So much Trans Hate in the World brah

When you do a “hey, look at me” for attention and nobody cares just pretend they do. Pretending is what they’re best at.

Kind of like those “This is your brain on drugs commercials” ….instead it’s now, “This is your brain on woke.”

It’s ideology in the extreme. Imagined oppressors to feel fake outrage and victimhood. It’s how you become as radicalized as Lucas and Riley.
Describing OP perfectly. Well done.

Don’t shoot the messenger. The sooner we get over this mass hysteria fad the better. Many people, adults and children will be better off.

Bruce Jenner isn’t a hero. Never was. Once he came out Republican, the hysterical crowd dropped him like a bad habit grifter that he is.
Gotta love those one-case videos that somehow get painted across the entirety of an issue.

This is main stream thinking for the hysterical delusional religious dogma that is the trans movement.

If you don’t “accept them” you are “killing them.” These people have children saying this shit in government forums / town halls. It’s outrageous. It’s wrong.
You think he would have done some self reflection after he got put in timeout for harassing someone over their trans child... But instead it seems like he's dug deeper into his echochamber

Holding a mirror up to people’s beliefs is scary for some. The female in the OP isn’t an outlier. This movement wants to make laws and policy on this kind of thinking. I object.
You think he would have done some self reflection after he got put in timeout for harassing someone over their trans child... But instead it seems like he's dug deeper into his echochamber
I'm not shocked. When you are this filled with anger and grievances you don't learn from a timeout. You just fester and stew away in your anger and grievances until you pop off again.
I remember when OP used to be a halfway decent poster.

I think it’s now time for the ignore button, though. He’s gone off the deep end.
They post content in the Ukraine thread. Everything else they post is s***.
Don’t shoot the messenger. The sooner we get over this mass hysteria fad the better. Many people, adults and children will be better off.

Bruce Jenner isn’t a hero. Never was. Once he came out Republican, the hysterical crowd dropped him like a bad habit grifter that he is.
Ain't goin away anytime soon given the numbers in GenZ
Don’t shoot the messenger. The sooner we get over this mass hysteria fad the better. Many people, adults and children will be better off.

Bruce Jenner isn’t a hero. Never was. Once he came out Republican, the hysterical crowd dropped him like a bad habit grifter that he is.
He did win the Olympic Decathlon so this in my opinion this may be inaccurate…?
Seems to me that she's pretty spot on. Look at the Iowa government. They relentlessly go after trans people. Then after that it's hard not to feel bad about yourself. You feel pretty powerless.
Trans fat, or trans-fatty acids (TFA), are unsaturated fatty acids that come from either industrial or natural sources. More than 278 000 deaths each year globally can be attributed to intake of industrially produced trans fat. Trans fat clogs arteries, increasing the risk of heart attacks and deaths.

Example of trans-fatty:
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This is like hating all Tesla owners if you can find some dumb/cooky ones. "Those Tesla owners, only the best people".
I absolutely don't care about someone's sexuality. Live and let live. I really don't understand why people want to make a big deal about their own sexuality, and force others to embrace it.