle, not even to fish for steelhead or out of there for walleye on headboat. But my dad occasionally did.

Pymatuning Lake was our most regular camping "summer vacation" with the lion's share of the 10 of us. Road my bicycle to the Linesville Spillway and across the causeway from the campground.

Duck hunted Geneva swamps with my father thru high school including during the Pirates '79 World Series. Eventually our old family turtle back camper was permanently set in a campground near Conneaut Lake. From time to time my summer work buddies and I would drive to the campground to drink and spend a night or two.

As an adult I would buy an out of state PA hunting license and migratory waterfowl stamp, drive to Pittsburgh, then drive to the Pymatuning goose blinds whenever my father or his friend got a blind in the lottery.

Good times.

All of this about 20 miles south of Conneautville.
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Since you didn’t answer this question smalls103, I‘ll ask it a different way.

I‘ll concede calling someone a skank is abhorrent. But Bob didn’t do that nor did he reply to or like the skank comment. His comment 20 years ago would have been called guys talk, today it could be called politically incorrect or mildly offensive but in what world would it be called abhorrent.
Right. This is Willie be intentionally obtuse. It's not too difficult for a normal human to see Bob's comment was a - in my opinion ill advised - joke that would have been better kept to himself. Instead of just making a comment and moving on, Willie has to become Karen and start crusading. Both on the board and on Twitter, getting as many eyeballs on the comment as possible. Very "cancel culture" for a Trump guy.

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