Supreme Court reverses CO

I’m a racist because Thomas sexually harassed Anita Hill and has accepted gifts from billionaires as he sits on the nation’s highest court?

So you weren’t alive. Or you were a little kid.
I was alive and I watched those hearings. Our current POTUS embarrassed himself.

Anita Hill was probably well taken care of for doing what she did. Sort of like the mentally unstable woman who the Dems coaxed into giving ridiculous testimony about Kavanaugh.
And you accept unproven accusations because of your pre-determined beliefs.
Which are kinda racist.
Right now, democrats are messing with democracy. Won’t be voting for Trump but trying to do what the blue states were trying is a slap in the face of democracy.

I still say Trump won’t win, but you guys are attempting to disinfranchise the voters that support him. Who are the dangerous ones.
Wow. Just wow. I didn't realize you were in the See, Hear, Speak No Evil category when discussing Republicans. You still think both sides are basically the same. We are NOT, for the hundredth time, in a both sides era of American History.

Women are having their rights taken away from them, but Democrats. Voter suppression laws by Republicans. But Democrats. Refusing to address the border because of an authoritarian conman says it will hurt him. But Democrats. The election was stolen. But Democrats. 1/6 wasn't an insurrection and the people who broke into the Capitol are political prisoners. But Democrats. Voting against funding for 9-11 responders and veterans. But Democrats. Trump making millions and his family making billions off of his presidency. But Democrats. If this is the way you think, and it really seems like it is because your posting history is basically, "But Democrats", then I think you need to look in the mirror and see who is actually mental.

I'm wide awake. You're not. Again, the most backwards radical right members of the board like your posts on here. That doesn't tell you anything?? What the actual hell, man?
Reading isn't your strong suit clearly. But you are conservative, so you have limited intelligence and capacity to comprehend the written word.

I said things wont get better until he is dead. They won't.

As for the 2nd part, if a president gets immunity, as your orange God is claiming, they could do exactly what I said.
Im fairly comfortable with my intelligence as it compares to most. I wont insult you by comparing mine to yours though.
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What? The idea that the voters get to decide? Damn that’s f’n radical, I know.
You mean like the 2020 election and all the BS your guy has put this country through since then? That kind of letting the voters decide??
So you weren’t alive. Or you were a little kid.
I was alive and I watched those hearings. Our current POTUS embarrassed himself.

Anita Hill was probably well taken care of for doing what she did. Sort of like the mentally unstable woman who the Dems coaxed into giving ridiculous testimony about Kavanaugh.
And you accept unproven accusations because of your pre-determined beliefs.
Which are kinda racist.

When you lack a cogent argument in support of your claims and throw out the “racist” thing, Goldy, it screams of intellectual shortcomings.

Such a stupid thing to say.

How about I throw it out that by not suppporting Anita Hill and her claims of sexual harassment, you’re not only a racist but a misogynist.

I was 20 years old in 1991 btw. Another silly red herring tossed out by you.
Wow. Just wow. I didn't realize you were in the See, Hear, Speak No Evil category when discussing Republicans. You still think both sides are basically the same. We are NOT, for the hundredth time, in a both sides era of American History.

Women are having their rights taken away from them, but Democrats. Voter suppression laws by Republicans. But Democrats. Refusing to address the border because of an authoritarian conman says it will hurt him. But Democrats. The election was stolen. But Democrats. 1/6 wasn't an insurrection and the people who broke into the Capitol are political prisoners. But Democrats. Voting against funding for 9-11 responders and veterans. But Democrats. Trump making millions and his family making billions off of his presidency. But Democrats. If this is the way you think, and it really seems like it is because your posting history is basically, "But Democrats", then I think you need to look in the mirror and see who is actually mental.

I'm wide awake. You're not. Again, the most backwards radical right members of the board like your posts on here. That doesn't tell you anything?? What the actual hell, man?
Aside from agreeing on most educational issues, I find you to be overly emotional, unencumbered by facts, and seldom held back by logic, reasoning, or even common sense.
Other than that, I’m sure you’re a good gym teacher.
BTW I have a cousin who’s a former gym teacher. Not a knock on you fellas.
Of course being from a fairly sharp (and politically savvy) bloodline he went on to become the Director of Athletics for the school system. 🤔

You again ignored my questions, and the. cited an article that conflicts with the transcript.

As a matter of fact, most people would say the Post misstated the transcript.

So here’s the transcript. Feel free to quote the sentence(s) where Hunter admits Joe is the “Big Guy” and that he actually received 10%.

Good luck cause it ain’t in there.

Olberman doesn't speak for me. He is nearly as nuts as Trump.

I knew this would be the decision. I'm somewhat fine with it.

But I find it deeply hypocritical for the Court saying it's rulings should lower the temperature not raise the temperatures.

Handing the responsibility back to Congress to determine fitness is a joke. Has there ever been a more wasteful institution than our current Congress? I think no.
You again ignored my questions, and the. cited an article that conflicts with the transcript.

As a matter of fact, most people would say the Post misstated the transcript.

So here’s the transcript. Feel free to quote the sentence(s) where Hunter admits Joe is the “Big Guy” and that he actually received 10%.

Good luck cause it ain’t in there.

Every right-wing source mislead with their titles. Really exhibits how dangerous Twitter is in the hands of the poorly educated.
What? The idea that the voters get to decide? Damn that’s f’n radical, I know.

Why did Amy Barret Whatever get pushed through instead of letting the voters decide by electing a President in 2021? Why did the GOP yell from the rooftops on Garland for the exact same hypocrisy BS they pulled with the most recent justice?
Aside from agreeing on most educational issues, I find you to be overly emotional, unencumbered by facts, and seldom held back by logic, reasoning, or even common sense.
Other than that, I’m sure you’re a good gym teacher.
BTW I have a cousin who’s a former gym teacher. Not a knock on you fellas.
Of course being from a fairly sharp (and politically savvy) bloodline he went on to become the Director of Athletics for the school system. 🤔
I find you to be overly emotional, unencumbered by facts, and seldom held back by logic, reasoning, or even common sense.

This is self I have told you for awhile now. You voted for a conman, twice, but you say I lack logic and common sense. Unbelievable.

I will give you that occasionally I am emotional but that's because I care about my job and my country...and both are under attack from people you support. Prove me wrong.
Olberman doesn't speak for me. He is nearly as nuts as Trump.

I knew this would be the decision. I'm somewhat fine with it.

But I find it deeply hypocritical for the Court saying it's rulings should lower the temperature not raise the temperatures.

Handing the responsibility back to Congress to determine fitness is a joke. Has there ever been a more wasteful institution than our current Congress? I think no.

Did bro pee on his own face??
Now Trump can lose fair and square. There is no negative to this outcome. Any thinking American sees that, and fortunately there are 9 thinking Americans serving in the SCOTUS.

Ds and Rs should be thrilled with this outcome.

Onto their next attempted subversion of democracy
Sure doesn't seem like they want to risk Trump losing "fair and square" does it? Wonder why that is?
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So you weren’t alive. Or you were a little kid.
I was alive and I watched those hearings. Our current POTUS embarrassed himself.

Anita Hill was probably well taken care of for doing what she did. Sort of like the mentally unstable woman who the Dems coaxed into giving ridiculous testimony about Kavanaugh.
And you accept unproven accusations because of your pre-determined beliefs.
Which are kinda racist.
I love the re-writing of history. I watched them also as an adult. Biden was out of line on what he did and made an ass of himself.
When you lack a cogent argument in support of your claims and throw out the “racist” thing, Goldy, it screams of intellectual shortcomings.

Such a stupid thing to say.

How about I throw it out that by not suppporting Anita Hill and her claims of sexual harassment, you’re not only a racist but a misogynist.

I was 20 years old in 1991 btw. Another silly red herring tossed out by you.
You know how often racism IS thrown out there by people who actually don’t have an argument? Let’s ask Fani Willis, shall we?

If you were 20 I stand by my argument that you were still a college age kid more interested in getting laid and drinking beer.
The hearing room was full of racism pulled by the likes of Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden who tried to use it because they had nothing else. I mean we all know black men are sexual cretins right? Thomas completely dismantled those disgraceful white men (who weren’t from the South BTW)
I support women who are truly victims of harassment and that would include those who have their legit claims cheapened by women with an altogether different agenda. As a woman I’ve seen it and can smell BS as a result.
Misogynist? I’ve seen and experienced misogyny first hand. I’ll venture you have not.
The following HROTers laughed at the above statement on January 5, 2024.

More humble pie.

@TC Nole OX
@Menace Sockeyes

They can't do that. They're too heavily invested at this point.
You’re losers and morons who worship a loser, moron, narcissist who never once won the popular vote and melted down into coup Dumb’tat of fellow con inbreds when he got his ass spanked out of office. Congrats on your one W in life today! 😂
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You’re losers and morons who worship a loser, moron, narcissist who never once won the popular vote and melted down into coup Dumb’tat of fellow con inbreds when he got his ass spanked out of office. Congrats on your one W in life today! 😂
Bro, you're so triggered right now you've become unhinged. I just said I don't want trump in politics for the 1,000th time on this forum and you people still try and claim I worship the ground he walks on. You need to take a breath and calm down my guy.

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