Trans Student Arrested Over Planned Mass Shooting In Maryland

I appreciate you trying to shoe horn your bias into the argument, but narrowing focus onto trans kids to stop mass shooting is pretty dumb even for you. Focus on video games and Marilyn Manson music first.
Ooo... I don't think the data would show us to start eith trans kids.
They still trying to twist your words about mentioning actual gang activity being common in the area where the shooting took place?
No words being twisted, you both are just referencing the wrong thread.
No words being twisted, you both are just referencing the wrong thread.
It is very possible I forgot what it is you are saying. I am in fact human. I tend to remember the threads where I'm accused of racism/bigotry though. If you could provide the link I would greatly appreciate it.
I saw this yesterday and just shook my head at it. It's like they're having a competition to see who is the most ridiculous/mentally unhinged. So far they're all "winners" 🙄

I fully expect her to abandon her trans identity if she's told she has to go to a male prison otherwise.

While I agree with you, the same thing can be said about unhinged MAGA's. It's what happens when people become extreme.
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Because I said let's make a bet the shooter will be 3 of 5 of these, one of which was "will be gang affiliated," that's what you are going for?

Even in my very post I'm saying 60% of these things are likely true.
What possible danger could there be in altering the brain chemistry of already unstable and mentally unwell people?

I think the same thing when I see a MAGA drinking alcohol. Like my last post to you, when people are extreme this is what you get.
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Reactions: Here_4_a_Day a percentage of their individual populations? I'm guessing a way higher ratio of trans than white males. Maybe not though.

I don't know, since we are now counting planned mass shootings there are a lot of planned mass shootings that are foiled and never make the news.

My old high school had at least 2 foiled mass shootings, one while I attended there and the other maybe 10 years after... Neither of them got a second of national news coverage. And that is just one high school in a town of 20k people in Northern Indiana.

This is only making the national news cause potential shooter is trans.

That's all part of the 3 for 5 bet. That's me playing general odds, because I enjoy dumb bets.

Where is the rally on this guy was part of a gang? Right now you have a 3 for 5 bet and the very last thing I added was part of a gang.

Honest question, was a 3 for 5 bet what you were going for when you made your "tell us what gang he was part of" comment or did you think there was some more material for you to work with there?
That's all part of the 3 for 5 bet. That's me playing general odds, because I enjoy dumb bets.

Where is the rally on this guy was part of a gang? Right now you have a 3 for 5 bet and the very last thing I added was part of a gang.
You can’t possibly be this stupid.

You claim 2/5 are correct:
-not white
-gang related/affilaited

You were hoping to hit 3/5 pending his criminal history.

Problem is…he wasn’t in a gang. You were wrong. Do I need to redo this in crayon for you?
You can’t possibly be this stupid.

You claim 2/5 are correct:
-not white
-gang related/affilaited

You were hoping to hit 3/5 pending his criminal history.

Problem is…he wasn’t in a gang. You were wrong. Do I need to redo this in crayon for you?
Again, all part of a bet. A bet where I said I was just going to play basic odds and see how they hit a bet where i acknowledge there is lokwly part of my guess that wont be teue. That's me offering a dumb bet on a message board, not me beating some gang drum.

You jumped the shark bud.
Again, all part of a bet. A bet where I said I was just going to play basic odds and see how they hit a bet where i acknowledge there is lokwly part of my guess that wont be teue. That's me offering a dumb bet on a message board, not me beating some gang drum.

You jumped the shark bud.
You are dense AF. You guessed at 5, and said you hit on 2 already, one being gang related/affiliated. Thats what’s known as being “wrong.” You jumped the shark then, now it’s something else (double shark jump?).
You are dense AF. You guessed at 5, and said you hit on 2 already, one being gang related/affiliated. Thats what’s known as being “wrong.” You jumped the shark then, just like you are doing now.
So you are totally referring to the bet. Again, a bet where I built into the odds I was likely incorrect about atleast 1.

Bro, if your going to being dumb shit like "what gang" to me have more facts than just a dumb throw shit at the wall bet.

You would have had more ammo going with the perry Iowa thread. Or even the should gang violence be considered a hate crime thread but even then you would have looked dumb.
So you are totally referring to the bet. Again, a bet where I built into the odds I was likely incorrect about atleast 1.

Bro, if your going to being dumb shit like "what gang" to me have more facts than just a dumb throw shit at the wall bet.

You would have had more ammo going with the perry Iowa thread. Or even the should gang violence be considered a hate crime thread but even then you would have looked dumb.

Let me get this straight…are you saying you never claimed the Allen shooter was in a gang? Even though the quotes have been provided, along with the link to the thread? That’s wild. Some Rick James level ish. The only one that looks dumb, is you.
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Wonder what the ratio of mass shootings of trans / white male is?
White hetero incel right wing males are by FAR the most common: Parkland, Columbia, El Paso, Buffalo, etc., etc. If you want to profile to prevent mass shootings, start by monitoring 4chan MAGA dweebs.
And the only time the right cares about mass shootings is when a "trans (or brown or immigrant)" is involved. Truth is we know even then you don't care. You just pretend to care thinking you are owning the libs.
And the left is the only side offering adult solutions to the problem.
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If I ever snap and write a 129-page manifesto before I execute my plan, you guys are safe cause that $hit would take my 20 years to write and by that time I will have forgotten what I was pissed off about.
That and I would kill myself first before writing that much.
Let me get this straight…are you saying you never claimed the Allen shooter was in a gang? Even though the quotes have been provided, along with the link to the thread? That’s wild. Some Rick James level ish. The only one that looks dumb, is you.
I was willing to bet the shooter would meet 3 of those 5 criteria. The 5th criteria I listed was gang involved. When you randomly brought up me discussing gangs I was expecting some rant about how gangs are bad, not a bet over 3 post.
I was willing to bet the shooter would meet 3 of those 5 criteria. The 5th criteria I listed was gang involved. When you randomly brought up me discussing gangs I was expecting some rant about how gangs are bad, not a bet over 3 post.

In that thread you claimed the Allen shooter was gang related/affiliated. I’m asking you if you ever determined what gang he was related/affiliated to. You choked in the previous thread, and history is repeating itself in this one.
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I tend to remember the threads where I'm accurately described as being racist because I often espouse racist tropes and beliefs on here.

A dictionary definition of racism is: “the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.”

By definition, that is exactly the beliefs you openly espouse on here. You clearly stated in one thread that melanin predisposes people to violence without any regard to socioeconomic conditions. You clarified your position multiple times, including referencing violence in Africa in a bafflingly absurd attempt to further substantiate your point that melanin does in fact have inherent, biological properties that determine violent tendencies. That is not reaching or twisting anything you said. That was a clear and obvious interpretation of what you continued to write and push forth as verifiable, objective truth. It seems like others on here have witnessed similar performances.

So, either you are a liar, a ****ing idiot with no self awareness, or you are too much of a coward to admit what you are. Based on your past behaviors, like pretending you were actually going to meet a senior citizen to fight him, or posting a picture of presumably you posing in a mirror with flab and no muscle tone, looking like a bearded version of Corky from the show Life Goes On, or your myriad of memory losses to the bullshit you actually post, I’m going to go with all three.

Rest assured, though, you are a racist piece of shit in addition to being one ugly mother ****er. But, yes, we all know, while you’re on the Internet, you make 250k, go to bed every night with a perfect 10, and could make Connor McGregor cry like a little bitch. We all believe you. Bet.

Oh, and, no, I have never been to Waukee (I’m sure it’s nice, though) and the only time I’ve been to Atlanta is to catch a connecting flight.
