

May 29, 2001
"Who ever said private donations are the sole solution? Of course there are many aspects of the solution, but an army of Iowa wrestling fans donating to the HWC most certainly is a part of the solution. And if people want to spout off anonymously on message boards about all that's wrong with Iowa wrestling but refuse to pitch in, they're part of the problem rather than part of the solution."

WWDM quote from another thread above (and maybe another response from someone else) got me wondering what WE CAN do as fans to "help" get back to winning titles.

Obviously some of you are a lot smarter about how the University works, the HWC, etc. What are some real "solutions" that your "average" fan can help with?

Obviously one of the "easiest" is raising more money. One question I have is that there seems to be some question on how the money gets earmarked for specifically the wrestling program. Somehow the HWC is at a disadvantage in regards to other wrestling programs. What's the solution there? How's it get done? Is it in the process of getting worked out?

Outside of straight money, is there something WE can do to help?

Would emails to certain people help? If so, someone needs to educate those of us on who they need to go to and what the main talking points in the email should be.

I'm a die hard Iowa Wrestling fan, like most of you, and would love to help. I'm in the camp that we need to stop complaining and step up and find the solutions. I'm just not privy to what I can do to help the program outside of the money factor. And I'm okay if the money factor is really the main disadvantage...but reading some of the responses it sounds like there are other things that need to be addressed. Can WE help with some of these other things? If so, those who are educated, please shed some light for those of us who want to be a part of the solution.

I realize we can't keep all our great Hawkeye wrestlers but I also wonder how we can't keep more than we do. Can the HWC have more paid coaches than just one? If so, it's mind boggling to me that a fan base as large as ours can't pony up enough money to have two or three well paid HWC coaches. Then again, what's a well paid club coach make? What's enough to get a guy to stick around? Someone like Metcalf? I have to think there's a NCAA stipulation on that or it would probably already be going on.
This is part bump but also in response to another thread about Foundation calls.

Would it be cost effective for the HWC to hire a "fundraiser"? I have no idea what the budget of the HWC is, assume it's pretty damn low but I'm just spit balling here. Pipe dream?

Could every one of us get a certain number of names and make calls?
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This is part bump but also in response to another thread about Foundation calls.

Would it be cost effective for the HWC to hire a "fundraiser"? I have no idea what the budget of the HWC is, assume it's pretty damn low but I'm just spit balling here. Pipe dream?

Could every one of us get a certain number of names and make calls?

We should get some college kids to walk around and get tailgaters at the football games signed up to receive emails from the HWC and get a donation on the spot. The kids would probably do it for a case of beer.
Raise a large slush fund for the top 10 PFP recruits to be distributed after they graduate . This would would be the quickest way ;)

Edit: Sorry for not being serious. Just trying to contribute to the thread - and I have no knowledge or info to contribute.
I think one point of confusion is that people are assuming that the HWC and the Iowa wrestling team are parts of the same entity. I don't believe that they are. The HWC is a separate 501 non-profit and the wrestling team falls under the much larger University of Iowa umbrella. Fundraising rules for athletic 501s differ from those of educational institutions. Even though I run a charity, I do not fully grasp the complexities involved.

One simple solution is to donate directly to the HWC. That money cannot be diverted to the University. Here's a big one - find a way to volunteer. Every non-profit (including the HWC, the University of Iowa and Wrestling for Life) needs volunteers. Fundraising activities become far more productive when there are enough volunteers. Help at a golf outing, stuff envelopes, hold a bags tournament - whatever fits your talents and lifestyle.

The point is - DO SOMETHING
GG (and thanks to everyone else that responded),
Some of us (me) need to be educated on what some of those things are that we can do. I think there are tons of people that could/would help but we are simply uneducated on the possibilities.

I'm not here to point fingers but to brainstorm and see what WE can do to help.

What's the HWC need? Give us a list and I'm sure they will get some added help if at all possible.
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I think one point of confusion is that people are assuming that the HWC and the Iowa wrestling team are parts of the same entity. I don't believe that they are. The HWC is a separate 501 non-profit and the wrestling team falls under the much larger University of Iowa umbrella. Fundraising rules for athletic 501s differ from those of educational institutions. Even though I run a charity, I do not fully grasp the complexities involved.

One simple solution is to donate directly to the HWC. That money cannot be diverted to the University. Here's a big one - find a way to volunteer. Every non-profit (including the HWC, the University of Iowa and Wrestling for Life) needs volunteers. Fundraising activities become far more productive when there are enough volunteers. Help at a golf outing, stuff envelopes, hold a bags tournament - whatever fits your talents and lifestyle.

The point is - DO SOMETHING

I also think the point is that the University can and should allow access to the HWC for its donors! The success of HWC and subsequently wrestling reflects indirectly on the University. Just ask tOSU (Kyle Snyder) and now PSU and whatever they have conjured up. They are getting help indirectly from their clubs and now so is ISU.

While they need to remain separate entities under the law, there should be some guidance from foundation to direct a couple of whales (i.e. Carver's) to the HWC.

And I agree to continue to DO SOMETHING! Taking even more action as I type and I hope others step up too!
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Lots of good thoughts here. Love seeing fans focused on solutions rather than just idle complaining. Hopefully there will be some direction for fans forthcoming in terms of what else can be done besides the obvious (donating to the HWC).
Great job Huck and WWDM, I like the idea of going around to tailgaters. Shit, I would do it for nothing. I would spend one hour or more getting donations from Hawk fans during football games. No need to give free beer because going tailgate to tailgate would be intoxicating enough with the freebees from fans. You could walk up and down Melrose, Koser, Sunset, Hawkins, etc. It is only 7 Saturdays. Now, who do I contact to get some HWC stuff for marketing? my email is
Lots of good thoughts here. Love seeing fans focused on solutions rather than just idle complaining. Hopefully there will be some direction for fans forthcoming in terms of what else can be done besides the obvious (donating to the HWC).

Yes! This is great. I am tired of the negative threads. ( I admit that I was a small part and on edge 48 hours ago) this site is no fun with 10 ISU threads.. keep it going boys and girls. Then hopefully soon a new commit from what has been rumored and we make HR great again.
"Would it be cost effective for the HWC to hire a "fundraiser"? I have no idea what the budget of the HWC is, assume it's pretty damn low but I'm just spit balling here. Pipe dream?"--- We tried that -very little success. when access is limited it makes it tougher.

" Can the HWC have more paid coaches than just one?"-- YES...Well paid coaches in this area earn from 100K-200K per yr.

"We should get some college kids to walk around and get tailgaters at the football games signed up to receive emails from the HWC and get a donation on the spot. The kids would probably do it for a case of beer."-This would work--but University would never allow it.

Right now we will do our best and try better to get the word out about our events,improve communications and keep raining as much $$ as we can. As I said before -in my opinion, and my opinion only we need the University to brainstorm for ways to cooperate and help get the HWC more funding..long term a 10MM endowment means the HWC can run pretty well on the interest-- and coaches can spend more time in wrestling room and recruiting then on fundraising.

None of our coaches would ever use our facilities as an excuse- but we are WAY behind the top schools. I have been to many of them. Ohio State is spending a LOT of $$ right now on a new facility. The University should fast track a plan to have the best wrestling facilities ANYWHERE.

I dont want to talk about operating budget etc.. on a public forum-the fact is we need attendees at our fundraising events, we need people using AmazonSmile,We need people to help influence the Admin- and it can be done!

Our next event--

And by the way--you dont have to donate a bunch of money to come to an event--- get some buddies--get a table-- and enjoy yourself. You get to hear our staff, our coaches and athletes. I always appreciate these guys more after these events.

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The important thing is to make sure the money in the hwc is making an impact. we need more of the top wrestlers here. tnt need to think outside the box and be open to anything that might help iowa. we need to get a top young coach like dt in at the hwc. I think the perception of iowa is not as good as psu, osu etc and getting some new young blood will help with that
This is going to take a grassroots effort. The University, coaches, and every fan can share the blame. Iowa should be able to raise 10 million for every 1 million raised at Iowa State. Here are some ideas of mine.

1. The coaches/board need to meet this week and address the issue. Pollard just attempted a knockout blow towards Iowa. The guy doesn't care about wrestling. Dresser was able to use the hurt Iowa angle to get him on board. We need the Iowa athletic department to respond in kind.

2. The HWC has to do a better job of keeping in touch with the fans. Utilize social media to get the word out about massive changes. Spread the links for fans to sign up to a monthly news letter.

In this letter, have monthly updates on competitions, including at least one interview with a current club member or coach. The fans want to be a part of the program. This newsletter should also make the fans aware of the changing landscape and how important it is for the future of Iowa wrestling to respond. The bar has been raised and we must meet or exceed it.

Iowa doesn't have the built in advantages of some states. We have to outwork the opposition to win. That goes for the coaches and fans. The coaches are busy coaching and recruiting. They will have to also work more on fundraising.

3. In the newsletter, give fans a chance to auto donate per month. Make it so anyone who donates 50 dollars monthly gets something from the club every quarter. Make a list of stuff (hats, shirts, signed pictures/posters, stuff that costs under 20 dollars) and let them choose what they want that quarter. I can't emphasize enough that overall the club has to reach out and be in contact with the fans.

The coaches can't do this alone. Let the fans know they need their help and what can be done. Fans will be more willing to help if they know they are needed and have an idea of the plan.

4. Fundraisers. This is where the fans can come through. Gobblin said he is just a broke construction worker. That means he is skilled at a trade. Go to the local golf course or bar and offer to build a deck or put on a roof ( they will just pay for materials). Labor will be donated. In exchange, they must allow the HWC to host golf tourney/ bags tourney etc free of charge for x amount of years. Even better is if the golf course would allow the club to provide the food and beverages. Much more profit there. Berhow loves to grill and cater food.
All of the coaches won't be able to attend every event. You might get 1 or 2 club guys and a coach. We have to allow the coaches to recruit and coach. This is where the fans have to pick up the effort.

How do gun auctions work? Could every 4 county area have gun auctions? Those are always big sellers at the fundraisers.

Back to the constructions

Do we have any landscapers on here? Are any landscapers willing to donate 1 job if free labor is provided? We can get a group of guys and do a job on the weekend.

I think we need to attack this like the Amish. I would like Gobblin or other construction guys to email me.

There is a shortage of roofers around the Iowa City area. I couldn't find one to do my roof without waiting several months. My proposal is to lock down a few roofing jobs. Iowa fans/ local clubs will do the labor under the guidance of an experienced roofer. The jobs would be easy to line up when they know profits are going to the HWC and local clubs.

You can easily make 5-10k on a roof after expenses. Even if only 50% is donated to the club it would add up fast. There is no reason we couldn't do 10 roofs this year and donate 50k to the club. Call me crazy but I think in 3 years we could do 1million dollars in volunteer labor as word spreads.

Offer local wrestling clubs 500-1000$ for their labor. Attack the roof with 10-20 people. You can knock one out in a day.

Same can be said for decks/remodels. How about Tree service?

I have a truck and car trailer and 2 hands. I will volunteer some weekends to help. I can probably round up 3 or 4 other helpers. Maybe some of you aren't the physical labor type. You could still get others to help or donate some service to contribute.

How about web designers. Start a website with information on how to help and what we are doing. I would like a core of guys across the state who can get small crews together. We can all meet up and knock jobs out.

Also, we should have someone on the staff approaching businesses in Des Moines, Waterloo, Quad Cities, and Iowa City Cedar Rapids about more donations for their auctions and about work they may need done.

This is going to take every hand on deck but it can be done. I know the roofing/decking can be complicated and it might be rocky the first year. We have Hawkeye fans all over the country. Many of them wish they could live in Iowa and help. This would give them a chance to contribute from afar.

Also, Pat Angerer is a big wrestling fan. Same with Austin Blythe. It is time to reach out to guys like that not only for money, but for ideas and connections to give our group the opportunity to perform some work.

This sounds like a lot of work and that is right. We don't have any million dollar donors. We have to do it the Iowa way which is outwork others.

If a handful of you are interested and willing to provider labor in the Eastern half of the state let me know. We really need a couple of knowledgeable construction guys willing to dive in. That combined with some volunteer labor can bring in big money.

We need the online marketing to take off now. Use IA wrestle, Todd Conner, twitter etc to spread that the club is making changes. Get everyone in contact with the newsletter. The coaches or board need to address the fans with the goals and what needs done. I apologize for this being so long. I have not been able to sleep the last several days trying to figure out how to get Iowa back on top. We have to raise more money and the fans need to take responsibility.

Even if my ideas are terrible, they may spark a great idea from one of you. This proactive discussion is great. We have to move past the talk stage and enter the do it stage soon.
"Would it be cost effective for the HWC to hire a "fundraiser"? I have no idea what the budget of the HWC is, assume it's pretty damn low but I'm just spit balling here. Pipe dream?"--- We tried that -very little success. when access is limited it makes it tougher.

" Can the HWC have more paid coaches than just one?"-- Well paid coaches in this area earn from 100K-200K per yr.

"We should get some college kids to walk around and get tailgaters at the football games signed up to receive emails from the HWC and get a donation on the spot. The kids would probably do it for a case of beer."-This would work--but University would never allow it.

Right now we will do our best and try better to get the word out about our events,improve communications and keep raining as much $$ as we can. As I said before -in my opinion, and my opinion only we need the University to brainstorm for ways to cooperate and help get the HWC more funding..long term a 10MM endowment means the HWC can run pretty well on the interest-- and coaches can spend more time in wrestling room and recruiting then on fundraising.

None of our coaches would ever use our facilities as an excuse- but we are WAY behind the top schools. I have been to many of them. Ohio State is spending a LOT of $$ right now on a new facility. The University should fast track a plan to have the best wrestling facilities ANYWHERE.

I dont want to talk about operating budget etc.. on a public forum-the fact is we need attendees at our fundraising events, we need people using AmazonSmile,We need people to help influence the Admin- and it can be done!

Our next event--

And by the way--you dont have to donate a bunch of money to come to an event--- get some buddies--get a table-- and enjoy yourself. You get to hear our staff, our coaches and athletes. I always appreciate these guys more after these events.

As always, a great post, Randy!

Would you mind dropping me an email at Thanks.
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My only contributions are that I am a season ticket holder and have been to 1-2 out of season fund raising events. Some of the following is just spit balling or pipe dream stuff, but just curious.......

Who are the current HWC club coaches? Terry Brands and.......? Do the other RTC's have separate head wrestling coaches for the most part or do they use the school's coaching staff? If they do, what are they paid? What's the typical coaching salary budget for the top clubs and where are we at?

I assume HWC/RTC wrestlers are eligible for some sort of a stipend? If so, are we competitive in what we give out? Are we able to support enough wrestlers?

Do these other schools have separate locker rooms, weight rooms, coaches offices,etc., from the Iowa wrestling team facilities or are they shared? Is that an issue or concern?

Does the HWC/RTC have it's own secretary/staff or do they share the Iowa teams staff? Does the HWC Coach do all of the admin stuff or does he have a staff to help? Is that an issue or concern?

Do other RTC's provided any type of housing for their athletes? If I want to come to IC to train as a post graduate am I totally on my own financially for housing? Or do we have any arrangements with landlords/property owners to get these potential athletes housing? What assistance does/can the HWC club provide? Got any rich people willing to build/donate half of an apartment complex earmarked for HWC members?

Do most of these athletes have part time jobs in addition to wrestling? Do we have arrangements with community employers to find these athletes jobs? What about finding jobs for their wives while the athlete trains? I believe Home Depot (among others) used to work with future/potential Olympians in providing jobs and working around schedules. Any business owners in the IC/CR area's willing to do the same?

Fund raisers like the Polar Plunge, Golf Outings, etc., seem like good PR events but I doubt they raise enough money to put us at the level we need to be. Need to think of more ways to raise big time funds. As previously mentioned by another poster, getting either a couple of major donors or working on a large one-time fund raising campaign to try to raise- say $7-10 million- would be the jump start we need to get to where we want to be. Once there, the smaller events or annual membership fees/fundraisers would be enough to help us sustain. Unfortunately, this should have been started 3-5 yrs ago, but we are where we are.

As others have said, I would like to hear more about what we can do or need to do, rather than what we cannot do or why things are so hard.
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This is great stuff and I love the grassroots convo.

The "lottery" convo I know is a little tongue and cheek, but I think we are missing the point. "This is Iowa, we don't have wealthy people, etc." That's not accurate at all. They may not be flashy, but there are plenty who are sitting on piles of money from their small business, land rich farmers who are selling (i know a few personally), etc. Heck, I know just on this board and ex-wrestlers there are financial advisors, cpa's, lawyers that are working with people who have tax issues and looking for outlets. Donor advised funds are filling up with people not sure where they want to donate their money. I've been the lead fundraiser for a small charity in my area that just started three years ago and has zero name recognition. We drummed up $50k this last year with a little hard work and just asking and less than 60 people donating. That's with zero name recognition. Iowa Wrestling IS the brand. I could be wrong, but I don't believe the Foundation can stop HWC from finding and creating a new wealthy donor. I'm sure they would frown upon Ashton Kutcher types as they want his money, but I also find it hard to believe they could tell him where to spend his money. I understand some do it for parking spots and tickets, but others could give two craps about that stuff.

One thing I would highly encourage - Make sure the HWC goal is published everywhere and update of where it is at. The $1 mil goal that Dresser threw down and the tracking of $750k just creates buzz, momentum, etc. I know two cyclone fans (family unfortunately) that don't even follow wrestling and they are sending money just for their hatred of the Hawks and to rub it in my face. If $10 mil Endowment is the goal, make it front and center and update it.

You can't hit a target you can't see.
This is going to take a grassroots effort. The University, coaches, and every fan can share the blame. Iowa should be able to raise 10 million for every 1 million raised at Iowa State. Here are some ideas of mine.

1. The coaches/board need to meet this week and address the issue. Pollard just attempted a knockout blow towards Iowa. The guy doesn't care about wrestling. Dresser was able to use the hurt Iowa angle to get him on board. We need the Iowa athletic department to respond in kind.

2. The HWC has to do a better job of keeping in touch with the fans. Utilize social media to get the word out about massive changes. Spread the links for fans to sign up to a monthly news letter.

In this letter, have monthly updates on competitions, including at least one interview with a current club member or coach. The fans want to be a part of the program. This newsletter should also make the fans aware of the changing landscape and how important it is for the future of Iowa wrestling to respond. The bar has been raised and we must meet or exceed it.

Iowa doesn't have the built in advantages of some states. We have to outwork the opposition to win. That goes for the coaches and fans. The coaches are busy coaching and recruiting. They will have to also work more on fundraising.

3. In the newsletter, give fans a chance to auto donate per month. Make it so anyone who donates 50 dollars monthly gets something from the club every quarter. Make a list of stuff (hats, shirts, signed pictures/posters, stuff that costs under 20 dollars) and let them choose what they want that quarter. I can't emphasize enough that overall the club has to reach out and be in contact with the fans.

The coaches can't do this alone. Let the fans know they need their help and what can be done. Fans will be more willing to help if they know they are needed and have an idea of the plan.

4. Fundraisers. This is where the fans can come through. Gobblin said he is just a broke construction worker. That means he is skilled at a trade. Go to the local golf course or bar and offer to build a deck or put on a roof ( they will just pay for materials). Labor will be donated. In exchange, they must allow the HWC to host golf tourney/ bags tourney etc free of charge for x amount of years. Even better is if the golf course would allow the club to provide the food and beverages. Much more profit there. Berhow loves to grill and cater food.
All of the coaches won't be able to attend every event. You might get 1 or 2 club guys and a coach. We have to allow the coaches to recruit and coach. This is where the fans have to pick up the effort.

How do gun auctions work? Could every 4 county area have gun auctions? Those are always big sellers at the fundraisers.

Back to the constructions

Do we have any landscapers on here? Are any landscapers willing to donate 1 job if free labor is provided? We can get a group of guys and do a job on the weekend.

I think we need to attack this like the Amish. I would like Gobblin or other construction guys to email me.

There is a shortage of roofers around the Iowa City area. I couldn't find one to do my roof without waiting several months. My proposal is to lock down a few roofing jobs. Iowa fans/ local clubs will do the labor under the guidance of an experienced roofer. The jobs would be easy to line up when they know profits are going to the HWC and local clubs.

You can easily make 5-10k on a roof after expenses. Even if only 50% is donated to the club it would add up fast. There is no reason we couldn't do 10 roofs this year and donate 50k to the club. Call me crazy but I think in 3 years we could do 1million dollars in volunteer labor as word spreads.

Offer local wrestling clubs 500-1000$ for their labor. Attack the roof with 10-20 people. You can knock one out in a day.

Same can be said for decks/remodels. How about Tree service?

I have a truck and car trailer and 2 hands. I will volunteer some weekends to help. I can probably round up 3 or 4 other helpers. Maybe some of you aren't the physical labor type. You could still get others to help or donate some service to contribute.

How about web designers. Start a website with information on how to help and what we are doing. I would like a core of guys across the state who can get small crews together. We can all meet up and knock jobs out.

Also, we should have someone on the staff approaching businesses in Des Moines, Waterloo, Quad Cities, and Iowa City Cedar Rapids about more donations for their auctions and about work they may need done.

This is going to take every hand on deck but it can be done. I know the roofing/decking can be complicated and it might be rocky the first year. We have Hawkeye fans all over the country. Many of them wish they could live in Iowa and help. This would give them a chance to contribute from afar.

Also, Pat Angerer is a big wrestling fan. Same with Austin Blythe. It is time to reach out to guys like that not only for money, but for ideas and connections to give our group the opportunity to perform some work.

This sounds like a lot of work and that is right. We don't have any million dollar donors. We have to do it the Iowa way which is outwork others.

If a handful of you are interested and willing to provider labor in the Eastern half of the state let me know. We really need a couple of knowledgeable construction guys willing to dive in. That combined with some volunteer labor can bring in big money.

We need the online marketing to take off now. Use IA wrestle, Todd Conner, twitter etc to spread that the club is making changes. Get everyone in contact with the newsletter. The coaches or board need to address the fans with the goals and what needs done. I apologize for this being so long. I have not been able to sleep the last several days trying to figure out how to get Iowa back on top. We have to raise more money and the fans need to take responsibility.

Even if my ideas are terrible, they may spark a great idea from one of you. This proactive discussion is great. We have to move past the talk stage and enter the do it stage soon.
Pin this or something, GREAT post!
We should get some college kids to walk around and get tailgaters at the football games signed up to receive emails from the HWC and get a donation on the spot. The kids would probably do it for a case of beer.
I've heard of the HWC but the fact I know absolutely nothing about it ... or hear very little about it ... makes me think some better marketing could take place.
I don't know if this is possible with the HWC staff and board, but I was a season tickeholder with the Minnesota Twins in 2010 and 2011, when Target Field opened, and during the winter, the Twins President or GM had a teleconference, and ticketholders could call in. The gm would talk about the upcoming season, and then ticketholders were able to ask questions. It would be nice if the fans could do that this summer sometime and have Tom and Company talk to us about the future of the club and what we as fans can do to help. The club could send out an email with the call in information.
"I've heard of the HWC but the fact I know absolutely nothing about it ... or hear very little about it ... makes me think some better marketing could take place."

No question! Please follow the Hawkeye Wrestling Club Twitter Please like the Hawkeye Wrestling club Facebook Page

Also-- here is a link to the Hawkeye Wrestling Club website

To be added to the email list for monthly newsletter-- email Moriah she can get you on the list
"I've heard of the HWC but the fact I know absolutely nothing about it ... or hear very little about it ... makes me think some better marketing could take place."

No question! Please follow the Hawkeye Wrestling Club Twitter Please like the Hawkeye Wrestling club Facebook Page

Also-- here is a link to the Hawkeye Wrestling Club website

To be added to the email list for monthly newsletter-- email Moriah she can get you on the list

The Times, they are a changing.

We can expect some direction soon. Be patient, then absorb the direction, and then help like hell. I am and will.
"I've heard of the HWC but the fact I know absolutely nothing about it ... or hear very little about it ... makes me think some better marketing could take place."

No question! Please follow the Hawkeye Wrestling Club Twitter Please like the Hawkeye Wrestling club Facebook Page

Also-- here is a link to the Hawkeye Wrestling Club website

To be added to the email list for monthly newsletter-- email Moriah she can get you on the list
Thanks for the info, it would be nice if a "Sign up for our weekly/monthly newsletter here" button/link could be added to the website as well.
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Just another idea. Novak - could you or someone have a post once a month on here with a quick update, then link at the bottom for 'click here to sign up for HWC newletter' 'click here to donate' ,etc. This board is fairly well attended and many lurkers who follow just don't post. I know we just increased your workload 10 fold, sorry about that.

Also, as mentioned previously by a few others, if there are jobs that we can help with, post and ask for help. I'm out of state, but I'd gladly help with calls, fundraising, etc.
I see the HWC website video is dated (still has Zadick on there)
I'd be willing to work with the club on media production pro bono.

I think you'll see there's a lot of support ready and willing. HWC and Hawk wrestling in general need to push for more exposure and attention so we can get Iowa back on top
I love the construction angle. If we can work directly with contractors who follow Iowa wrestling, that would be awesome. We could use their contacts to get the job. He/she could use volunteer labor, but supervise. 50% of the proceeds can go to the contractor and 50% to HWC. I'd be willing to work a couple of weekends in the Des Moines area.
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I see the HWC website video is dated (still has Zadick on there)
I'd be willing to work with the club on media production pro bono.

I think you'll see there's a lot of support ready and willing. HWC and Hawk wrestling in general need to push for more exposure and attention so we can get Iowa back on top

I also noticed that looking at their online store, it seems a little sparse in the products they offer. If I could buy something from the HWC vs. Scheels, I would gladly buy it from the HWC so the proceeds go to them. But you have to give me something to spend my money on. I didn't see much that interested me and I didn't see anything that I could buy for kids. I would love to spend a couple of hundred $$ on Hawkeye wrestling clothing/singlets/gear each year around the start of wrestling season and for Christmas. Are you guys only allowed to sell HWC merchandise and not Iowa wrestling licensed products? Even so, I would still purchase HWC specific items if there were more appealing items.

On another note, what sort of promotion do you guys do for the HWC club for the casual fan? It really seems like the HWC is a word of mouth onlyor some exclusive club. I have known it existed for years but didn't know of its website or who could join, how to join or what its requirements are, what benefits I get out of it, how it helps the Iowa program, etc.. Do you guys advertise on the Predicament or other wrestling sites about joining? Do you guys ever look into setting up a booth at the AAU State tournament, the IHSAA State tournament, USA State Freestyle/Greco tournaments, JR Nationals, etc., to try to get more interest?
I also noticed that looking at their online store, it seems a little sparse in the products they offer. If I could buy something from the HWC vs. Scheels, I would gladly buy it from the HWC so the proceeds go to them. But you have to give me something to spend my money on. I didn't see much that interested me and I didn't see anything that I could buy for kids. I would love to spend a couple of hundred $$ on Hawkeye wrestling clothing/singlets/gear each year around the start of wrestling season and for Christmas. Are you guys only allowed to sell HWC merchandise and not Iowa wrestling licensed products? Even so, I would still purchase HWC specific items if there were more appealing items.

On another note, what sort of promotion do you guys do for the HWC club for the casual fan? It really seems like the HWC is a word of mouth onlyor some exclusive club. I have known it existed for years but didn't know of its website or who could join, how to join or what its requirements are, what benefits I get out of it, how it helps the Iowa program, etc.. Do you guys advertise on the Predicament or other wrestling sites about joining? Do you guys ever look into setting up a booth at the AAU State tournament, the IHSAA State tournament, USA State Freestyle/Greco tournaments, JR Nationals, etc., to try to get more interest?

Another option:
<< Are you guys only allowed to sell HWC merchandise and not Iowa wrestling licensed products? Even so, I would still purchase HWC specific items if there were more appealing items.>> We can not sell Iowa Wrestling licensed products.

Here are links to the two stores we have--

1. Phelps-- Mat McDonough Wife works here.

2. Ironsides Apparel

"On another note, what sort of promotion do you guys do for the HWC club for the casual fan? "

3 golf outings a year-- Riverside/Des Moines/Okoboji
1 banquet-- Coming up 5/19/17 Kirkwood-- Cedar Rapids
1 trap shoot --October
Polar plunge --Feb

In addition we do do some other things as well... obviously we haven't done a good job promoting this stuff. Shame on us. Please follow the HWC twitter and Facebook page.
Hawkeye Wrestling Club isnt something you join-- We are a 503C non profit that Mission is as follows:

<<The Hawkeye Wrestling Club exists to promote wrestling in Iowa and America by producing honorable elite level athletes through high level wrestling opportunites>>

Your donations and participation in events helps us fund the club.

The events are laid back, fun- we typically have a nice participation gift---at the banquet we have tons of raffle items-you get to interact with coaches wrestlers. The Coaches talk and give updates. They often take questions. We have a lot of gear you dont see other places-- For an average fan I would think it is a lot of fun.
If a guy wished to contribute a shit-ton of money, he/she can restrict how those funds are allocated if he/she chooses. My guess is that is the main source of the new found money in Ames that is paying for Metcalf, for example. Has the HWC communicated the means to do something like this (i.e. permanent endowments)? Who is responsible for seeking these types of donations?

My understanding is that the current donation options available via the HWC website would fall into an unrestricted category where the HWC allocates contributions as it deems necessary from its General Fund, and I am just looking for more information on how to pay for David Taylor specifically :)
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<<If a guy wished to contribute a shit-ton of money, he/she can restrict how those funds are allocated if he/she chooses. My guess is that is the main source of the new found money in Ames that is paying for Metcalf, for example. Has the HWC communicated the means to do something like this (i.e. permanent endowments)? Who is responsible for seeking these types of donations?
My understanding is that the current donation options available via the HWC website would fall into an unrestricted category where the HWC allocates contributions as it deems necessary from its General Fund>>

Tom and Terry handle these personally and one on one. There are some examples in the past 10 yrs --not sure i would term it a "shit-ton" of money :) But anyone that want to do this--I will get you a seat with these guys.
I love this thread and hope it (and its purpose) remains here for quite awhile!

My two cents on some things that weren't terribly talked about, unless I missed it:

1.)The HWC website needs MAJOR revamping or overhaul
2.) The merchandise for purchase needs to modernize and offer more a selection
3.) AND, better marketing/advertising.

A solution for these? Maybe hire a student/grad student or two in those specific fields??? Offer them incentives or minimal pay, or nothing at all, idk. But really they would get experience out of it for a future resume??? Quid pro quo