Straight up racist lying now from JD Vance

He would never call legal Canadian or English or French guest workers "illegals" and you know it. Don't play stupid.

BS. The town wanted them there and they were brought in LEGALLY AKA "the right way".
That's going to get into the facts of what he said. If you disagree it was an illegal action, say it, but that doesn't make it racist on either side.
Taking emotions out of things, are the Haitian immigrants here legally?

Question 2: Are they filling the jobs employers can’t find American workers for?

If the answer is no to either question, their presence here is not appropriate. If the answer to both questions is yes, then this should be a nonissue.
The people of the community didn't ask for 20k people to be dumped into their town and they certainly didn't ask for their tax dollars to be used against their interests in financing these people's presence. The left keeps hiding behind this lie of them being here legally. Vance pointed out that Kamala broke the law to bring them here in the first place. Vance's constituents are rightly upset and it is his job both as a senator and as the hopeful VP to listen and answer them.
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Scruffy…. You should be careful who you call ignorant…there are plenty of eyes here looking at you when you use that word.
Yeah but your judgement is virtually meaningless lol I've seen what you stand for and I have no respect for it.
Prove it. Prove it to us that Kamala opened up the border gates and allowed millions to walk in freely. If you're going to pass on lies, maybe you should look up and see if you got lied to first. The country would be a better place if you guys would use effing logic and common sense. JFC.

The Biden-Harris administration encouraged a surge to the border. That's a fact.
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Kamala has literally allowed millions of illegals into our country as the border czar. Over 10 million of them. You are so God damn ignorant.
Pelosi and schumer have called to get them amnesty too. So they would be legal too. Dems are just playing you guys on the legal vs illegal stuff. Lol
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Why don't you just come out and say that you want to replace Americans with illegal immigrants? Screw blue collar Americans, screw black people, screw the poor, screw Republicans. You are pathetic.
Nazi's gonna Nazi.
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I'm not a HORT historian, but as my memory serves, about 4-5 years ago Whiskey had disclaimed Trump because of some racist remark. Who knows what incident it was, but racial stuff was - at the time - a deal breaker for Whiskey. Fast forward to now, and it's hard to think of a poster besides Phenom Fran that has become more radicalized. No idea what all did him in, but right wing gutter Twitter almost certainly played a part.

Sure, he's trash, but it's also sad when you think about what Trump has brought out or revealed about so many people.
They are all coming home.

Nobody ever believed this nonsense about “I’m no Trump fan” and “I voted for him in ‘16 and ‘20 but I’m done with him.”

They have convinced themselves the Libs are worse and will vote for Trump a third time. The only surprise is they’re being open about it.
Not surprising, a large percentage of Americans have never been welcoming to immigrants. I had ancestors that barely survived the holocaust after being denied entry to America.
How would you feel if multiple immigrants threw tents up on your front yard and told you to fvck off when you asked them to leave? That's the current situation in Springfield. It's not about racism, it's about common sense and safety. Get off your high horse, your morals are actually much lower to the ground anyways.
Taking emotions out of things, are the Haitian immigrants here legally?

Question 2: Are they filling the jobs employers can’t find American workers for?

If the answer is no to either question, their presence here is not appropriate. If the answer to both questions is yes, then this should be a nonissue.
They came into the country illegally, but were given legal status by Biden Harris.

They are being given jobs that are not even being advertised to local residents.
This is such a tiredly pathetic narrative. Who in Springfield wanted them to come? Perhaps big business that wants cheap labor because they don't want to pay Americans a decent wage?
Then you’ll be the first to support a large increase in the minimum wage. Let’s say $20/hr. Because companies are paying this wage because they can pay this wage.
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They are all coming home.

Nobody ever believed this nonsense about “I’m no Trump fan” and “I voted for him in ‘16 and ‘20 but I’m done with him.”

They have convinced themselves the Libs are worse and will vote for Trump a third time. The only surprise is they’re being open about it.
Reality has proven the libs are worse. Illegal Immigration numbers are over 4x under this administration. Inflation is at 40 year highs. Everything was better under trump and we've already seen it. There's a reason harris is pretending that she's a change candidate and not running on the record of bidenomics.
Then you’ll be the first to support a large increase in the minimum wage. Let’s say $20/hr. Because companies are paying this wage because they can pay this wage.
The hatians are being supplemented by the government/tax payer so the businesses do not have to pay them proper wages.
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How would you feel if multiple immigrants threw tents up on your front yard and told you to fvck off when you asked them to leave? That's the current situation in Springfield. It's not about racism, it's about common sense and safety. Get off your high horse, your morals are actually much lower to the ground anyways.
they aren't moving onto people's front yards

and don't get to decide who does and doesn't live in your neighborhood. you don't get to decide who goes to your schools or who eats in your restaurants

this isn't the 1950s...we don't redline neighborhoods anymore. jim crow is a thing of the past.
Then you’ll be the first to support a large increase in the minimum wage. Let’s say $20/hr. Because companies are paying this wage because they can pay this wage.

Take away the millions upon millions of new cheap laborers that have entered the country and business wouldn't have any choice but to pay Americans a fair wage. Democrats are increasing poverty.
You'd like that wouldn't you? It is so liberal of you to replace Americans with immigrants. You literally are supporting the great reset and you are too stupid to realize it.
Actually no, by and large most Americans are great people. And I would absolutely take most immigrants over racist, lying POS like JD Vance and the people that support this religion of hate.
they aren't moving onto people's front yards

and don't get to decide who does and doesn't live in your neighborhood. you don't get to decide who goes to your schools or who eats in your restaurants

this isn't the 1950s...we don't redline neighborhoods anymore. jim crow is a thing of the past.

Yes. They are. The citizens are on videos talking about it (long before it became part of the national dialog). Shut the fvck up about things you know nothing about. Stop encouraging this. Liberals are a cancer.
Take away the millions upon millions of new cheap laborers that have entered the country and business wouldn't have any choice but to pay Americans a fair wage. Democrats are increasing poverty.
This is exactly why the teamsters refuse to endorse Kamala
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Hey look, it's the "wE'rE nOt RaCiSt, wE aRe OnLy AgAiNsT IlLeGaLs" moron troop weighing in.

Just admit you don't want more Black or Brown people in this country and stop this charade that you aren't Nazi adjacent. We might actually respect you a little more for at least being honest about what we all see.

I admit it, I don’t want anyone black or brown people coming to my country illegally. I also don’t want anymore white people coming to my country illegally.

POS people like you are the problem. You know, white liberals.
They are all coming home.

Nobody ever believed this nonsense about “I’m no Trump fan” and “I voted for him in ‘16 and ‘20 but I’m done with him.”

They have convinced themselves the Libs are worse and will vote for Trump a third time. The only surprise is they’re being open about it.

For me, it's not the voting. Do I think a principled conservative should vote for Trump? No, of course not. Can I understand that a pragmatic conservative would vote for Trump? Sure.

So go ahead and vote, but do so while acknowledging that he's a reprehensible person that brings out the worst in everyone and whose conduct is utterly deplorable. Don't follow Trump into an imagined reality with alternative facts, don't defend the absurdities, don't be the audience for his nastiness, realize he's rotted the GOP to the core.

It's a really low bar, yet millions and millions can't reach it.
For me, it's not the voting. Do I think a principled conservative should vote for Trump? No, of course not. Can I understand that a pragmatic conservative would vote for Trump? Sure.

So go ahead and vote, but do so while acknowledging that he's a reprehensible person that brings out the worst in everyone and whose conduct is utterly deplorable. Don't follow Trump into an imagined reality with alternative facts, don't defend the absurdities, don't be the audience for his nastiness, realize he's rotted the GOP to the core.

It's a really low bar, yet millions and millions can't reach it.
The GOP voting core now consists of two major cohorts - uneducated racist cult members and people who really, really, really hate paying taxes.

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