So ... Feminism

I'm referencing the feminist articles I've been reading lately. Would it be helpful if I posted links to the specific articles? Because they are purporting that they are feminist magazines and articles.

I understand your complaint. I was just suggesting that it makes more sense to be more nuanced with your language given that feminism a giant topic with lots of different variations and considerations.
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I understand your complaint. I was just suggesting that it makes more sense to be more nuanced with your language given that feminism a giant topic with lots of different variations and considerations.

You're right. I certainly make plenty of mistakes.
yikes. Is this what you really believe?

Absolutely. It is coming

The cracks have already started to appear. Take much longer before men realize title nine also applies to scholarships atvs university and not just athletics? Want to hazard a guess on the disparity between the genders on scholarships that have gender as a requirement? As in all gendered scholarships are for women exclusively on college campuses despite women now being the majority. I wonder how many scholarships exist for men that are only for men? That's exist.
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Absolutely. It is coming

The cracks have already started to appear. Take much longer before men realize title nine also applies to scholarships atvs university and not just athletics? Want to hazard a guess on the disparity between the genders on scholarships that have gender as a requirement? As in all gendered scholarships are for women exclusively on college campuses despite women now being the majority. I wonder how many scholarships exist for men that are only for men? That's exist.

the horror.
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That's precisely the type of response feminists today have. It's not about discussion; it's about shaming The Other.

It seems the only person you are fooling is your self if you truly believe this post is the beginning of a conversation on feminism.
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the horror.

Yes it is actually. It is horrible that is occuring and like I said the day is coming when this shit will hit the fan. You really think mom's of boys universally believe their sons shouldn't get scholarships based on their gender?

That is a rather small issue. Men have largely been pushed aside by assholes like you that somehow think they can be bullied into submission forever.

They can't and won't.

States have already started moving in the direction of shared custody in family court. It has a very long way to go before mother's are the default caregivers but the standard in many states has now been set as equal custody and parenting plan arrangements.

You seem to think men are oppressors because the only narrative that has been allowed is where women have gotten the sort end of the stick. They have been the only voice and it has been the most militant speaking for all.

Like I said those days are numbered...there will be a pushback
Yes it is actually. It is horrible that is occuring and like I said the day is coming when this shit will hit the fan. You really think mom's of boys universally believe their sons shouldn't get scholarships based on their gender?

That is a rather small issue. Men have largely been pushed aside by assholes like you that somehow think they can be bullied into submission forever.

They can't and won't.

States have already started moving in the direction of shared custody in family court. It has a very long way to go before mother's are the default caregivers but the standard in many states has now been set as equal custody and parenting plan arrangements.

You seem to think men are oppressors because the only narrative that has been allowed is where women have gotten the sort end of the stick. They have been the only voice and it has been the most militant speaking for all.

Like I said those days are numbered...there will be a pushback
JFC. You really need some time on a couch.
Big difference between women and men is that men just don't pay as much attention to these "messages"

Be more like men

To clarify...

I think women are naturally more inclined to notice "societal pressures" ... these messages... at all.

And this has to do with their mental construction.

It's no coincidence that in academia women are greatly over represented -- they dominate -- fields in which we ask how it is people are. How society affects how people are is a natural outgrowth of this.

Given all that, you would figure they'll be more sensitive to before mentioned pressures. And be more likely to disseminate information, opinion and analysis of said pressures for consumption by other women.

And so we have something like mansplaining in our vocabulary and women actively watching for it.

My point was that men are less interested in pressures on them and the way it may be affecting their lives.

Are they much worse off for it?

Hence... be more like men. It was a bit tongue and cheek. If things are as I say... a balance is probably needed between the two sexes on this one.

And yes, I of course understand that we're only a century beyond women's suffrage... humanity's patriarchal nature -- a continuation of the way all the creatures in our evolutionary tree lived -- necessarily was going to have to be updated eventually for the world we had created.

So of course there was plenty of fuel for exploration into these topics
Lets just get the pay gap and workplace sexual harrasments under control and move on. Once we are done with those things, and they do need addressed and are being addressed, then that is the end of it IMO.

Nearly everything else, outside of those areas, are just people's individual bias and like I have said many times here; "you can't legislate people into not being assholes" as there is no law against being an asshole. The other items is assualts against womena which we already have laws on the books for and courts and a legal system to handle...people just need to stop assulting other people but if they don't let the legal system take care of them!
Deal. What point would you like to discuss first?


Okay, now that we're getting serious, I'm mostly shocked by friends I have who are feminist who have adopted the mansplaining aspects of feminism. They send me links to articles that have what they say is a feminist perspective and I'm surprised when they have no legislative or policy solutions to problems and instead focus on everyday cultural behavior.

I agree that the actual act of "mansplaining" is hurtful, disempowering, and can cost women in real-world ways like education, income, and career. But the word itself is so derogatory and mean-spirited and damns an entire gender within the label itself, as if it's some inherent quality in men to think they're superior.

There are additional explanations necessary to be explored and most good academic work tries to be exhaustive. So, my questions for a person who has done the act labeled mansplaining would be what religion are you, do you have siblings, were you an oldest child, do you come from a single-parent or two parent home, was your single parent a man or woman or transgender, were your teachers men or women or transgender, what sexual orientation are you, what part of America were you raised, a city or rural, how old are you, etc.

I think some of those other factors may play as bug or bigger if a role in terms of developing a better understanding of how the thinking and behavior developed in the first place.

And I admit I started off the thread poorly. I didn't really know how to articulate what I wanted to get at without the input of everyone else. I want to understand the phenomenon of shaming through labeling (like mansplaining) and how that is supposed to further the big goals of feminism which have largely focused institutional change. I really think the labels are hurting the movement and turning sympathetic allies away from it. I'm aware that even making a legit critique online means that all of the sudden a wave if misogyny may ensue. It's a real problem, but there has to be a way to have a legit discussion about the label.shaming without condemning all of feminism or all feminists. Trust me, I love my friends, but I am flummoxed by the shift toward rage as a public relations strategy and they seem to be becoming intolerant of even the slightest of mistakes. That's why I'm comparing them to those insane sin-and-punishment Christians. I may be wrong in my interpretation and I'm hoping this discussion can help me understand what I'm missing (if anything, but almost certainly something).
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Mental construction

As measured on a group level, men's brains behave different from women.

Not to say there isn't crossover at the individual level, obviously.

But there is a reason that men enjoy tinkering with mechanical things much more than women. Or that women more interested in and nuanced with people issues.

And it's not pure societal construction. That's where I was coming from with that one. Not blank slates.
As measured on a group level, men's brains behave different from women.

Not to say there isn't crossover at the individual level, obviously.

But there is a reason that men enjoy tinkering with mechanical things much more than women. Or that women more interested in and nuanced with people issues.

And it's not pure societal construction. That's where I was coming from with that one. Not blank slates.

The one thing I take issue with here is measuring on a group level. I think that's how terms like "mansplaining" get started, with a generalization. It would be much better if specific examples from specific people were used. I could see "Oh no, Bob's 'Bobsplaining' again" and that works, gets the point across, and casts blame on only the person doing the act instead of implying that Bob is doing what ALL men do by labeling Bob a "mansplainer."
You f*cking nitwit.

It took me all of 6 seconds to find this list of scholarships exclusively for men.

Well aren't you just the very most special person ever!

Those are not held by the universities.....they are in private funds that are not subject to title nine.

So dipshit go search for male only scholarships held by a university. Let me save you some time. They don't exist.
The one thing I take issue with here is measuring on a group level. I think that's how terms like "mansplaining" get started, with a generalization. It would be much better if specific examples from specific people were used. I could see "Oh no, Bob's 'Bobsplaining' again" and that works, gets the point across, and casts blame on only the person doing the act instead of implying that Bob is doing what ALL men do by labeling Bob a "mansplainer."

Sure, depends how you use the information. I don't think the information itself is problematic. I was explaining what I meant when I used the phrase that I did.

Okay, now that we're getting serious, I'm mostly shocked by friends I have who are feminist who have adopted the mansplaining aspects of feminism. They send me links to articles that have what they say is a feminist perspective and I'm surprised when they have no legislative or policy solutions to problems and instead focus on everyday cultural behavior.

I agree that the actual act of "mansplaining" is hurtful, disempowering, and can cost women in real-world ways like education, income, and career. But the word itself is so derogatory and mean-spirited and damns an entire gender within the label itself, as if it's some inherent quality in men to think they're superior.

There are additional explanations necessary to be explored and most good academic work tries to be exhaustive. So, my questions for a person who has done the act labeled mansplaining would be what religion are you, do you have siblings, were you an oldest child, do you come from a single-parent or two parent home, was your single parent a man or woman or transgender, were your teachers men or women or transgender, what sexual orientation are you, what part of America were you raised, a city or rural, how old are you, etc.

I think some of those other factors may play as bug or bigger if a role in terms of developing a better understanding of how the thinking and behavior developed in the first place.

And I admit I started off the thread poorly. I didn't really know how to articulate what I wanted to get at without the input of everyone else. I want to understand the phenomenon of shaming through labeling (like mansplaining) and how that is supposed to further the big goals of feminism which have largely focused institutional change. I really think the labels are hurting the movement and turning sympathetic allies away from it. I'm aware that even making a legit critique online means that all of the sudden a wave if misogyny may ensue. It's a real problem, but there has to be a way to have a legit discussion about the label.shaming without condemning all of feminism or all feminists. Trust me, I love my friends, but I am flummoxed by the shift toward rage as a public relations strategy and they seem to be becoming intolerant of even the slightest of mistakes. That's why I'm comparing them to those insane sin-and-punishment Christians. I may be wrong in my interpretation and I'm hoping this discussion can help me understand what I'm missing (if anything, but almost certainly something).

What a lot of words to try and make damned sure you dont offend feminists. You are the enemy and it doesn't matter your intent. They aren't your friends.

Have you ever mansplained something to another man? Do you hear how ****ing ridiculous that sounds? Of course you have as has every other man on the planet. As has every woman for that matter as well. Women don't talk down to men using the exact same behaviors labeled mansplaining? In what universe has that ever been true?
What a lot of words to try and make damned sure you dont offend feminists. You are the enemy and it doesn't matter your intent. They aren't your friends.

Have you ever mansplained something to another man? Do you hear how ****ing ridiculous that sounds? Of course you have as has every other man on the planet. As has every woman for that matter as well. Women don't talk down to men using the exact same behaviors labeled mansplaining? In what universe has that ever been true?

I'm hoping to have a discussion so, no, I don't want to offend anyone here. I'm not bending over backwards for this any more than I do when I'm trying to be courteous to anyone. It's not hard for me to do that.
Lets just get the pay gap and workplace sexual harrasments under control and move on. Once we are done with those things, and they do need addressed and are being addressed, then that is the end of it IMO.

Nearly everything else, outside of those areas, are just people's individual bias and like I have said many times here; "you can't legislate people into not being assholes" as there is no law against being an asshole. The other items is assualts against womena which we already have laws on the books for and courts and a legal system to handle...people just need to stop assulting other people but if they don't let the legal system take care of them!

The first it would help if the gap wasn't massively overstated to begin with. When they figure in the amount of time worked, the selection of jobs, etc etc the unexplained pay gap they find is something like 3%. So if we want to talk about the paygap ok. . . But instead of talking abut women making 67 cents for every dollar a man makes, it's really 97 cents on the dollar. I'm not saying that's fair but I don't feel like we can have a discussion on the topic unless we are talking about the real numbers and not the made up numbers that sound the best at rallies.

As far as sexual harassment. . . that's simply an enforcement issue. Companies need to have strong system in place to allow people to lodge complaints and to have those complaints fairly investigated. I would say maybe the first start is creating a set high minimum punitive damages when a company was found to have not properly investigate or punished harassment. I suggest we could start at the court averaging out the company's profits for the last 10 years and then awarding that to each and every victim that number. Or for a company that isn't profitable than 10% of it's assets.
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What a ridiculous chart. Seriously I hope the men in her company file an official complaint and have her ass fired. Can you imagine if a man out something like this together to help women learn their place in the office?
I'm hoping to have a discussion so, no, I don't want to offend anyone here. I'm not bending over backwards for this any more than I do when I'm trying to be courteous to anyone. It's not hard for me to do that.

Fair enough. Let me help you out. There is no such thing as mansplaining and anyone that uses that terms is an asshole
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Why is the explainer always a he and the explained to always a she. I've had women talk down to me before by trying to explain to me something that I already knew. I've never thought . . . you know she's saying this because she doesn't respect me because I'm a man.

Maybe instead of dropping into the "I'm a victim because I'm a female" just kindly explain that you understand what they are talking about.
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That's a great point about policy ideas. I should make this distinction clear: There is a difference between academic feminism (which is very much about legislation and policy) and pop culture feminism that gets spewed and spread on social media and shitty zines like Bitch, Ms, etc.
Maybe consider not starting a thread conflating what you find on the fringes with "pop culture". Just a thought.
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