So, has this always been primarily a political board?

No. HROT used to be fun and interesting. I've argued for a Poli Board for years, to no avail.

I'm a guest, but it's pretty brutal. Not what I was expecting after years of some LRs talking about it. It seems like a political smack board with occasional diversions.
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It was about 50% when Obama was POTUS and the Rs were freaking out calling him a socialist Muslim that was here to steal your babies and has upped to about 70% when Trump won and Democrats started freaking out.
70% of the posts on the front page are political trolling and sniping. Is this what this board has always been all about? Or is this relatively new that it's first and foremost a place for political fighting?
Once upon a time, in its halcyon days, this was a land of rank 'ems, wouldja's, grilling/smoking threads, etc. Throw in a question like, "tell me about Boston I'm going there in 3 weeks" and some kind soul like me would give you a thoughtful top 10 list of things to do. You'd get a great real life story about a money clip left on some stone monument on a farm out in the country, and a car driving away after the farm owner gave some guy a ride in his Gator. Or perhaps you'd get the original run of a guy's coke bender in New Orleans with sorority girls, or him crapping his pants at a Ryan's Steakhouse. People like OiT were adorable with their tinfoil hat conspiracy theories about chem trails and 9/11. Now, the rank 'ems and wouldjas are few and far between. People ask for travel advice for vacations they never take or do not have the f*cking courtesy to come back and let you know what they did on said trip. People copy and paste fake stories from legitimate divorce message boards and pass off the plight of others as their own and ask for fake advice. And the political trolling/rhetoric is just unbearable to the point where I don't care to try to separate the lunatic fringe of both sides from the conspiracy theorists. But I can't quit you HROT.
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There were always political threads. But you get a higher amount now. On top of that if there's a hot topic you get 5 threads on the same thing. Bring back poop threads.
Making use of the "ignore" button makes the board somewhat more enjoyable because I simply "ignore" anyone who starts a political thread ... Of course, now I am down to seeing only about 5 posters ... :confused:;)
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It was about 50% when Obama was POTUS and the Rs were freaking out calling him a socialist Muslim that was here to steal your babies and has upped to about 70% when Trump won and Democrats started freaking out.

This is so, so true.
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Making use of the "ignore" button makes the board somewhat more enjoyable because I simply "ignore" anyone who starts a political thread ... Of course, now I am down to seeing only about 5 posters ... :confused:;)

Ok, doing this...definitelly helps.
Bitching about the board is not a very good first impression...

That's fair (but I have posted a 150 times or so). But honestly trying to get a feel for what it is. What Tenacious describes is what I thought it was. NaturalMWA's post says no, it is by design.

But, thanks to this thread, now I know you can put me on ignore!
That's fair (but I have posted a 150 times or so). But honestly trying to get a feel for what it is. What Tenacious describes is what I thought it was. NaturalMWA's post says no, it is by design.

But, thanks to this thread, now I know you can put me on ignore!
That is what it was. Now? Not so much.
That's fair (but I have posted a 150 times or so). But honestly trying to get a feel for what it is. What Tenacious describes is what I thought it was. NaturalMWA's post says no, it is by design.

But, thanks to this thread, now I know you can put me on ignore!
The point is you can post anything you want. If there are a lot of political post that means that is what people (not all people) want to talk about. If you don't like them, post something else
Once upon a time, in its halcyon days, this was a land of rank 'ems, wouldja's, grilling/smoking threads, etc. Throw in a question like, "tell me about Boston I'm going there in 3 weeks" and some kind soul like me would give you a thoughtful top 10 list of things to do. You'd get a great real life mystery story about a money clip left on some stone monument on a farm out in the country, and a car driving away after the farm owner gave some guy a ride in his Gator. Or perhaps you'd get the original run of a guy's coke bender in New Orleans with sorority girls, or him crapping his pants at a Ryan's Steakhouse. People like OiT were adorable with their tinfoil hat conspiracy theories about chem trails and 9/11. Now, the rank 'ems and wouldjas are few and far between. People ask for travel advice for vacations they never take or do not have the f*cking courtesy to come back and let you know what they did on said trip. People copy and paste fake stories from legitimate divorce message boards and pass off the plight of others as their own and ask for fake advice. And the political trolling/rhetoric is just unbearable to the point where I don't care to try to separate the lunatic fringe of both sides from the conspiracy theorists. But I can't quit you HROT.

First - You forgot about the poop threads.

Second - The money clip was left on a fence post.
From the description of the board at the top of the page:

Off Topic
Man and Woman can not live on Hawkeyes alone. Come on in and talk politics, religion, music, movies and more. The opinions expressed in this forum are not neccesarily those of

Politics is the first topic listed for discussion. Go figure it would be "discussed".
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There were always political threads. But you get a higher amount now. On top of that if there's a hot topic you get 5 threads on the same thing. Bring back poop threads.

That’s because there’s a handful of idiot Magas who post 5-10 posts on the same exact thing because they’re feeling small and neglected. Everyone else can figure out how to keep posts about one thing on a single thread.
First - You forgot about the poop threads.

Second - The money clip was left on a fence post.
Poop was indeed mentioned with the guy crapping his pants at Ryan's Steakhouse. Also, you lived it but I thought it was a mete stone or something. I thought those were like stone monuments indicating boundary lines.
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The other problem is, people don't REPLY to non-political threads.

Today I have put up threads on Red Dead Redemption and the CBS/NFL turning down weed ads and they are both about to fall off page 1.

Don't like the political crap? ENGAGE with the non-politcal crap!

**end rant

*** and yes maybe my subjects suck, but at least I'm trying

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