So Who Is Voting For The Same Presidential Candidate The Murderous, hamas Supporting, Iranian Regime Would Be Voting For?

Yes I'm sure Hamas just loves Biden given his unwavering support for Israel plus all the weapons and money we've sent Israel that they are using to . . . *checks notes* kill Hamas and Palestinians.

You're replying to this.


Best to let me handle the little guy with the appropriate responses.
Yes I'm sure Hamas just loves Biden given his unwavering support for Israel plus all the weapons and money we've sent Israel that they are using to . . . *checks notes* kill Hamas and Palestinians.
So why do [they]; them and their ass buddy Iran, want jo and not Trump to be president? Hard, isn't it......
Ummmmm....their plan to kill Trump??

Yes I'm sure that it's more likely that Iran/Hamas plotted to kill a presidential candidate by getting some 20 year old geeky looking bullied kid from PA than it is that the same 20 year old geeky looking bullied kid lost the plot and decided to get his 15 minutes of infamy.

I'm sorry for anyone with thinks this is a grand conspiracy. No one would look at that kid and think he's the master assassin I need for something like this.
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Yes I'm sure that it's more likely that Iran/Hamas plotted to kill a presidential candidate by getting some 20 year old geeky looking bullied kid from PA than it is that the same 20 year old geeky looking bullied kid lost the plot and decided to get his 15 minutes of infamy.

I'm sorry for anyone with thinks this is a grand conspiracy. No one would look at that kid and think he's the master assassin I need for something like this.
JFC....get out of your basement you simple phuck! 🤣 The Iranian plot, had no connection to your look alike with his brains on his sleeves!