Spencer Lee wrestling.


Nov 13, 2009
First it's been well reported on many threads in this forum that Mark Ironside stated Spencer has had a mono like virus and has not been well. Jot it dont and save your fake outrage for another forum.
If you are mad at not seeing two matches save your fake outrage, there are 8 other matches and each is equally important to the team race.
First it's been well reported on many threads in this forum that Mark Ironside stated Spencer has had a mono like virus and has not been well. Jot it dont and save your fake outrage for another forum.
If you are mad at not seeing two matches save your fake outrage, there are 8 other matches and each is equally important to the team race.
Yes sir captain.
Like everyone else, As a fan I am really disappointed Spencer didn’t wrestle today. I was really looking forward to that rematch.

I do trust that Brands believes it is in Spencer’s best interest to not wrestle twice this weekend as he recovers from his illness. If this helps his recovery (physical and mental) and ability to be wrestling his best in March, I am OK with it.
First it's been well reported on many threads in this forum that Mark Ironside stated Spencer has had a mono like virus and has not been well. Jot it dont and save your fake outrage for another forum.
If you are mad at not seeing two matches save your fake outrage, there are 8 other matches and each is equally important to the team race.

I was with you until “equally important to the team race”... spencer, Alex, stoll are much more important to the team race than bowman wilke.
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I heard Ironside say that Spencer had been sick and had missed time in the room after his loss to Rivera. Has he said anything in addition that? And did he ever actually mention mono?
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Here is how I look at it. We're talking Spencer Lee. World Champion, National Champion, and you name it. Spencer isn't going to duck anyone. If Spencer was fully healthy he would have been wrestling today.

End of discussion.
Any of you that didn't see this coming after Friday night are pretty naive. The two surprises for me were not seeing Bowman (I figured they were saving him one weigh-in) which makes me wonder why, and that Stoll DID wrestle, which I found encouraging. I just hope the ten best guys we have left are as healthy as they can be when March rolls around on the old calendar. I don't care what it takes to get them there that way.
Like everyone else, As a fan I am really disappointed Spencer didn’t wrestle today. I was really looking forward to that rematch.

I do trust that Brands believes it is in Spencer’s best interest to not wrestle twice this weekend as he recovers from his illness. If this helps his recovery (physical and mental) and ability to be wrestling his best in March, I am OK with it.

Not just this match, but why is it EVERY TIME in NCAA Wrestling when it is said They only wanted to Wrestle once, but not twice over the Weekend it seems like they ALWAYS take the EASIER Match? Example why Not Hold Spencer Lee out Friday so he can wrestle the Tougher Match (Rivera) today? Or when Stoll Wrestled a match and then 2 days later did NOT wrestle Stevenson, It seems when they say we only wanted them to wrestle 1 of the 2 Weekend Matches for some reason they go with the EASIER Match. When Dan Gable was competing if he was told he can only Wrestle 1 of 2 matches, either an unranked wrestler or one of the NCAA's best, from what I read he would want the toughest opponent possible, maybe that is hype, I don't know.
Here is how I look at it. We're talking Spencer Lee. World Champion, National Champion, and you name it. Spencer isn't going to duck anyone. If Spencer was fully healthy he would have been wrestling today.

I seriously doubt it was his decision. I equally doubt anyone is questioning Lee.
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Not just this match, but why is it EVERY TIME in NCAA Wrestling when it is said They only wanted to Wrestle once, but not twice over the Weekend it seems like they ALWAYS take the EASIER Match? Example why Not Hold Spencer Lee out Friday so he can wrestle the Tougher Match (Rivera) today? Or when Stoll Wrestled a match and then 2 days later did NOT wrestle Stevenson, It seems when they say we only wanted them to wrestle 1 of the 2 Weekend Matches for some reason they go with the EASIER Match. When Dan Gable was competing if he was told he can only Wrestle 1 of 2 matches, either an unranked wrestler or one of the NCAA's best, from what I read he would want the toughest opponent possible, maybe that is hype, I don't know.

I posted something very similar to this in the other thread (at about the same time, no less).
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Not just this match, but why is it EVERY TIME in NCAA Wrestling when it is said They only wanted to Wrestle once, but not twice over the Weekend it seems like they ALWAYS take the EASIER Match? Example why Not Hold Spencer Lee out Friday so he can wrestle the Tougher Match (Rivera) today? Or when Stoll Wrestled a match and then 2 days later did NOT wrestle Stevenson, It seems when they say we only wanted them to wrestle 1 of the 2 Weekend Matches for some reason they go with the EASIER Match. When Dan Gable was competing if he was told he can only Wrestle 1 of 2 matches, either an unranked wrestler or one of the NCAA's best, from what I read he would want the toughest opponent possible, maybe that is hype, I don't know.

What don't you get about NOT 100% HEALTHY, and wanting them to get that way? It's not rocket science. They're very likely going to meet those two guys two more times this year. Why not do it when they're healthy. What's the point in taking a potential loss, or suffering a health setback that you just have to reverse at B1Gs to get a decent seed at NCAAs?
This is a non issue, he has nothing too gain seed wise by sitting out and they know that.
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Not just this match, but why is it EVERY TIME in NCAA Wrestling when it is said They only wanted to Wrestle once, but not twice over the Weekend it seems like they ALWAYS take the EASIER Match? Example why Not Hold Spencer Lee out Friday so he can wrestle the Tougher Match (Rivera) today? Or when Stoll Wrestled a match and then 2 days later did NOT wrestle Stevenson, It seems when they say we only wanted them to wrestle 1 of the 2 Weekend Matches for some reason they go with the EASIER Match. When Dan Gable was competing if he was told he can only Wrestle 1 of 2 matches, either an unranked wrestler or one of the NCAA's best, from what I read he would want the toughest opponent possible, maybe that is hype, I don't know.

I can see why you would say that in some cases (like Young). But Lee is still not healthy and trying to get back to 100%. I don’t think he can wrestle 7 hard minutes. Who wants to see an exhausted Lee when he is not healthy giving up his legs and risking injury (like RBY) trying to scramble out of a TD. Not trying to make excuses but trying to see the logic behind the decision - and it makes sense. Also see TNTwrestles response above.
First it's been well reported on many threads in this forum that Mark Ironside stated Spencer has had a mono like virus and has not been well. Jot it dont and save your fake outrage for another forum.
If you are mad at not seeing two matches save your fake outrage, there are 8 other matches and each is equally important to the team race.

I wanted to see how both he and Young looked today, but I get it. At this point they have nothing to prove and nothing to win. That said, Young looked pretty fricking happy and comfy on the sideline...any news on an illness/injury with him?
And Gable would disagree with you " we need every guy scoring points and placing at nationals if we're going to win" ...only said it about every year he coached.

Exactly. If Spencer, Stoll, and Marinelli all repeat or improve what they do last year but the fringe guys don't get it done, the Hawks don't get a trophy or compete for a title. Guys like Murin, Lugo, Warner, Desanto are crucial for scoring at nationals.
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Not just this match, but why is it EVERY TIME in NCAA Wrestling when it is said They only wanted to Wrestle once, but not twice over the Weekend it seems like they ALWAYS take the EASIER Match? Example why Not Hold Spencer Lee out Friday so he can wrestle the Tougher Match (Rivera) today? Or when Stoll Wrestled a match and then 2 days later did NOT wrestle Stevenson, It seems when they say we only wanted them to wrestle 1 of the 2 Weekend Matches for some reason they go with the EASIER Match. When Dan Gable was competing if he was told he can only Wrestle 1 of 2 matches, either an unranked wrestler or one of the NCAA's best, from what I read he would want the toughest opponent possible, maybe that is hype, I don't know.

I think it's pretty fking obvious and shouldn't need explaining but I'll do it anyway. Spencer Lee can beat the Illinois kid at 50%. He can't beat Rivera at 50%. Iowa isn't the only program doing this. Every wrestling program is these days. It's more apparent in the sport of wrestling than in other sports. In football guys routinely don't play even if they are 80-90%. Iowa just piss pounded NW with 3 back-ups in. Iowa brought out everyone vs ISU b/c it was necessary to win that dual.
Injury risk didn't trump all at Midlands.

Big deal if they don't think the match was winnable today. Still plenty to be learned by wrestling. No risk to seed by losing, unless someone thinks 2 losses to Rivera allows Russell and Foley to leap-frog Lee into the #2 and #3 spots at B1Gs. Not sure why anyone would think that.

No undefeated season or Hodge considerations to protect.

I give more benefit of the doubt to Lee (vs. Young) sitting, given the reported circumstances of illness. Maybe he was having a particularly bad day energy-wise. But a last-minute scratch is not consistent with what we heard about it being part of a plan.

Regardless, the notion that it makes sense for him to wrestle the guy he knows he can beat, but sit vs. the guys he isn't so sure he can beat doesn't make any sense from a strategic standpoint. There is nothing to protect.
I don’t blame Tom for not wrestling Lee or Young. I do find it regrettable, though, that many of these anticipated matches in college wrestling aren’t happening for a variety of reasons. It is not good for the sport if Nationals are the only thing that matters. Why? People stop attending local home meets and revenue then goes down. Some ADs are just looking for excuses to drop wrestling. We need to make regular season meets matter and there must be consequences if wrestlers don’t wrestle (whether they are legitimate misses or not). Just my $.02.
Regardless, the notion that it makes sense for him to wrestle the guy he knows he can beat, but sit vs. the guys he isn't so sure he can beat doesn't make any sense from a strategic standpoint. There is nothing to protect.

Absolutely there is and anyone claiming otherwise must not have been a wrestler. The more times you wrestle a guy, the harder it is to beat them. Why give them an extra shot at you when you're not 100% when they already beat you the last time out. Makes more sense to recover and get back to 100%.
Who said he is injured? It's been reported he had a significant illness earlier this season and is recovering now and still is not at 100%.

You implied that Lee at 50% vs. Rivera puts Lee at significant risk of injury. Not sure where you pulled that 50% number from -- well, I suppose I do know -- but are people really getting that soft?
Absolutely there is and anyone claiming otherwise must not have been a wrestler. The more times you wrestle a guy, the harder it is to beat them. Why give them an extra shot at you when you're not 100% when they already beat you the last time out. Makes more sense to recover and get back to 100%.
So are you thinking Lee was healthy and good to go when Rivera beat him earlier this year? I mean if he wasnt, why give the kid an extra match to get more familiar with you? Why give the 2nd ranked kid a shot to beat you? Wouldn't it had made more sense to sit then too?
You implied that Lee at 50% vs. Rivera puts Lee at significant risk of injury. Not sure where you pulled that 50% number from -- well, I suppose I do know -- but are people really getting that soft?

The number could be anything. It's irrelevant to be precise when and you look like an ass asking for precision there. Coaches, analysts, commentators, fans always throw out an % and it of course is estimation and can't be scientifically accurate. The fact is Lee isn't 100%.

Lee wrestling elite guys while not at 100% does put him at risk of an injury b/c he's a competitor and is going to put himself in risky scrambles (see knee injuries) in order to avoid takedowns and to try to win the match.

Vs. Illinois kid he can win the match and dominate without putting himself in those risky positions and he can concede points if necessary and still win the match. Not sure why this is hard for you to comprehend.
Absolutely there is and anyone claiming otherwise must not have been a wrestler. The more times you wrestle a guy, the harder it is to beat them. Why give them an extra shot at you when you're not 100% when they already beat you the last time out. Makes more sense to recover and get back to 100%.

Really? Must not have been a wrestler? Your deductive reasoning skills seem to be in the crapper tonight.

Your logic here isn't a one-way street like you've presented it. According to you, the more times Lee wrestles Rivera, the harder it becomes for Lee to beat Rivera. But wait. The more times Rivera wrestles Lee, the harder it becomes for Rivera to beat Lee.

Which one has the hardest time winning each time he wrestles the other guy?