Good grief. For the last time. Helmets we not designed to prevent concussions. Biggest myth in football.NFL does that for concussion reasons.
Tigerhawk needs to be prominent on anything that's new (obviously not throwback). I like it on the helmet. If the rest of the uniform is mostly dark (however it's patterned), this will look sick under the lights.If this is true this is a very boring lid
I think they look awesome.
We don't know yet. Much like the game itself. Let's enjoy! Let's forgive ourselves as we break our daily bread.I am not gonna go so far as to call it a fail....or get too worked up about the helmets. The win is what I am most worried about. That being said, if we are honest with ourselves, I think we must admit they could have done so much better with this.
I know. I didn't make the rule, I just mentioned it.Good grief. For the last time. Helmets we not designed to prevent concussions. Biggest myth in football.
Is it too late to go with OnceAhawk's rendition?Thoughts?
Good grief. For the last time. Helmets we not designed to prevent concussions. Biggest myth in football.
Their line of thinking is actually that if a player gets a concussion they don't want anyone claiming its that they changed a helmet mid season.Obviously they are not designed to prevent concussions, but they can still lessen the chances of sustaining a concussion. Furthermore, the NFL (and many other colleges for that matter) have decided that if they do change how a helmet looks they want to paint over the helmets that players have worn that year, rather than issuing a new one each week. The line of thinking is that a new helmet would have not gone through the process of getting broke in and have the same fit as a helmet that has been worn for a longer time.
With all that said, I am not impressed with the design of the Hawk helmet. Matte black would have been the way to go.
Is it too late to go with OnceAhawk's rendition?
Their line of thinking is actually that if a player gets a concussion they don't want anyone claiming its that they changed a helmet mid season.
Didn't notice it until you mentioned it. Yeah that's the old timer.I'm not a big snap chat person, but isn't that the old timer in top right hand corner? Doesn't look like that anymore.
Looks like a regular helmet that sat in the sun for a year. Black facemask and ANF on the back is badass however
Sorry we got carried away. Everyone knows how important our job as fans is to stay focused on the game.Cripes, who gives a flip? It's just a helmet. I'm more concerned about winning the game than making a fashion statement.