Special forces got Pelosis Laptop and she is freaking out

Wait...what? Special forces mixed with Antifa? Is this another QANON thing? Sounds like it.
Qanon thing? what's that?
Nancy Pelosi is worried that her emails to Joe Biden will
be discovered. They have been exchanging emails for the
past year. She has a crush on Joe and thinks he is a really
handsome guy. Nancy has fantasies of her and Joe doing
the deed in the Oval Office.
Oh yeah, riiiiight.... this is why she wants to impeach him. Not the riot that killed 5 people.

What is it with magas when they hear laptop they assume there's something incriminating about it? Could it be all the porn on their own laptops making them assume everybody is a pedophile?

"A Twitter account that appears to belong to Angeli, who is also referred to as "Yellowstone Wolf" in the QAnon community, replied to Wood's tweet Wednesday evening, writing, "I am not antifa or blm. I'm a Qanon & digital soldier. My name is Jake & I marched with the police & fought against BLM & ANTIFA in PHX." Angeli has been seen attending Black Lives Matter protests as a QAnon-supportive counter-protester."

Q Shaman
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JFC these people are like the least creative story makers on earth. They literally can’t come up with a conspiracy theory without something on a laptop and/or a child sex ring.

Which really makes you wonder what is actually on THEIR computers.

And what’s weirder, I found @Hawkeyeballs counter-protesting at a BLM rally too...

It's become clear over the last few months that the Radical Right was a part of last summer's riots and in certain cases actually organized them.

We all remember footage of the White Supremist breaking windows at the auto parts store in Mpls.

Seems like a lot of wasted effort for a failed attempt to getting Trump reelected?

Do you know you're posting false info or do you really believe this?

That sign under his arm in the pic on the left is a bunch of Q bullsh!t. He was there counter protesting BLM. I mean do you really not know this??? You have to know this. There are tons of pics and videos of him out there.

*edit* parody account makes sense. Nobody is this dumb. In which case, well done!

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