So Sick of this “Free Palestine” Crap

Well played solar. You agree with this guy and he knifes you in the back. And all to try excusing dead kids. Not what I would call a genius moment.
Are the spawn of terrorists ,who will grow up to be terrorists or US welfare cases, really something to get your panties in a bunch over?
Not surprised you can't form a real response.
James Franco Flirt GIF
You are an idiot. There is no other way to describe you anymore. Nobody is defending Hamas. Every last person on this board agrees that they deserve to die. This has been said many many times. I've said it many times. In this very thread. Which makes you a liar, Rag. You need to do some deep soul searching if you're willing to lie to justify killing children.
No, Huey. It’s you who doesn’t get it.

We can all agree Hamas is bad. That’s settled.

The issue is how Israel should go about attacking Hamas and defending their people. Because Hamas uses women and children as shields, you are advocating for Israel to do nothing until Hamas decides to be good sports. That is the crux of your argument.

And it’s ridiculous.
No, Huey. It’s you who doesn’t get it.

We can all agree Hamas is bad. That’s settled.

The issue is how Israel should go about attacking Hamas and defending their people. Because Hamas uses women and children as shields, you are advocating for Israel to do nothing until Hamas decides to be good sports. That is the crux of your argument.

And it’s ridiculous.
Dude you lied. Nobody supports Hamas. You're a liar. You can debate other stuff but at this point you can't debate that.

You want to go the Internet tough guy route, eh?

I’m 6’6 250 IRL.

How sad and little are you? 😝
This is funny. How fragile is your ego that you get lit up on HORT so need to call for a fight bar? As long as we're flexing, I'm three foot and weigh 60 lbs. I would easily destroy you.
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Look @RagnarLothbrok you've got another idiot willing to white knight for you.
Huey, how many times are you going to crusade for the most ridiculous causes? The hills you choose to die on are perplexing.

Everyone sane agrees Hamas is bad just as everyone sane agrees the loss of women and children are bad. We are beyond that.

The question is to what course of action Israel should take to fight terrorists and defend their people. There are those of us who believe Israel should attack Hamas and try to minimize civilian casualties as much as possible. When Hamas purposely uses human shields in the form of women and children, there are those of us who rightly put the onus of that where it belongs: on Hamas.

Conversely, there are those like you who recognize Hamas is bad and an existential threat to Israel and its survival, but expect Israel to sit back, twiddle their thumbs, and do nothing until Hamas plays nice and follows the rules. And naturally when Hamas doesn’t play nice and purposely uses their women and children as human shields and also intentionally disguise buildings as being terrorist headquarters that is actually full of women and children you and your ilk put the onus where it doesn’t belong: on Israel.

And you have the gumption to call us idiots and enablers of evil. Get a ****ing clue, Huey.
This is funny. How fragile is your ego that you get lit up on HORT so need to call for a fight bar? As long as we're flexing, I'm three foot and weigh 60 lbs. I would easily destroy you.

Not surprising that a guy who believes biological men should compete in athletics against biological women believes he has won this argument in convincing fashion.

Oh, you are so precious. Never change, Huey. 😂
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Huey, how many times are you going to crusade for the most ridiculous causes? The hills you choose to die on are perplexing.

Everyone sane agrees Hamas is bad just as everyone sane agrees the loss of women and children are bad. We are beyond that.

The question is to what course of action Israel should take to fight terrorists and defend their people. There are those of us who believe Israel should attack Hamas and try to minimize civilian casualties as much as possible. When Hamas purposely uses human shields in the form of women and children, there are those of us who rightly put the onus of that where it belongs: on Hamas.

Conversely, there are those like you who recognize Hamas is bad and an existential threat to Israel and its survival, but expect Israel to sit back, twiddle their thumbs, and do nothing until Hamas plays nice and follows the rules. And naturally when Hamas doesn’t play nice and purposely uses their women and children as human shields and also intentionally disguise buildings as being terrorist headquarters that is actually full of women and children you and your ilk put the onus where it doesn’t belong: on Israel.

And you have the gumption to call us idiots and enablers of evil. Get a ****ing clue, Huey.
Israel bombs innocent kids. Do you think that makes it easier or harder for Hamas to recruit from the survivors? Because I'm willing to bet that it's the former.
Imagine being so weak minded that kids bombed in their sleep bothers you less than a handful of trans kids in sports. Damn, America has gone downhill fast.
Not surprising you would resort to a non sequitur to advance your cause. It’s just how you roll.

Not surprising that a guy who believes biological men should compete in athletics against biological women believes he has won this argument in convincing fashion.

Oh, you are so precious. Never change, Huey. 😂
You're challenging me to fights with your stats. Pretty much everyone can see that you're insecure.
Dude you lied. Nobody supports Hamas. You're a liar. You can debate other stuff but at this point you can't debate that.
Where did I say that?

If I did, I mistyped. Show me where I wrote that and I, unlike you, will admit my error.

My recollection is that I consistently said no one sane supports Hamas just like no one sane wants women and children to die.

Again, quote my error and I will acknowledge I said something wrong.
You're the one talking about trans kids in a Palestine thread. Weak post from a weak mind.
It’s providing context to your mindset. Nothing more.

Naturally, you will deflect to it being about “trans bashing” because all you have to counter the actual arguments in this thread are deflections, ad hominem attacks, and bizarre non sequiturs.

To this point, you have still not proposed an alternative course of action Israel should take. We all are in agreement civilian casualties are terrible, so what different course of action should Israel take to defend itself and its people?

So far, all you have proposed is nothing. No solutions, no alternative options, just nothing. You agree Hamas is an existential threat to Israel, so what should Israel do about it? By you continuing to parrot your line of “you guys support dead women and children” while time and time again falling to answer the question, which is the entire crux of the debate, means only one thing: you either don’t understand the discussion or you don’t have a compelling argument for what Israel should be doing as an alternative course of action.

Huey, in terms of logical fallacies, there are some who will enter an argument and spike the football at midfield. Then there are those who get sacked in their own end zone and still choose to stand up and spike the football while declaring themselves the victor.

You are without question the latter.
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Good Lord. Y'all have fun. I'm head'd out to a pool BBQ.

...and Happy Memorial Day, HROT! Today, we honor and remember the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. As we enjoy this day with family and friends, let's take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Memorial Day and express our gratitude to those who have given their lives for our freedom.

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You're challenging me to fights with your stats. Pretty much everyone can see that you're insecure.

I’m not challenging anyone to a fight on here. Stop being ridiculous.

You accused me of being small and sad. I merely stood in agreement with you by pointing out that I am only 6’6 250, making me look like a wimp compared to you and Shaquille O’Neal.

However, I did resent the sad part. I happen to think I am a pretty happy person. ☺️

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the holiday, Huey. I know I’m about to.
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You want to go the Internet tough guy route, eh?

I’m 6’6 250 IRL.

How sad and little are you? 😝
Seriously, Willie 🐡 Pufferfish, you’re pimping your size in a “step back” move…online no less?! 😂🏋️‍♀️ There’s really not much more pathetic than a “big guy “ getting put in the hospital—or worse—by a “little guy.” 🤡🚮🐥👶🐡😂😂😂