So Joan Jett is headlining Fry Fest?

Joan Jett will be 57 years old this September. The Fry
Fest Folks wanted to get someone the age of KIrk Ferentz.
Actually Kirk turned 60 years old earlier this month.
Joan Jett? When is Fry Fest? I'll make the trip to see Jett.
Junior high Lucas is really excited by this. She was naughty, and I was pretty sure I had a shot at her.

I get where you're coming from, but, I doubt any of us save for Wendy or 3boys would have a shot. I know in my early teen years the thought of me with her and Lita Ford was about #1 on my young, horny brain.
The only rock and roll chick besides Joan Jett that cranked up lil Jerry was Johnette Napolitano.
The only rock and roll chick besides Joan Jett that cranked up lil Jerry was Johnette Napolitano.
Joan and Johnette haven't aged well. But, how many rockers, male or female, have?

I saw Joan Jett in the '80s and thought she put on a really good show. Also saw Chrissy Hynde and the Pretenders about the same time and was pretty disappointed. Not bad musically, but no connection with the audience.

Jett was in Cedar Rapids with Heart this spring and the reviews of the show were pretty favorable (especially for Jett).

I'll see her at FryFest. Should be a good time.
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