Stuelke sure sucks

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Her improvement this year has been so impressive! She looks so much more comfortable than she did even a couple of months ago. 62% at the line isn't very good, of course, but she looks a lot smoother than she did at the start of the season.

Good for her!
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I think most of the talk about Stuelke has been that she hasn't playing up to her potential. For whatever reason, she seemed to be holding something back. Last night she played like everyone knew she could. If she can get that free throw percentage up, she'll be a force to be reckoned with and the inside presence this team desperately needs.
I've said in the past that she lacks confidence, and she does.

She needed last night to show herself what she can do.

CC's comments last night proves my belief. I can't recall word for word but she basically said she needs to believe more in herself.
Would have had 60 if she hit the missed free throws and some bunnies.
Wished she had but had a great night.
She shot 87% from the field and ran up and down the court all night. Missed only three shots. Missed some bunnies, c'mon man! Generally free throws suffer when you're tired. She was pushed around inside and knock to the court numerous times. No calls on several shoves.

That young lady played hard last night and I'm proud of her. Love her smile.
Her improvement this year has been so impressive! She looks so much more comfortable than she did even a couple of months ago. 62% at the line isn't very good, of course, but she looks a lot smoother than she did at the start of the season.

Good for her!
To be fair, she was really slowed down due to an injury early in the year so getting healthy has helped as much as anything else. But there has certainly been improvement in technique and skill as well. Playing every game will do that.
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Hannah had an awesome game. But that PSU interior defense and transition defense was horrible. Dare I say Fran-like.

I really hope this will help her against tougher opponents going forward. Looking forward to the re-matches with Holmes and McMahon
They decided at halftime that they weren't gonna let Clark go off for 40 herself, and that left their interior defense on an island.

I'd have to see if they matched Owusu up on Stuelke much in that game, but it clearly didn't matter who they put on her, regardless. Not to mention that it's hard to guard a big in transition if you're not already back.
Her improvement this year has been so impressive! She looks so much more comfortable than she did even a couple of months ago. 62% at the line isn't very good, of course, but she looks a lot smoother than she did at the start of the season.

Good for her!
True but she was shooting 46% from the line last year, so itā€™s still a big improvement.
You mock, but there are legitimate russian trolls and some insufferable racists who inhabit the off topic board. But, there are also great discussions and information there. Having about 20 of them on ignore cleans up the threads you see and allows for enjoyable discourse.
Maryland game thread she was called mentally weak and a couple people posted she sucks.

There are some shitty folks in hereā€¦.as far as that goes, we all can be, but some donā€™t even get that they are. If Iā€™m being shitty, itā€™s pretty much on purpose šŸ˜³

And reserving that for players and really even anyone who isnā€™t here to respond is not only futile but shitty, if it happens over and overā€¦
Stuelke a great athlete. An observation. Stuelke appears to have lost some weight, a year on a good nutrition/weight room program has really evolved her athleticism. She is much quicker up-and-down the court than opponents. Absolutely great job of finishing at the rim; 17 of 20 from the field; 9 rebounds. It should get everybody's attention.
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Stuelke didnā€™t do it by herself last night boys. The best player in the nation saw what was happening and decided to share the loadā€¦ā€¦.16 assists in addition to a paltry 27 pointsā€¦..Glad to see Hanna step up big time on the offense. Nice offensive game by the Hawksā€¦,.,.,Penn State played them really physical all night. A couple of time Hanna hit the deck really hard from ā€œblocksā€ and screens she receivedā€¦PSU has a couple of inside gals that were really rough and the refs were looking the other way a lot.
Let me take a stab: I sure don't have a f*cking clue what the f*ck you are talking about every post f*ckface

I still don't have a clue what the f... you are taking about. English por favor.

Impressively close. Surely you must posses the ability to communicate more clearly šŸ˜‰
I've been critical about HS, mostly because she is trying to replace MC who replaced MG. That said, HS needs to go live in CC's hip pocket so she is on the same page as CC. HS is at times wholly unaware of what is going on around her and when CC fires a pass she TO's it.

Great game for HS last night. As someone posted she could have easily scored 60. Many of her FT opps could have been And 1's had she not bricked the layup. CC could have easily had 20 assists as well.