Zero offensive points scored, the other guys are stalling.
I would say repeat it often enough and it will seem truthful, except you guys are already there.
Again just to reiterate, Three NCAA finalists, zero offensive points scored and it's all because the other guys are stalling.
That is a BS defense for not stalling!
Iowa guys score ZERO points = Penn State guys are NOT stalling?
Gillman scored 0 Points therefore MegaStall was not stalling? Did you not watch the match?
Iowa finalists not scoring does not = Penn State Finalists not Stalling
I think we understand that our guys did not score points and that we need to work on offense. But we also understand that Penn State guys are coached to stall in matches. Run, run away and back away or ride the edge or ride hips parallel and try to make it look like you are trying to improve your position.
What came first the chicken or the egg?