Spencer Lee wrestling.

So are you thinking Lee was healthy and good to go when Rivera beat him earlier this year? I mean if he wasnt, why give the kid an extra match to get more familiar with you? Why give the 2nd ranked kid a shot to beat you? Wouldn't it had made more sense to sit then too?

No, I don't think Lee was 100%. They (Coaches and Lee) probably thought they could beat Rivera even if not 100%. After the match, they realized that isn't the case and probably also realized where Lee's at in terms of recovery, conditioning, preparedness.
Really? Must not have been a wrestler? Your deductive reasoning skills seem to be in the crapper tonight.

Your logic here isn't a one-way street like you've presented it. According to you, the more times Lee wrestles Rivera, the harder it becomes for Lee to beat Rivera. But wait. The more times Rivera wrestles Lee, the harder it becomes for Rivera to beat Lee.

Which one has the hardest time winning each time he wrestles the other guy?

Wow, stop. You're embarrassing yourself. The more you wrestle a guy, the more you learn their attacks, their strengths. The set-ups. It becomes harder for each guy to score points on the other. When one guy is dominating the match-up to begin with, the more times they wrestle or practice against each other, the more opportunities and likeliness of the gap being closed. This favors the opponent who was losing in the first match-ups as it allows them to close the gap. This isn't some crazy assertion that I'm making. Pretty universally understood among wrestlers/coaches/athletes in general.
No, I don't think Lee was 100%. They (Coaches and Lee) probably thought they could beat Rivera even if not 100%. After the match, they realized that isn't the case and probably also realized where Lee's at in terms of recovery, conditioning, preparedness.

Don't forget they also learned that Lee was at substantial risk of injury. Good thing they realized that before it was too late.
Will Lee wrestle Piccininni On Feb 24 last dual of the year Piccininni will more then likely be 27-0 hes 23-0 now
Wow, stop. You're embarrassing yourself. The more you wrestle a guy, the more you learn their attacks, their strengths. The set-ups. It becomes harder for each guy to score points on the other. When one guy is dominating the match-up to begin with, the more times they wrestle or practice against each other, the more opportunities and likeliness of the gap being closed. This favors the opponent who was losing in the first match-ups as it allows them to close the gap. This isn't some crazy assertion that I'm making. Pretty universally understood among wrestlers/coaches/athletes in general.

Ahh, yes, the "closing gap" theory. Something to be feared, for sure. Almost as much as the injury theory.

Dude, get real. You think anyone believes TnT or Lee are worried about Rivera "closing the gap" if he gets more live feels with Lee?

What is pretty universally understood is that Lee will wreck everyone if and when he gets back to 90-100%.

If there is a chance he isn't going to get there, then by your logic he should be taking every opportunity now to learn how to close the gap on Rivera. Not avoid him.
Ahh, yes, the "closing gap" theory. Something to be feared, for sure. Almost as much as the injury theory.

Dude, get real. You think anyone believes TnT or Lee are worried about Rivera "closing the gap" if he gets more live feels with Lee?

What is pretty universally understood is that Lee will wreck everyone if and when he gets back to 90-100%.

If there is a chance he isn't going to get there, then by your logic he should be taking every opportunity now to learn how to close the gap on Rivera. Not avoid him.

Not your best night of posting Slush.
Not your best night of posting Slush.

You can spare me the condescension you resort to when you don't like what I have to say.

You pulled some 50% health status estimate out of thin air. Then linked that to a fear of injury. Then you brought up fear of a closing gap by way of increasing familiarity. I'm just rebutting the logic behind all 3 of those. I'll be shocked if there was truly that much fear driving this decision.

It's got to be something else, IMO. Like Lee woke up in particulalry rough shape today. Or TnT know critics will be chirping if they pick this match to rest a recovering Lee -- which is good bulletin board material for Lee as he builds up to March. I don't know. But anything other than fear of injury or closing gaps. That just seems too soft and out of character.
You can spare me the condescension you resort to when you don't like what I have to say.

You pulled some 50% health status estimate out of thin air. Then linked that to a fear of injury. Then you brought up fear of a closing gap by way of increasing familiarity. I'm just rebutting the logic behind all 3 of those. I'll be shocked if there was truly that much fear driving this decision.

It's got to be something else, IMO. Like Lee woke up in particulalry rough shape today. Or TnT know critics will be chirping if they pick this match to rest a recovering Lee -- which is good bulletin board material for Lee as he builds up to March. I don't know. But anything other than fear of injury or closing gaps. That just seems too soft and out of character.

I didn't say anything at all about fear.

You can't refute a proposition if you aren't understanding it to begin with. Reread the posts above and follow along. Quit twisting my posts and trying to insert your own meaning to them. I stand by what I've said on it. I don't stand by what you've said I've said.
The number could be anything. It's irrelevant to be precise when and you look like an ass asking for precision there. Coaches, analysts, commentators, fans always throw out an % and it of course is estimation and can't be scientifically accurate. The fact is Lee isn't 100%.

Lee wrestling elite guys while not at 100% does put him at risk of an injury b/c he's a competitor and is going to put himself in risky scrambles (see knee injuries) in order to avoid takedowns and to try to win the match.

Vs. Illinois kid he can win the match and dominate without putting himself in those risky positions and he can concede points if necessary and still win the match. Not sure why this is hard for you to comprehend.
I didn't say anything at all about fear.

You can't refute a proposition if you aren't understanding it to begin with. Reread the posts above and follow along. Quit twisting my posts and trying to insert your own meaning to them. I stand by what I've said on it. I don't stand by what you've said I've said.
vodka, your participle is dangling
Really? Must not have been a wrestler? Your deductive reasoning skills seem to be in the crapper tonight.

Your logic here isn't a one-way street like you've presented it. According to you, the more times Lee wrestles Rivera, the harder it becomes for Lee to beat Rivera. But wait. The more times Rivera wrestles Lee, the harder it becomes for Rivera to beat Lee.

Which one has the hardest time winning each time he wrestles the other guy?
The best lightweight room in the country can't keep ahead of Northwestern.
So are you thinking Lee was healthy and good to go when Rivera beat him earlier this year? I mean if he wasnt, why give the kid an extra match to get more familiar with you? Why give the 2nd ranked kid a shot to beat you? Wouldn't it had made more sense to sit then too?
Makes sense to me. Good post.
Simple question...are you a fan of the Iowa Hawkeye wrestling team? Your name implies that, but appears to be a deception due to the comments that you post.

Account was created last month - doubtless a troll.
As far as Brands strategy you're going to have to ask them, it they work they're

What made you go all over twitter ranting like a little b@#$%.
Whatever Tom and Terry did last year to get Lee on the roll they did--I trust in T&T. I also believe that the match at Big 10's with Lee and Rivera will not be close. I think Lee wins by 7 or 8 points. Anyone in their right mind could see that Lee was not right at Midlands and has been making steady progress since then. I'm looking forward to seeing him in the next four duals. Then the team has a two weeks to get ready for the Big 10's. Where Lee is at right now with 6 weeks to go, I feel he will be where he wants to be for the post season run. People forget that the first time that Lee was ranked #1 last year was after the finals at the NCAA's and that's what counts. He had some issues that are behind him and now it's just a matter of getting back to 100% in conditioning and peaking. NW fans have bigger issues than Lee sitting, they just got hammered by a line-up that had 3 back-ups wrestling in it and that line-up all returns next year with the exception of Heavyweight. All the blustering on this board by NW fans...yesterday must give them pause for concern.
First it's been well reported on many threads in this forum that Mark Ironside stated Spencer has had a mono like virus and has not been well. Jot it dont and save your fake outrage for another forum.
If you are mad at not seeing two matches save your fake outrage, there are 8 other matches and each is equally important to the team race.

Both guys wrestled Friday vs IL, so...
Anyone with an iota of common sense could see that Spencer Lee was not his normal self at the end of the match vs Illinois.

He was dominating the #12 guy in the country and then pinned him. He might not be 100%, but he is getting close
I don’t think I have even seen more idiocy in a thread than this. Well except any thread on CF that PsychoTwins is involved in. So Buff please post this over there and stop the idiot trolls. Lee is not close to 100 percent. I won’t go into details but he is attempting to get back to the right shape after spending considerable time off the mat. Clearly many people posting here and on CF have never sniffed a mat. You train and wrestle into shape. Lee needs to get his strength back so multiple weigh ins while in recovery drains him. This is not complicated. He will already see him at the Big 10’s and NCAA. My God people. For those that ever wrestled at a high level, there is one thing to be dinged but another to have been completely off the mat without training and without appetite for a period of time.

Neither Lee nor Tom would ever duck anybody. Just stupid. But you don’t run Lee out there drained after night Friday match and turnnaround weigh in when you are trying to get him healthy. Lee should not have gone at the Midlands but did. Hey PsychoTwins does that make Midpands Iowa’s Super Bowl for wrestling you idiot?! People need to stop spreading rumors especially when they are clueless not only about the facts but about the sport. March is the goal. And we are training through the duals. Lee needs to get healthy while slowly progressing. He lost a lot of strength and energy and anybody that has not seen it is stupid or a biased moron. It takes time to get it back especially what he had, and late Friday and early Sunday weigh ins zaps you which is not what Lee needs right now. Love non wrestling idiots clueless as to the sport and the facts spouting off. That is everybody but Buff and crablegs on CF and some people here. Rant over.
I don’t think I have even seen more idiocy in a thread than this. Well except any thread on CF that PsychoTwins is involved in. So Buff please post this over there and stop the idiot trolls. Lee is not close to 100 percent. I won’t go into details but he is attempting to get back to the right shape after spending considerable time off the mat. Clearly many people posting here and on CF have never sniffed a mat. You train and wrestle into shape. Lee needs to get his strength back so multiple weigh ins while in recovery drains him. This is not complicated. He will already see him at the Big 10’s and NCAA. My God people. For those that ever wrestled at a high level, there is one thing to be dinged but another to have been completely off the mat without training and without appetite for a period of time.

Neither Lee nor Tom would ever duck anybody. Just stupid. But you don’t run Lee out there drained after night Friday match and turnnaround weigh in when you are trying to get him healthy. Lee should not have gone at the Midlands but did. Hey PsychoTwins does that make Midpands Iowa’s Super Bowl for wrestling you idiot?! People need to stop spreading rumors especially when they are clueless not only about the facts but about the sport. March is the goal. And we are training through the duals. Lee needs to get healthy while slowly progressing. He lost a lot of strength and energy and anybody that has not seen it is stupid or a biased moron. It takes time to get it back especially what he had, and late Friday and early Sunday weigh ins zaps you which is not what Lee needs right now. Love non wrestling idiots clueless as to the sport and the facts spouting off. That is everybody but Buff and crablegs on CF and some people here. Rant over.

Your tone aside, I believe everything you're saying. I have been in the unusual position here of defending TnT. That said, if all of that is true I truly do not understand the logic of the coaches not being open about it. Lee is catching a lot of flack all around the country, and to casual followers it just looks like Lee has lost his mojo, the world is catching up to him, and now he's afraid to wrestle the top guys. If he was sick and trying to be completely recovered by March, I don't see any downside -- and a lot of upside -- in explaining that openly.
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I think it's pretty fking obvious and shouldn't need explaining but I'll do it anyway. Spencer Lee can beat the Illinois kid at 50%. He can't beat Rivera at 50%. Iowa isn't the only program doing this. Every wrestling program is these days. It's more apparent in the sport of wrestling than in other sports. In football guys routinely don't play even if they are 80-90%. Iowa just piss pounded NW with 3 back-ups in. Iowa brought out everyone vs ISU b/c it was necessary to win that dual.
This 100 times!
Art - sorry for the tone. I just hate people spreading rumors but get how message boards work. And I agree with you wish coaches would talk about it. Ironside pretty much said what needs to be said. But need to protect some privacy concerns. People that think loss of mojo obviously haven’t watched him. Any objective wrestling fan can see his explosion the first period or 2. And sorry to those anti-Lee or Hawks fans when 100 percent healthy he does not gas or lose mojo. So use common sense. Assuming things are what I know he will be just fine as we head towards March. And I know Lee can’t wait to see Rivera.
This is what I believe happened. Lee is not yet 100%. If he wrestles and loses, no matter what happens at the Big Ten's he will not get the top seed as he will have lost 2 out of 3 matches. If he wins, it will all come down to the Big Ten's on who gets the #1. So, get healthy, win the Big Ten title, and you get the #1 seed. It was the correct tactic from a coach looking at the end result. I was at the meet and was obviously disappointed. However, I also believe it was in Lee's best interest to do what was done.
I posted something very similar to this in the other thread (at about the same time, no less).
I would like to add, thanks for coming to the forum and having good discussions, without engaging in non-stop idiocracy like most of the PSU guys.
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Here is how I look at it. We're talking Spencer Lee. World Champion, National Champion, and you name it. Spencer isn't going to duck anyone. If Spencer was fully healthy he would have been wrestling today.
so he was fully healthy:rolleyes: Friday and not Sunday??