Supreme Court reverses CO

You. Were. Duped.


You won’t admit it.

Biden is infinitely bette than Trump. But take your loss of a woman being able to control her reproductive rights. And the selling out of US foreign policy to adverseries. And tax cuts to the wealthy. And destruction of environmental protections.

But. Yeah. They’re both the same, Goldy. Sleep well
It’s pathetic. Republican Trump voters are incapable of admitting they screwed up and screwed the rest of us.
They keep testing the barriers guarding our freedom, looking for weaknesses.
They’ve had some victories but SCOTUS is sort of a last bastion.
Unless by freedom you mean a woman and her uterus. That is state property thanks to the religious views of six unelected individuals.
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So you weren’t alive. Or you were a little kid.
I was alive and I watched those hearings. Our current POTUS embarrassed himself.

Anita Hill was probably well taken care of for doing what she did. Sort of like the mentally unstable woman who the Dems coaxed into giving ridiculous testimony about Kavanaugh.
And you accept unproven accusations because of your pre-determined beliefs.
Which are kinda racist.
You know who you could ask about this? Anita Hill. Her life is an open book, and it’s sad that you attack a woman for standing up for herself after so many posts here about the difficulties you’ve faced in life. Thomas is who we all thought he was. Hill’s story has never changed
You. Were. Duped.


You won’t admit it.

Biden is infinitely bette than Trump. But take your loss of a woman being able to control her reproductive rights. And the selling out of US foreign policy to adverseries. And tax cuts to the wealthy. And destruction of environmental protections.

But. Yeah. They’re both the same, Goldy. Sleep well
Holy hell, you went full libtard here.
So strange waking up this morning and “realizing” that it’s Super Tuesday and I have to go vote.
Who we talking about here? Lincoln? He died to make men “holy”? Bullshit.,Nothing could be further from the tryputh...and shit like this is why “history” needs to be taught in non-sectarian educational settings...and not in church!
Lincoln died because a traitor Confederate, an opponent of the spirit of the US Constitution, killed him. Lincoln fought to uphold the oathe of his office, to keep the Union together. Lincoln died because of his fight to allow ALL people, regardless of color to live freely within the United States without the fear/danger of involuntary servitude., There was nothing “holy” about Lincoln and the performance of his duty as President. Lincoln is famous because he did what he swore he would do when he took the Office of the Presidency. In fact Lincoln might have been one if the least “religious” Presidents this Country has ever had. He proved to all, that a “good man” does not have proclaim to all, “look at me...see how Christian I am?”
Who we talking about here? Lincoln? He died to make men “holy”? Bullshit.,Nothing could be further from the tryputh...and shit like this is why “history” needs to be taught in non-sectarian educational settings...and not in church!
Lincoln died because a traitor Confederate, an opponent of the spirit of the US Constitution, killed him. Lincoln fought to uphold the oathe of his office, to keep the Union together. Lincoln died because of his fight to allow ALL people, regardless of color to live freely within the United States without the fear/danger of involuntary servitude., There was nothing “holy” about Lincoln and the performance of his duty as President. Lincoln is famous because he did what he swore he would do when he took the Office of the Presidency. In fact Lincoln might have been one if the least “religious” Presidents this Country has ever had. He proved to all, that a “good man” does not have proclaim to all, “look at me...see how Christian I am?”
English, please?!
Who we talking about here? Lincoln? He died to make men “holy”? Bullshit.,Nothing could be further from the tryputh...and shit like this is why “history” needs to be taught in non-sectarian educational settings...and not in church!
Lincoln died because a traitor Confederate, an opponent of the spirit of the US Constitution, killed him. Lincoln fought to uphold the oathe of his office, to keep the Union together. Lincoln died because of his fight to allow ALL people, regardless of color to live freely within the United States without the fear/danger of involuntary servitude., There was nothing “holy” about Lincoln and the performance of his duty as President. Lincoln is famous because he did what he swore he would do when he took the Office of the Presidency. In fact Lincoln might have been one if the least “religious” Presidents this Country has ever had. He proved to all, that a “good man” does not have proclaim to all, “look at me...see how Christian I am?”
But he was extremely Christian, so there is that. I wonder if there really is something to Christians being more concerned for the fellow man than not?😇
But he was extremely Christian, so there is that. I wonder if there really is something to Christians being more concerned for the fellow man than not?😇
Where did you get that? He was a very moral and ethical fellow.....I beg to differ about him being deeply Christian. I hVe never read that...and I have read a lot of Lincoln stuff.

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