South, just filled with racist Chads

It never ceases to amaze me.

Even when people or a cause have the high ground, some inevitably engage in false propaganda in an attempt to gain even further ground.

J6 is a good example. The left had the high ground. The radicals on the right shit the bed for the entire world to see. But that wasn't good enough for some. Some had to invent the lie that police officers were killed that day. Others claimed multiple people were killed that day. Both were false.
You’ve definitely made monkey noises at black people.
You’ve definitely made monkey noises at black people.

Says the guy who assumed that a street peddler, who was never identified by race, was "black" or a "POC". Another poster suggested that you take an implicit bias course. I agree, you should.
Atleast you know when you're defeated. I accept your surrender.
This you?
Kansas City. More mild in the winter.

And LOL at the OP for even considering some of these cities. Shithole cities to the core. Minneapolis? Hilarious.

You seem more like a Minneapolis, Seattle or Portland guy.

I encourage you to watch the Fall of Minneapolis. Then come back and let us know if you think you'd receive a fair trial with the circumstances such as they were.
Why are afraid of big cities?
I legit wonder how many of the lefties on here would also be unable to do a single push up for $100 like lizzo was. I bet it's over 50%.
Do you really believe that number would be significantly better on the right?

I have no respect for Gen Z kids protesting the dumb shit they do, but all those dumbass “good ol’” frat boys acting like primates instead of evolved Homo sapiens is a greater embarrassment to our species. Even more embarrassing than the Homo sapiens still supporting Trump.
Right, it would be shocking if someone who makes monkey noises at black people would tweet something like that.
Actually, it’s probably not far fetched to believe it’s fake. Not that it couldn’t be real, or that the kid would be above embracing Hitler, but pretty much all modern day racists don’t have the stones to put something that blatant out on social media.

My guess is it’s fake, but absolutely true the kid in question is a total dumbass in addition to being a racist.

Again, though, it’s Mississippi. No one cares. And any self-respecting human being would have left that shithole state a long time ago.
Still voting for Trump or back to the Biden wagon?

Vivek was my #1 pick overall. Still a strong advocate for the vote of confidence in any candidate
I’ve never voted for Trump. And this will be my third time having to vote for the Democratic candidate—which I am still not thrilled about.

I don’t care who your #1 pick is. You are going to vote for Trump in November, which puts you in the wrong. That’s all that matters.
This is stupid. What was the protest about to begin with?

We're to assume that it was racial in makeup because of who we saw in the video?

Him making monkey noises, while out of line, and something a racist would do, doesn't make the event inherently about race.
To explain how this works.

We all know not to make monkey noises as directed towards black people. (there's a lot of history behind it, we'll assume everyone knows)

In a heated situation like he was in -- at a protest where insults are being hurled and people are generally a bit unhinged -- sometimes a below the belt insult might come out.

When you're dealing with a black person in a heated situation (in which you reasonably might be insulting them) it's generally considered a below the belt tactic to use (a traditionally racist) insult like that.

But in a heated situation people say dumb stuff sometimes. And we all have knowledge of these insults when dealing with a black person. (they're in your head as well as mine)

My point being, an even like this doesn't necessarily reflect racists values in the person saying something like this. They may well not live life as a discriminatory, racist, person.

Other possible (not a racist person) explanation: he's an asshole rebel rouser and isn't against going below the belt.

It's important to keep these considerations in mind before we make any sweeping judgements -- he must be a racist klans member -- about a person in this situation based on very limited information.
I’ve never voted for Trump. And this will be my third time having to vote for the Democratic candidate—which I am still not thrilled about.

I don’t care who your #1 pick is. You are going to vote for Trump in November, which puts you in the wrong. That’s all that matters.
Didn't you have a thread titled I'll be voting for Trump recently or am I confusing you with someone else
Do you really believe that number would be significantly better on the right?

I have no respect for Gen Z kids protesting the dumb shit they do, but all those dumbass “good ol’” frat boys acting like primates instead of evolved Homo sapiens is a greater embarrassment to our species. Even more embarrassing than the Homo sapiens still supporting Trump.
Since exercise has been declared an alt right trend I'd assume the answer would have to be yes.
Yeah, right. 14 of the top 15 most obese states are red states. Anyone who travels around the south and rural America has witnessed this. But nice try

Ah the south, I love visiting my cousins down in LA. It's like going back to 1965! Time travel baby.

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