The Iowa job is premier. There are coaches who would cut their left nutsack to coach here. Both basketball and football. Clear the pipes of the constipation that is Farta, Ferentz and Fran.
Coaches would kill to come here.
Quit the bs with blah Iowa, mediocre. blah. This isn't freaking Ames man.
FYI, Nutlicker was national coach of the year when he was hired, at Butler. A team that punched well above its weight.
Fran was munching on philly cheese steaks at Toyota Sienna, a great minivan.
And for f's sake, end the nepotism. It never winds up well. In anything, anywhere, forever.
Coaches would kill to come here.
Quit the bs with blah Iowa, mediocre. blah. This isn't freaking Ames man.
FYI, Nutlicker was national coach of the year when he was hired, at Butler. A team that punched well above its weight.
Fran was munching on philly cheese steaks at Toyota Sienna, a great minivan.
And for f's sake, end the nepotism. It never winds up well. In anything, anywhere, forever.