Sometimes the armed citizen protector isn't a good thing.


HR Legend
Dec 5, 2002
"An armed man who “took it upon himself” to conduct surveillance outside a sporting goods store in suburban Seattle has been charged with murder after he fatally shot in the back a teenager who had an airsoft gun in his pocket, prosecutors said.

Aaron Brown Myers, 51, was charged with second-degree murder and second-degree assault in the killing of the 17-year-old, identified as H.R., according to court documents. The teen was shot once in the side and at least six times in the back, and he died at the scene, the documents state.

“In this case the defendant attacked three teenagers who had not committed any crime and at every stage of the interaction chose to escalate with more and more violence until it culminated in the defendant taking the life of 17-year-old H.R.,” King County senior deputy prosecuting attorney Lauren M. Burke wrote in a case summary and request for bail."

Whoopsie Daisy!
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"Myers had previously been involved in a March 2022 incident in which he chose to “intervene” when he mistakenly believed someone was armed, according to the document.

In that case, Myers called 911 to report that a person on a bicycle was pointing a gun at people, and Myers said he had a pistol and may have to intervene, the affidavit states. Myers then followed the bicyclist and told police he thought he might have to shoot the person. Officers arrived at the scene and determined the bicyclist’s item was not a gun but “a silver metal object that was possibly a part to a bicycle,” the document states."
"An armed man who “took it upon himself” to conduct surveillance outside a sporting goods store in suburban Seattle has been charged with murder after he fatally shot in the back a teenager who had an airsoft gun in his pocket, prosecutors said.

Aaron Brown Myers, 51, was charged with second-degree murder and second-degree assault in the killing of the 17-year-old, identified as H.R., according to court documents. The teen was shot once in the side and at least six times in the back, and he died at the scene, the documents state.

“In this case the defendant attacked three teenagers who had not committed any crime and at every stage of the interaction chose to escalate with more and more violence until it culminated in the defendant taking the life of 17-year-old H.R.,” King County senior deputy prosecuting attorney Lauren M. Burke wrote in a case summary and request for bail."

Whoopsie Daisy!
Where have I heard this story before????

Good God. Guy gets himself a gun and then spends his life walking around, packing heat, just hoping for an excuse to shoot someone. But, freedom, baby! This is ‘merica.
It sounds like that's exactly what it is: When you're a hero in your mind, looking for your shining moment, I'm sure way more people start to look like bad guys.
This is a tragedy. Sounds like the justice system is working in this case. Just like the Trayvon Martin case alluded to in an earlier post.
Not looking good for Myers. His cold blooded murder was caught on camera. I will say that there is no other “good guy with a gun” when you are the one holding a gun.

Myers told police he had just finished working as a "licensed" and "armed" security person before driving to the parking lot to pick up his son from a martial arts class. Myers told police he has seen numerous crimes occur in the parking lots and conducts "overwatch" there to ensure his son is safe.

Rather than call 911 or wait for evidence, Myers "claimed he had a 'duty to intervene,' and did so," prosecutors write.

Investigators said the footage they watched contradicted Myers's statements in his police interview.
Myers told police he approached the teens with his gun down, telling them to drop their weapons and put their hands up. Security camera footage showed Myers confronting the teens with his firearm pointed at them, according to court documents. The teens were seen throwing what is actually an airsoft gun to the ground.

Myers said he had restrained one teen and saw another put his hand on the handle of the gun once, then a second time. At this point, Myers told police he thought the teen was going to shoot. Police said footage showed the teen only briefly lowering his hand towards his waist. Throughout the interaction, the teen's hands were empty, police said.

Myers fired at least seven rounds, striking the boy once in the side and at least six times in the back.
The other teenagers in the group told police they were at the sporting goods store to exchange the airsoft gun because there was a functional issue with it. According to the teens, they told the suspect "numerous times" that the gun was not real.
He shouldn’t have been allowed to own and carry a gun in the first place

According to charging documents, the June 5 incident wasn't the first time Myers chose to "intervene" after mistakenly believing someone was armed. In March of 2022, Myers followed a person carrying a metal object, which he thought was a gun, from one store to another. He did this, prosecutors wrote in charging documents, because he believed he "may need to intervene' and he 'might have to shoot' that person.
"An armed man who “took it upon himself” to conduct surveillance outside a sporting goods store in suburban Seattle has been charged with murder after he fatally shot in the back a teenager who had an airsoft gun in his pocket, prosecutors said.

Aaron Brown Myers, 51, was charged with second-degree murder and second-degree assault in the killing of the 17-year-old, identified as H.R., according to court documents. The teen was shot once in the side and at least six times in the back, and he died at the scene, the documents state.

“In this case the defendant attacked three teenagers who had not committed any crime and at every stage of the interaction chose to escalate with more and more violence until it culminated in the defendant taking the life of 17-year-old H.R.,” King County senior deputy prosecuting attorney Lauren M. Burke wrote in a case summary and request for bail."

Whoopsie Daisy!
Awful, but sadly predictable.
This is a tragedy. Sounds like the justice system is working in this case. Just like the Trayvon Martin case alluded to in an earlier post.
Investigators said the footage they watched contradicted Myers's statements in his police interview.
There was no footage of the Martin case...but the audio from the phone call and the evidence from the scene clearly contradicted Zimmerman's police interview. The discrepancies were just chalked up to "brain fog". Zimmerman did exactly what this guy did,
There was no footage of the Martin case...but the audio from the phone call and the evidence from the scene clearly contradicted Zimmerman's police interview. The discrepancies were just chalked up to "brain fog". Zimmerman did exactly what this guy did,
So - Trump guilty = the system works!!!

Zimmerman not guilty = the system is rigged!!!

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So - Trump guilty = the system works!!!

Zimmerman not guilty = the system is rigged!!!


You can disagree with a decision based on the evidence without claiming the whole system is rigged.

I would argue in the Zimmerman case a big part of the issue is that the laws are designed to heavily favor anyone screaming self defense right after shooting someone to death.
You can disagree with a decision based on the evidence without claiming the whole system is rigged.

I would argue in the Zimmerman case a big part of the issue is that the laws are designed to heavily favor anyone screaming self defense right after shooting someone to death.
Actually I think what helped Z was his reaction when the cops told him there was video of the incident. Imo the whole story was proved by him thanking God that there was video showing what happened. Obviously the cops were skeptical of his story or they wouldn't have lied to him. Once he reacted the way he did, they believed him.
Actually I think what helped Z was his reaction when the cops told him there was video of the incident. Imo the whole story was proved by him thanking God that there was video showing what happened. Obviously the cops were skeptical of his story or they wouldn't have lied to him. Once he reacted the way he did, they believed him.
Worked for rittenhouse as well.
My honest view is if you shoot someone in self defense while you are in the process of taking the law into your own hands, your word should simply not be believed.

Self defense is designed so that in the moment someone is taking violent action against you or another person you can protect yourself and that other person. And in that I would consider breaking into an occupied house to be a violent action. I do believe in castle doctrine which to me basically states that if someone is breaking into your house while you are in the house, you and the law have the right to assume that person is there to kill you.

Self defense should not be designed so that you can go confront people that you suspect might be committing a non violent crime or even worse suspect might be about to commit a crime. Because you don't freaking know.

And honestly what we don't talk about enough is what rights did these victims have to self defense. Even if we didn't have the video, man told the cops he confronted them with a gun in his hand and ordered them to get down on the ground and surrender their (airsoft) gun. You don't think they feared for their lives when that was going on?
Actually I think what helped Z was his reaction when the cops told him there was video of the incident. Imo the whole story was proved by him thanking God that there was video showing what happened. Obviously the cops were skeptical of his story or they wouldn't have lied to him. Once he reacted the way he did, they believed him.

Because he managed to put on a good reaction after being lied to about the video. That's a pretty low standard.

I'll make sure to act very happy if the cops tell me there is video of the incident after I shoot someone.

Does it occur to you that these guys might actually believe the stuff they are telling the cops because they are so convinced that the person they killed is out to do something nefarious that they take small actions and blow them out of proportion in their mind because their mind has already prejudged them to be bad???

I mean if you have a 20 minute conversation with a person that you were told beforehand just got out of prison for attempted murder you might view the very same interaction quite differently than if you where told that person was a local pastor who just ran a very successful food drive.

These are people who wanted to play police cop and had already formed judgements in their mind about what someone was up to which is why they confronted them armed with a gun. Everything that happens afterwards they are going to run through the lens of "this person is a criminal"
What's tragically laughable about this case is that he was walking around with a boner about his own right to carry a firearm, but as soon as he saw a black person carrying, he immediately assumed they were a criminal. This is the country we live in. Woo, y'all!
Because he managed to put on a good reaction after being lied to about the video. That's a pretty low standard.

I'll make sure to act very happy if the cops tell me there is video of the incident after I shoot someone.

Does it occur to you that these guys might actually believe the stuff they are telling the cops because they are so convinced that the person they killed is out to do something nefarious that they take small actions and blow them out of proportion in their mind because their mind has already prejudged them to be bad???

I mean if you have a 20 minute conversation with a person that you were told beforehand just got out of prison for attempted murder you might view the very same interaction quite differently than if you where told that person was a local pastor who just ran a very successful food drive.

These are people who wanted to play police cop and had already formed judgements in their mind about what someone was up to which is why they confronted them armed with a gun. Everything that happens afterwards they are going to run through the lens of "this person is a criminal"
Do you think he was acting? Do you think in that situation he was lying?
Because he managed to put on a good reaction after being lied to about the video. That's a pretty low standard.

I'll make sure to act very happy if the cops tell me there is video of the incident after I shoot someone.

Does it occur to you that these guys might actually believe the stuff they are telling the cops because they are so convinced that the person they killed is out to do something nefarious that they take small actions and blow them out of proportion in their mind because their mind has already prejudged them to be bad???

I mean if you have a 20 minute conversation with a person that you were told beforehand just got out of prison for attempted murder you might view the very same interaction quite differently than if you where told that person was a local pastor who just ran a very successful food drive.

These are people who wanted to play police cop and had already formed judgements in their mind about what someone was up to which is why they confronted them armed with a gun. Everything that happens afterwards they are going to run through the lens of "this person is a criminal"
I think it was ran through the lens of "this guy is bashing my brains in to the concrete. I don't want to die"
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Do you think he was acting? Do you think in that situation he was lying?

No I think in his mind he did all the right things. But in reality I don't believe that.

He confronted him with the assumption he was there to do something bad.
His was justified, Zimmerman way less so.
I still don't think Rittenhouse was justified. He went to Milwaukee with a gun... during protests. That's looking for a trouble. Then, he left the business he was supposedly there to protect... walking around a protest with a gun out. Crazy dude chases him and throws a bag at him so KR shoots him in the head (not justified), then runs away so others pursued him to stop the shooter. I still can't believe he got off. Zimmer got away with it because the dead guy couldn't share his side of the story so the guy who was alive had his story believed.
I still don't think Rittenhouse was justified. He went to Milwaukee with a gun... during protests. That's looking for a trouble. Then, he left the business he was supposedly there to protect... walking around a protest with a gun out. Crazy dude chases him and throws a bag at him so KR shoots him in the head (not justified), then runs away so others pursued him to stop the shooter. I still can't believe he got off. Zimmer got away with it because the dead guy couldn't share his side of the story so the guy who was alive had his story believed.

That's part of my problem with stand your ground. It doesn't seem to care or take into account if the person who killed someone was there looking for trouble in the first place.
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That's part of my problem with stand your ground. It doesn't seem to care or take into account if the person who killed someone was there looking for trouble in the first place.
He had the same right to be there as the protestors though. I also think the criminal background of the people killed was a factor, which I applaud, but know isn’t legally allowed
He had the same right to be there as the protestors though. I also think the criminal background of the people killed was a factor, which I applaud, but know isn’t legally allowed

But what are you there for? They were there to protest. He was there with a gun to "protect" the property of someone who testified that he never asked him to protect the property.

Sure he has an absolute right to be there but when a deadly conflict happens I think it's fair to ask "why were you here?" and also why did you bring along a rifle? It wasn't like this kid brought along a pistol to protect himself with, he brought a high powered rifle. And he was clearly there to pretend he was a cop.
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