Smalls gone as well?

I’ve deleted a few posts this morning because they were just too mean and I honestly am not a mean person….. just the opposite

I don’t enjoy seeing anyone trashed or ridiculed because of their physical attributes….. I’ve called Smalls Fester a few times so I’m guilty of getting down in the mud with the little prick cause he just sucks you into slinging mud

I don’t think there’s much point in continuing any of this conversation …… I don’t understand what Smalls gets out of coming on here and trashing our donors and fan base……. then playing victim but I’m guessing he thinks any publicity is good publicity…..or maybe he got drunk and ran his mouth like he does so often on twitter

El Dub there must be a psychological explanation for this behavior of purposely pissing people off to get attention and abuse….. masochism is all I have

gets to the point I’m tired of being mean to the pestilent little turd…… apparently he can’t take a hint
I'll reiterate. 98 is a good guy

Last week I was in Clevy for work but then NW PA visiting my Great GF farm in Conneautville, then to Erie and Presque Isle. Commodore Perry's ships for the War of 1812 built there. They then kicked the British asses in 1813. You been up there? Several great museums there.
You came to my town and didn't call? I'd have been happy to show you some sights. It would have been a hoot!
Did @PatMineo22 just follow Willie's lead?

Did he even read the GIA wrestling forum for full context, or did he rush to judgment due to his hatred for Nicolls?

Is he walking back and deflecting the role he played after being criticized by a famous USA female wrestler?

Has he finally seen the light and will he follow Willie's lead by deleting his derivative Tweet?

Here's (at the bottom) one of his later Tweet replies to Helen after she makes a similar comment to my own posts. You decide.

Did he just walkback his assertion that Bob replied to a misogynistic post to Bob engaged a thread that contained one? You decide.

When directly challenged on it, he didn't deny he acted alone without consulting Alli specifically about whether or not she wanted him as some kind of public face for her defense, including a character assassination of Nicholls.

Did he simply deflect on BVI by mentioning conversations with her over past weeks and how her time with the HWC ended?

He even went so far as to hypothesize Bob may have turned Helen onto him for damage control (Mineo referring to Helen):
"She was clearly asked by Clarissa or Brands or even Nicholls himself to send that tweet" (@bnicolls)​

Does Mineo's thinking that Alli can't defend her own interests and that Helen is some kind of easily manipulated pawn make him a misogynist? I don't know. Something else to ponder.

Wow, just wow.
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NJ's own and former Rutgers wrestler, Richie Lewis, weighs in. Others reply to Richie questioning Mineo's authenticity vs his just playing the Twitter game.

Was he simply 'virtue signaling? Is he working too hard for some kind of Twitter enabled boost?

You decide.
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Pop Quiz

Question #1: In whose mind is it simultaneously:
  1. OK for a male to unilaterally decide to come to the unsolicited defense of a female (as demonstrated by action); and,
  2. Not OK for a female to collaboratively decide to come to the solicited defense of male(s) (as demonstrated by their imaginative written musings)?
Multiple Choice Answer (select best) #1:

A) A misogynist, who doesn't reflect on their own behavior, so has little chance to realize they even have misogynistic tendencies.

B) A person with ulterior motives looking to rationalize their behavior.

C) A person whose brain don't work so good.

D) All of the above

E) None of the above
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Pop Quiz

Question #2: In whose mind is it simultaneously:
  1. Perfectly fine to believe their own post's intent was somewhat misunderstood and so attempts to directly engage toward some mutual understanding with the person who may've misunderstood; and,
  2. Maintains it is impossible that they themselves misunderstood the intent of someone else's post and makes no attempt to engage toward some mutual understanding with the person whose post they themselves may have misunderstood?
Multiple Choice Answer (select best) #2:

A) A hypocrite.

B) A person seeking to curry favor and maintain good standing with the other in the first case, while having an ax to grind and not giving a shit about the person in the second case.

C) A person who is not interested in or motivated by seeking the truth.

D) A person whose brain don't work so good.

E) All of the above

F) None of the above
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NJ's own and former Rutgers wrestler, Richie Lewis, weighs in. Others reply to Richie questioning Mineo's authenticity vs his just playing the Twitter game.

Was he simply 'virtue signaling? Is he working too hard for some kind of Twitter enabled boost?

You decide.

What was said was wrong. But yea, a lot of pearl clutching and white knighting going on. Jeez that dude is slimier than Eddie Haskell.
Unaccomplished former male wrestler begins his Tweet reply to accomplished and highly decorated female wrestler with "I understand where you're coming from completely...":

Emotional Quotient Penalty of -100 pts.

Gotta love male privilege in a patriarchal society.

States elsewhere, Helen "tagged the wrong person cuz she doesn’t even know who I am most likely.":

Self-awareness Bonus of +10 pts.
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@bnicolls - I'm thinking you might have a defamation case soon, based on a recent posted then deleted Tweet by @smalls103, which was re-Tweeted by @PatMineo22 with comment.

I think they have made their motivation to pressure Iowa to have your name removed from the new facility demonstrably clear. I think they also have made their means of using social media to personally attack you, including through use of your company's logo, demonstrably clear.

I don't really know whether you'd care to bother or if whatever damages you might claim would make it worthwhile, given litigation costs.

Maybe one of my "burner accounts" will be subpoenaed, so @PatMineo22 will no longer need to try and imagine what kind of specimen I am.
I’m actually fairly literate when I try and I’d guess I’m older than you…… are you an educator?
No, but I am thinking of starting my 3rd career as a Title 1 public school teacher (math / STEM) as more of an avocation than vocation. I don't really need the money.

I am currently in year-two of a planned minimum 2-gap years after my (and my wife's) early retirement. I'm 60. I'm an Electrical Engineer / Systems Engineer by degrees. We remained D.I.N.K. throughout 35+ year fully employed careers, so financially we're in good shape.

I've volunteered to help in my niece's Las Vegas classrooms a few weeks since retired. I am currently targeting fall 2024 to become a full-time teacher. We'll see though, best laid plans and all. You won't see me on the boards, if that happens. So you all have that to look forward to.
I’m actually fairly literate when I try and I’d guess I’m older than you…… are you an educator?
I’m headed to the coast today.

I was taking wave pics last month and got hit by a rogue wave WHILE I WAS LOOKING FOR BIG WAVES while standing on a lava outcropping.

The first edge hit me at knee level. I looked down, surprised that one got past me, but I had a solid base. No probs.

The second part of that wave hit me in the chest a half a second later while I was looking down. This lifted me off my feet and into the tide pool behind me. I turned to land on my face rather than back of head. The wave flipped me when I did the half twist and next thing I knew I was STANDING in the tide pool. The last edge of that wave then dumped overtop of me and then I was sitting in the tide pool, in lotus position, underwater, facing the shore. So I stayed there as long as I could hold my breath.

When I finally stood up, there were tourists present and freaking out. One was hyperventilating and looked ready to puke. I walked toward them with backpack still on shoulder. A couple of people started yelling at me asking if I was OK. I said, Sure. Thanks! Nothing dry clothes won’t cure. Then I went up to my truck and changed into dry clothes.

Headed back out today but it’s a low tide afternoon so prolly not much excitement….

I have great pics for anyone who likes that type of thang..

I’m 61.
WHILE I WAS LOOKING FOR BIG WAVES while standing on a lava outcropping
Glad you're OK

I went to Queen's Bath on Kauai. When one enters the beach from the trail there's a warning sign embedded in the rock that counts how many have died from similar circumstances.

Googling "Queen's Bath Kauai warning" produces plenty of pics of it.
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No, but I am thinking of starting my 3rd career as a Title 1 public school teacher (math / STEM) as more of an avocation than vocation. I don't really need the money.

I am currently in year-two of a planned minimum 2-gap years after my (and my wife's) early retirement. I'm 60. I'm an Electrical Engineer / Systems Engineer by degrees. We remained D.I.N.K. throughout 35+ year fully employed careers, so financially we're in good shape.

I've volunteered to help in my niece's Las Vegas classrooms a few weeks since retired. I am currently targeting fall 2024 to become a full-time teacher. We'll see though, best laid plans and all. You won't see me on the boards, if that happens. So you all have that to look forward to.
Good for you ….. I retired in 2013 after 32 years in a Corn milling plant…… I was the union vp for much of my time ….. I went to work right out if high school….. not getting an education always a regret but I raised 6 kids and did ok…… had a light construction business and did catering with a smoker trailer until it got to be too much work….. been doing carpentry/handyman work and am done with that now…,,

I also was a volunteer firefighter and hazmat chemical response guy….. the plant sent me to training every years to keep me certified cause we had all the big nasties on site

Now I spoil my grandkids and grandpuppies and spew my wisdom on message boards….. try to catch a few fish and find a few mushrooms and I have a few miles on both you and Dub 😎
Good for you ….. I retired in 2013 after 32 years in a Corn milling plant…… I was the union vp for much of my time ….. I went to work right out if high school….. not getting an education always a regret but I raised 6 kids and did ok…… had a light construction business and did catering with a smoker trailer until it got to be too much work….. been doing carpentry/handyman work and am done with that now…,,

I also was a volunteer firefighter and hazmat chemical response guy….. the plant sent me to training every years to keep me certified cause we had all the big nasties on site

Now I spoil my grandkids and grandpuppies and spew my wisdom on message boards….. try to catch a few fish and find a few mushrooms and I have a few miles on both you and Dub 😎
Sounds like you've had a hardworking blessed life. I wish you a long happy annoyance-free life, wherein you enjoy the fruits of your loins and labors.
Sounds like you've had a hardworking blessed life. I wish you a long happy annoyance-free life, wherein you enjoy the fruits of your loins and labors.
you’re alright 98…… good talk

you get to Iowa give me a shout I’ll buy you a beer or coffee or breakfast maybe one of your 2 lunches
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you’re alright 98…… good talk

you get to Iowa give me a shout I’ll buy you a beer or coffee or breakfast maybe one of your 2 lunches
I think he should come out for ISU meet. He’d at least be rooting for the good guys for that one. Sit him between me and Grip to make sure he doesn’t get out of line too far. Lol
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I think he should come out for ISU meet. He’d at least be rooting for the good guys for that one. Sit him between me and Grip to make sure he doesn’t get out of line too far. Lol
I got one of the aisle seats you kids can can do whatever with the rest…… guessing Grip can handle a 98 pounder on his own and I’d make two of him so I could sit on him if need be
  • Haha
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I think he should come out for ISU meet. He’d at least be rooting for the good guys for that one. Sit him between me and Grip to make sure he doesn’t get out of line too far. Lol
I got one of the aisle seats you kids can can do whatever with the rest…… guessing Grip can handle a 98 pounder on his own and I’d make two of him so I could sit on him if need be…… judging from your recent wave toss story……. you seem to be pretty sturdy 😂
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you’re alright 98…… good talk

you get to Iowa give me a shout I’ll buy you a beer or coffee or breakfast maybe one of your 2 lunches
I may be in Iowa within the end of two weeks. My wife and I are going on a 'flyover state' 😉 driving tour: MD to PA to WI (through IN), down to IA, then back to MD some different way. We'll be traveling at our leisure, so I don't yet know when I would be in IA. I just know it won't be more than two weeks. I'll @you, if my wife doesn't balk of stranger danger at meeting a rival fans' wrestling board poster.

⚠️ : She pretty much hates when I'm on my phone posting stupid shit. And then there's the old 'Quality Time' as her love language. These are additional factors I'd have to contend with.
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