So, I heard the entire team is kneeling during the national anthem

No, its not beyond absurd. That is merely your declarative statement of belief and indicative of only the contemporary political winds . There certainly was a time, before Republicans won the Civil War abolished slavery, beat down the KKK, desegregated Jim Crow with the Supreme Court and the National Guard and overcame Democrat filibusters of the 1965 Civil Rights Act, where the popular wind would have blown favorably to hood wearing Democrats.

One of the differences between your belief structure and mine is the morally transitive properties of speech rights. I opine speech rights are morally intransitive. Even the most reprehensible ideologies have the same right to be heard as angelic hymns; and I view what would be known popularly as critical racial theory as the among the most wicked ideologies to ever emerge from our body politic. At least as bad as the Klan and as evil in intent, if not yet methodology, as the actual NSDAP and demented Nazi ravings about racial purity. Indeed all racial theory is antithetical to the very idea of America. Why else do you think Republicans waged a century of warfare on systemic racism. If we were, in fact, a racist society no one would have bothered with the rights of 14% of the population. The other 86% would just have excluded them, and in places like Europe (Serbia/Kosovo) Africa (Rwanda), the Middle East (ISIS, the Taliban and the terror groups funded by Iran) and Asia (Uighers in China) and times as recently as 5 minutes ago, simply exterminated them and no one would have cared. That's what a racist society does. By the way, the flag represents that century of political conflict and the triumph of right over actual racists like George Wallace or Bull Connor.

Your statement makes it apparent that you think speech rights are morally transitive. Speech of which you approve is inherently moral because you agree with it and speech of which you disapprove is inherently immoral because you disagree with it. Hence your mere statement of a most historically inaccurate view of what speech is absurd and what is not, by historical standards. In 1920 the idea of protesting the flag would have seemed preposterous. Once you accept the transitive properties of speech rights the rights are determined by those with the political power to define good and bad for everyone else. That's the world against which Orwell and Rand warned, the modern government of China for example.

You reference symbols of terror? What do call the BLM/Antifa riots over the last 7 or 8 years? How many people have been murdered or maimed in those riots? How many Trump supporters have been physically attacked, indeed murdered, by BLM/Antifa rioters and activists. How many people's business or jobs have been destroyed in the BLM/Antifa riots? How many public buildings and monuments destroyed? That all sounds pretty much like terror does it not? I mean killing, injuring and physically destroying other people's or public property to cause political change is the very definition of terror. Kneeling for the flag is a symbol of that terror.

What do you mean by the University of Iowa? Do you mean only the people that are employed by or attend as students at any particular point in time? Or, do you mean the body of alumni and donors that promote and enrich the school and whose personal histories are bound through time, as the University of Iowa comes to represent the culture of Iowa. Two of my degrees say University of Iowa. I do not want that name, the University, to be associated with the racial grievance industry, the demented racial ravings of post modern "scholars" and claims that this country is built on racism, an endless grievance that cannot be redressed. Teaching institutionalized racism as the remedy for past racism will not undo the past wrongs, only create new wrongs to different people. That road never ends harmoniously for the cultures that embrace revenge as a driving dynamic. Kneeling for the flag represents precisely the racism and forced conformity that it is supposed to attack.

You may also be an alumnus of the University and you may disagree with me. That is precisely why individuals representing the U have no right to political speech while serving in that public role. Their conduct reflects the University which in turn reflects the graduates of the University and the people of the state of Iowa whose own Constitution established a University in Iowa City and whose tax dollars maintain the University's continued existence.
A lot of babble. I will try to be more concise. You have free speech in public places, not everywhere necessarily. The government can't quell your speech (except in specific circumstances) but private entities can. There's nothing transitive/intransitive about that - it's the law of the land regardless of your beliefs.

Republicans were champions of freedoms and equal rights more than 50 years ago as were independents and many democrats. That changed in the 60s when Democrats, led by Kennedy and Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act and The Voting Act - racist democrats had nowhere to turn. They tried Wallace but then were courted by Nixon and have been foundational to the republicans ever since. They're your problem now.

The UofI, as a government entity, has no right to quell free speech. Thankfully, it doesn't appear they want to anyway. Employees are the only direct representatives on the University. The students aren't, the players aren't, I am not as a proud alum. Still, those employees have rights to political speech similar to other government employees. i.e. Donald Trump is a government employee.

Your comments about kneeling and what it represents is nonsense.
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So you are saying if someone disagrees with kneeling they should just get lost and stay home, right? No discussion, no argument just silence. We just have to accept the highly offensive, dangerous propaganda from people who eat on our dime without complaint. My God I hope the people reading that post understand the implications of your attitude. Folks, meet the Soviet Union.

It would be interesting to know what you think are "far right wing" ideas. But that can be a topic for another play date.
WTF? You're arguing, you're not forced to be silent. You're simply meeting resistance to your backward thinking. It's called discourse. If you can't handle it then maybe you should shut up for your own sake. JFC.
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I just don’t get the point of doing it anymore. It’s not spreading awareness. Literally everyone knows what it’s about.

For the record it doesn’t bother me that anyone does it. I just think there is a lot more that they could do, you know, like actually accomplish something.

It's Iowa bruh. Always about 2-3 years behind on the trends.
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It’s funny how the people that claim they “could(n’t) care less” are obviously the most passionate about it.

From a liberal outlet about freedom of speech how it relates to work.
Americans love their right to speak their mind. The First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech is one of the parts of the Bill of Rights we are most likely to cite.But you don’t have freedom of speech everywhere. One place that often surprises many people where it doesn’t generally apply: Your workplace. Despite what many employees think, your rights to freedom of speech are fairly limited at work, and it’s often perfectly legal for an employer to take action against a worker for something they said or wrote.
From a liberal outlet about freedom of speech how it relates to work.
Americans love their right to speak their mind. The First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech is one of the parts of the Bill of Rights we are most likely to cite.But you don’t have freedom of speech everywhere. One place that often surprises many people where it doesn’t generally apply: Your workplace. Despite what many employees think, your rights to freedom of speech are fairly limited at work, and it’s often perfectly legal for an employer to take action against a worker for something they said or wrote.

Lets classify the college kids as employees....see where that
Lets classify the college kids as employees....see where that
They are. Their services are rewarded with a free education, housing, meals, and training. They in return are obligated to preform and represent their employer (Iowa) with their efforts and control of character. That is why teams have team rules.
From Daily News - "There is no question that student athletes agree to increased regulation of their lives in exchange for the ability to represent their university on an athletic team. "
They are. Their services are rewarded with a free education, housing, meals, and training. They in return are obligated to preform and represent their employer (Iowa) with their efforts and control of character. That is why teams have team rules.
From Daily News - "There is no question that student athletes agree to increased regulation of their lives in exchange for the ability to represent their university on an athletic team. "

They are not employees.
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They are. Their services are rewarded with a free education, housing, meals, and training. They in return are obligated to preform and represent their employer (Iowa) with their efforts and control of character. That is why teams have team rules.
From Daily News - "There is no question that student athletes agree to increased regulation of their lives in exchange for the ability to represent their university on an athletic team. "

didn't peg you for the type to argue in favor of allowing athletes to be paid cash salaries. Because I am sure you are aware that is the goal of the lobbying to change their status to employees instead of the current student-athlete notion.
If they could fix the offense I don't care if they stand on their f****** heads.
It's kind of hard to play offense when you're out there getting pepper sprayed the night before or getting a DWI