Southern Scuffle

pretty sad that all you have to do is post on hr while this great tourney is on.
Holy Christ you guys are too funny! You have the biggest twitter imbacile (Downey) in the world and you upset that two teamates have fun while trying to pin people?

They disagree with PSU allowing their wrestlers to have fun. Nothing new here...
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so you only watch when piss st is wrestling, doesn't sound like a very good tournament to me. during midlands i didn't even post on my own board where i like everybody, i sure wouldn't post on a rivals board while my team is competing.
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so you only watch when piss st is wrestling, doesn't sound like a very good tournament to me. during midlands i didn't even post on my own board where i like everybody, i sure wouldn't post on a rivals board while my team is competing.

Some are better at it than others.
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If you are going to be a douche bag go hang out at your own board.
Douche bag maybe but you agree with me. Calling out PSU guys for tweeting is just silly. Wrestlers on every team can be accused of being disrespectful to opponents one way or another. The Hawkeyes are no different. None of you will say a thing when Spencer Lee stands over his opponent as if he owns him after getting the fall. And yeah, it’s exactly what he will do unless he totally goes against what he’s done throughout his high school career after destroying someone.
Cortez hurt his leg apparently. Free the Lee at 41 looks like
Agreed, thought the same when i looked at pre seeds the other night. Funny considering how most of the PSU fans were ripping midlands hard on BWI, guess they didn't check out the preseeds of their own tourney before trying to run down Iowa. Their midlands thread is actually a pretty entertaining read, usually you don't see that many dumbass posts in one place until the post season.
I thumbed through there posts They are a bunch of spoiled brats the end. The content of there board is like being at a hollywood save the planet convention lots of wind with no meaning
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83% sure no Hawks were bragging about pinning dudes in the first round. To be fair to Downey, he doesn’t run his mouth or twitter fingers about pinning App St in the first round as well. He talks smack about Bo (Brooks last year). Downey’s problem is that he has to get out there and prove that he can go.
ASU was supposed to beat us in the tourney and a lot of people thought Rutgers had a shot in the dual. For all their bitching, UNI knows where to find us at the end of December every year.

No one other than Flo thought ASU would beat you. They overrated as hell.
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83% sure no Hawks were bragging about pinning dudes in the first round. To be fair to Downey, he doesn’t run his mouth or twitter fingers about pinning App St in the first round as well. He talks smack about Bo (Brooks last year). Downey’s problem is that he has to get out there and prove that he can go.
Iowa will get a shot to shut them up soon...
83% sure no Hawks were bragging about pinning dudes in the first round. To be fair to Downey, he doesn’t run his mouth or twitter fingers about pinning App St in the first round as well. He talks smack about Bo (Brooks last year). Downey’s problem is that he has to get out there and prove that he can go.

You kidding? Hall and Bo didn’t mention anyone by name as Downey does constantly. He’s constantly posting his wins over Dean, Rotert, the Okie State kid etc. name one time a PSU wrestler did that. Give me a break.

Bo and Taylor piss pounded Downey in freestyle and didn’t say a peep
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