So how much laughter does this evoke from Congress?

It won’t happen in our lifetimes but the unique nature of the federal judiciary calls for a unique system. The lifetime appointment was supposed to protect from political influences but in many cases it seems to protect the political nature of the justices.

I’m not for term limits. I’d vote for a twelve year term. At the end of ten years they can be renominated by the current president and voted on again by the senate. Allow for a mass vote by the senate to save floor time.

Every presidential term would see a review of 33% of the judiciary.
Term limits? Absolutely! But not just for the Supreme Court but rather all federal judges. Also for senators and representatives.

Ethic? Absolutely!

Let's also pass an amendment that would forbid a political party from ending the filibuster for the purpose of packing the court with more justices so that they can achieve poltical outcomes.

Certainly we can all agree on this.
Sorry, but it is what it is,.. By admitting that he wasn't qualified to run, Biden has by extension disqualified himself from continued presidential authority on serious matters,.. He's a short term figurehead.

You don't have to apologize, just like you don't have to pretent there is anything unique about a POTUS being at the end of their administration.
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Term limit talk is completely worthless if you don't address money in politics, lobbying, and revolving doors.

We probably also would have avoided a whole lot of mess of there wasn't presidential term limits. The taking turn approach to seating does not guarantee better results.
If he wasn't delusional before, he is now. This is undoubtedly Liz Warren with her hand up the puppet's ass.

Perhaps,.. But I seriously doubt that Congress even considers makes sweeping changes like this at the direction of a crippled president...

Sorry, but it is what it is,.. By admitting that he wasn't qualified to run, Biden has by extension disqualified himself from continued presidential authority on serious matters,.. He's a short term figurehead.
This is the shallow thinking of morons, which we all know is just synonymous with MAGA and their Congressional representatives. He wasn’t fit to serve another 4 years, but he’s good enough another 4 months. But I have no doubt the doofuses that are the GOP Congressional delegate agree with you. Ironic, as Biden still hasn’t reached their level of cognitive impairment.
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Term limit talk is completely worthless if you don't address money in politics, lobbying, and revolving doors.

We probably also would have avoided a whole lot of mess of there wasn't presidential term limits. The taking turn approach to seating does not guarantee better results.

For sure, term limits on Congress would only pull power away from voters.
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More necessary,.. and would lend credence to application with the SCOTUS...
For the sake of argument, application of term limits to SCOTUS is a different animal than application to Congress. I’m not opposed to either but Senators and Representatives are technically subject to term limits now, in that they are at least subject to reelection at the end of their respective terms. Gerrymandering the districts to protect representatives, effectively ensconcing them in their positions, a separate issue.
Pass term limits for new appointees to the court. Current court members are "grandfathered" and exempt.

That'd throw a wrench into things :)
This ain't a social security tax question that people need to plan their retirement around. The purpose behind term/age limits is to encourage moderation and discourage ideological and intellectual impairment amongst the members of the court. It makes sense to impose them today.
Perhaps,.. But I seriously doubt that Congress even considers makes sweeping changes like this at the direction of a crippled president...

JFC. The point is to insult the SCOUTS and call for changes, which if the situations were reversed you would be all in. And anyone arguing against recusals and ethics has to be Republican extremists.
Sorry, but it is what it is,.. By admitting that he wasn't qualified to run, Biden has by extension disqualified himself from continued presidential authority on serious matters,.. He's a short term figurehead.
This is extremely stupid for several reasons, none of which you will grasp.
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JFC. The point is to insult the SCOUTS and call for changes, which if the situations were reversed you would be all in. And anyone arguing against recusals and ethics has to be Republican extremists.

I got no problem with scouts,.. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts.. They're all good as far as I'm concerned.
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