So Democrats Care About Borders Now?

This thread sucks. Because OP.
So I shall gratuitously
aim for more likes…


@jellyfish10 in his
"I'm going to drive around
and help stranded
motorists" outfit.​
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Oh weird, OP starts another stupid ass thread. BAU.

OP just found a random briebart story then played Dumbazz nut job mad libs to come up with his post

alright (nickname for democrats) only care about (right wing propaganda argument). See they want (insert a number between 0 and 99) percent control
OP just found a random briebart story then played Dumbazz nut job mad libs to come up with his post

alright (nickname for democrats) only care about (right wing propaganda argument). See they want (insert a number between 0 and 99) percent control
You just summed up 99% of OP’s posts on HROT.

Edit: Actually it’s probably more like 90%. The other 10% are chain restaurant posts.
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OP just found a random briebart story then played Dumbazz nut job mad libs to come up with his post

alright (nickname for democrats) only care about (right wing propaganda argument). See they want (insert a number between 0 and 99) percent control
This is actually a nice little business idea. Trump Libs. There's a market, we definitely know that, and we know how to reach them.
OP just found a random briebart story then played Dumbazz nut job mad libs to come up with his post

alright (nickname for democrats) only care about (right wing propaganda argument). See they want (insert a number between 0 and 99) percent control

Propaganda argument? The man said in his testimony we care about Ukraine borders and Crimea! By his logic Obama should have been impeached for allowing Russia to invade Crimea.