Look, I can fully disagree with rules and laws. it doesn't mean I don't have to follow them or don't think Perry should here. If someone breaks the law, as long as the guidelines are clear, there is no opinion on that part. However, there nearly ALWAYS is when deciding the sentencing. That is the part I have been debating here...
So, again, you can whitewash the rule, but there ALWAYS should be a human element. Because, guess what, there always is.
To be clear, to ME, consensual DOES make a difference. It doesn't mean he didn't violate the code, which is the ONLY place opinion doesn't matter. I 100% agree he violated the code and consequences are necessary. However, it is simple common sense that you would look at the "victim" and what that person says about the situation SHOULD make a considerable difference on how you would deal with it if punishment were not already clearly defined regardless of what that "victim" intimates...
Again, maybe he still would need to be let go, but how it is handled decides if he ever gets another job in the field again. To me, that requires more than just saying it being "consensual" doesn't matter...